Most of you know that we in West Milford are a very small operation run by an all-volunteer staff. As you might expect, we also have a very small budget. As a result, we truly count every penny. When JAG announced a dues increase this year several of our TV Commission member questioned whether we should continue our membership. I’m happy to report that we have decided to re-up for 2025, and that’s what this article is really all about—the advantages of JAG membership and how we in West Milford have grown to depend on it.
I know that the membership committee and our President, Bob Duthaler have often touted the advantages of JAG membership in this newsletter, so you all my have hear this before, but I think it’s worth discussing again. When considering whether to rejoin JAG, the TV Commission Chairman, Bob Nicholson (a gentleman many of you know) asked me to make a presentation to the commissioners on the benefits of JAG membership. Coincidentally, the mayor had requested a chance to speak to our committee and she was schedule to speak at the same meeting.
This was the first time any West Milford Mayor had requested to speak at one our meetings so it was a big deal. The mayor is aware of JAG and always comes by our booth at the NJ League of Municipalities Conference, but I was surprised that she wanted me to do my presentation before she spoke to the commissioners.
I began by suggesting that our relationship with JAG had changed over the years. Twelve years ago when the township decided to create a municipal channel, JAG was instrumental in helping the committee put together policies and procedures, and an equipment list. Then they gave us the support we needed to get the channel on the air. Now that we have been broadcasting for over 10 years, our relationship with JAG has changed, but it is none-the-less important to the day-to-day operation of the station.
First, I mentioned the cloud-based server that allows us to access programming from other PEG and community access channels across the nation. This allows us to supplement our locally-generated content with programming that appeals to a broad group of citizens from children to seniors. This allows us to take a hyperlocal channel with government programming and turn it into a general interest channel with wide appeal.
In addition, since many of us who work on the channel are retired, our day-to-day experience with television technology has changed. We need the insights that JAG and its organizational members provide to guide us through changes in production technology (that seem to come every month) and what we might consider for our next purchase to make our station look more professional and run more smoothy.
Next, I mentioned all the information we get from our Washington partners (NATOA and ACM) that keeps us aware of changes in legislation that might affect our operation. For example, we keep track of legislation that mandates that we add captions to our public meeting. Perhaps more importantly, JAG helps us monitor the legislative initiatives that might affect the funding we all get from our cable franchisee.
At this point, I was continuing on my laundry list of other benefits (which, incidentally are all available on our website), when the mayor stopped me and said, “Okay, okay, don’t over sell. I’m convinced! Do you want me to pay for the membership?”
Those words represent quite a turnaround from an elected official who normally is looking to cut anywhere she can. It reaffirmed the towns commitment to the station and made us all feel appreciated in a way that had never really been expressed by a mayor before.
The reality was that the mayor didn’t really have to pay for the membership, we just had to allocate an additional $50 from our budget which, I am happy to report, was unanimously approved by the commissioners. I guess the point of this article/parable is that we all need to remember how important JAG is to all of us.
We also need to keep in mind that the organization can only be as good as its members. Get involved, volunteer for committees, make you needs known. The JAG Community is here to help. With hard work and some help from your friends, you too can impress your mayor by giving them programming they can’t live without. Thanks for indulging me in this little soap opera, but if it weren’t for JAG, WM77 would look a lot different and not for the better.
If you don’t know me, I’m John C. Morley, a serial entrepreneur, engineer, video producer, and certified journalist. I’m excited to introduce my new monthly feature: Tech Trends Unplugged
In today’s digital age, connectivity and communication are essential for the vitality of municipalities. Oakland, NJ, is taking significant strides to establish a robust standard for future growth while reducing costs. In this article, I’ll explore how, why, and specific locations where Oakland has unleashed this innovative flexibility. Additionally, I’ll explore the unique advantages that give Oakland the edge to accomplish this ambitious undertaking.
No great ballpark—now referred to as a stadium—has ever come to fruition without countless hours of planning, engineering, and fundraising initiated well in advance. Crucially, these projects also require a dedicated team of individuals who not only grasp the intricacies of the endeavor, but are also committed to delivering the best possible outcome at the lowest achievable cost without compromising on quality.
Like many successful projects, Oakland, NJ’s project journey started early in the late teens to give it a head start that would ultimately benefit the borough. The town’s foresight was spearheaded by Councilman Eric Kulmala, who brought a unique combination of insight and technical expertise. After over a decade of experience in telecommunications and broadcast engineering at Verizon, Kulmala developed a deep understanding of the significance of owning and deploying infrastructure to achieve cost savings.
His early planning and strategic decisions positioned the borough for future growth and economic benefits. Since transitioning to the role of Mayor, Kulmala has worked diligently to ensure that the town’s initial investments continue to yield positive results, fostering an environment conducive to sustainable development and community prosperity. Mayor Kulmala’s leadership has maintained the momentum of those early efforts and introduced innovative initiatives to enhance the success of the Borough of Oakland, NJ.
Mayor Kulmala’s background helped him understand the benefits of installing a fiber infrastructure and how to reduce costs. If your town or borough lacks knowledgeable individuals in this field, don’t let that be a showstopper. Seek experts who can assist you—the cost savings will show a significant ROI within a few years.
About ten years ago, Councilman Kulmala foresaw the potential for future infrastructure improvements when he noticed that the Oakland Recreation Field was digging trenches for new lighting. Recognizing that a significant portion of the investment outlay is in trenching and conduit, they decided to also lay conduit for a future fiber installation, which was later approved by the governing body.
Oakland Borough completed the fiber installation project around the fall of 2024. This initiative stemmed from a recommendation made by Mayor Kulmala in 2022, who urged the council to secure funding to start installing their fiber infrastructure. Recently, they began using the conduits laid years earlier, with plans to connect various municipal buildings, including the Municipal Hall, Library, Department of Public Works (DPW), Police Department, Senior Center, and First Aid Squad.
Even though I have shared why, when, and where Oakland is deploying this cost-effective infrastructure, you may wonder why your town should consider doing the same. First, having fiber connectivity allows for direct network linking of any municipal buildings or resources. This results in significant savings by eliminating the need for separate payments for each building or venue’s internet, phone, and cable utilities.
Additionally, this connectivity facilitates the integration of essential systems directly to many buildings (including within the police station), such as phone services, IP cameras, security systems, and monitoring systems (for pumps, etc). It also enables the installation of broadcast cameras for local access TV stations, which enhances community engagement and improves communications.
Bergen County and many other locations offer programs that allow towns to purchase internet services, helping them cut costs on connectivity. With a simple purchase order (PO), municipalities can secure internet access for essential services, including fire departments, police stations, and other critical operations.
Lastly, I’d like to address how to get started. It’s crucial to stay informed about upcoming construction projects on your town or borough’s property, such as new lighting installations or other initiatives. You can issue a change order to install conduits for fiber, even if you don’t immediately install or activate the fiber. The key is to future-proof your town, enabling growth and potential cost savings when you’re ready.
If you have any further questions about this technology, please don’t hesitate to contact me. As an engineer with expertise in LANs, WANs, and data center implementations, I am currently working on lighting up a business complex to enable fiber access for one of our clients. Fiber is a reliable alternative to cable, which many residents find unsatisfactory, and the potential savings are significant. I encourage you to remain open to this idea. It could be precisely what your town needs to save money.
by Jesse Lerman, President/CEO, TelVue & Denise Rolfe, Director, Community Broadcasting Sales
It’s a new year. TelVue continues to be excited about our long-time partnership with JAG as we integrate the latest technologies to help you save time, expand your audience, increase accessibility, and generate new sources of revenue. Two letters have revolutionized the way we think now about technology: AI (artificial intelligence).
TelVue previously integrated AI into its broadcast products for automatic captioning and translation. Now we’re leveraging AI for meeting summaries and agenda generation to save time on transcript reviews and manual metadata entry. This allows faster meeting prep and streamlined communication. Agendas are displayed as chapters in your video library and are fully searchable along with the captioning—so your viewers can quickly find and watch specific topics of interest across your government meetings.
TelVue’s accurate and affordable SmartCaption automatic captioning service makes live and on-demand programming accessible to hearing impaired and multi-language audiences. Captions improve viewing in noisy environments or with muted audio. SmartCaption and CloudCast help you achieve Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) compliance for your website and apps which is crucial for government compliance. AI is quickly progressing to be able to generate audio description tracks for further accessibility compliance.
Automatic Government Meeting Agenda Generation & Summarization
Social media is vital for community channels, fostering real-time audience engagement and expanded reach (especially among younger audiences) while providing powerful promotional tools beyond traditional TV. Engaging directly with viewers also offers insights to tailor content and increase viral potential. The HyperCaster already automates live programming distribution to platforms like YouTube and Facebook Live, and now we’re adding automatic video files exporting to YouTube playlists. Our InfoVue Community Bulletin Board simplifies integrating social media feeds into your custom screens. For ready-made screens, the Screenfeed Social Apps package supports Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and LinkedIn with moderation options to approve posts before they air.
TelVue Social Media Integration
HyperCaster V8.6 supports motion logos and backgrounds to enhance on-air graphics and branding. Upload motion graphics as bugs (motion logos) or backgrounds for tickers, snipes, clocks, and program guides to draw more attention to your channels through creative, dynamic branding.
NDI is a high-quality, low-latency protocol designed for live production. HyperCaster AIO models now offer NDI output as a new license option to expand output formats along with SDI, Transport Stream, RTMP, and HLS. While the HyperCaster AIO has long supported NDI input for live and recordings, NDI output adds utility for channel monitoring and NDI-centric workflows.
TelVue also launched an affordable, enterprise-grade cloud storage service for secure video archiving. This expands HyperCaster’s integration beyond NAS and Workflow rules allow automatic archive and retrieval of content to the cloud. It includes a browser-based interface for managing users, files, and folders. TelVue Cloud Storage eliminates the complexities of servers, hard drives, RAID, and backups, which results in a reliable, long-term archiving solution for municipalities and organizations preserving historical programming.
New TelVue Cloud Storage Service for Secure Archiving
The TelVue CloudCast Paywall option empowers JAG stations to generate new revenue with flexible subscription and pay-per-view models (ideal for sports programming). Initially launched for websites, we are now extending Paywall to OTT and mobile apps for a seamless, TV-everywhere experience—purchase once, watch anywhere. CloudCast Paywall supports 24×7 live channels, live event-only, and VOD programming. It has nDVR for rewinding within live events, cloud recording, and live-to-VOD.
CloudCast Video Ads enable JAG stations to monetize live and VOD streams with pre-/mid-/post-roll ads, creating new platform revenue opportunities through local business advertising partnerships.
Generate Revenue with Paywall & Video Ads
OTT and streaming have driven the rise of free ad-supported streaming television (FAST) channels. TelVue now offers cloud channels for FAST, with advanced automation features that can benefit community media stations too. Tools like program segmentation, bumpers, and trailers help fill schedules to standard durations (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 hour) with promos and sponsorship spots to create a more consistent viewer experience.
We look forward to seeing you, presenting these latest developments, and getting your valuable feedback for our roadmap at the next JAG meeting, Feb. 26, 2025 at Bloomfield TV!
As we thought, February has become an active month for us and the news from the nation’s Capital is going full speed ahead. And something we were worrying about is being brought up once again in the House of Representatives.
From the ACM:
H.R. 278, “The Broadband Leadership Act” was introduced. This bill specifically puts forward a shot clock for all wireless and telecommunications siting in the United States. It puts forward deemed granted procedures if local governments or state governments don’t respond to requests for wireless or telecommunications siting. It formalizes what is essentially no oversight, or extremely light oversight for local governments to use for telecommunications.
One thing that’s curious about the bill is that it basically wants to eliminate the review process for telecommunications siting on structures. This may be part of a package of other bills that could come forward to committee in the House, similar to what we saw in the last legislative sessions. So we might see something like H.R. 3557 coming forward soon.
From Best, Best & Krieger:
Tillman L. Lay, a partner in the law offices of Best, Best & Krieger, did a quick read of this bill and said the following about it. “It is a son-of-HR 3557, but unlike HR 3557, it is directed only at a rewrite of Section 253. And it’s a killer.”. Here are some parts of the bill that he pulled out:
A new affirmative, anti-discrimination prohibition (as opposed to non-discrimination being a safe harbor under the current 253(c))
Discrimination definition is expanded beyond discrimination among telecom providers or services to reach discrimination against telecom facilities vis-à-vis other facilities
Adds a statutory shot clock and a statutory deemed-granted remedy
Locality’s written decision must be issued on the same day the decision is made
44 (and only the incremental costs attributable to the specific telecom facilities at issue, meaning telecom makes no contribution to the joint & common costs of the ROW)
Defines “eligible support infrastructure” to include any “infrastructure .. that is … capable of supporting or housing [a telecommunications service] facility”
Defines “telecommunications service facility” to include “a facility [designed or used to provide or facilitate the provision of any … telecommunications service] used to provide other [i.e., non-telecom] services.”
Furthermore from Gerry Lederer, Partner, Best, Best & Krieger:
Please click on the link above to read more about this issue.
On January 28th: the Federal Communications Bar Association’s (FCBA-The Tech Bar) Diversity Committee hosted a panel on “Diversity in the Telecom Sector: Where Do We Go from Here?” Advocates for racial diversity and equity in the telecommunications industry expressed shock and confusion about how to reconcile recent orders with longstanding practice and law.
Clint Odom, Vice President of Strategic Alliances and External Affairs at T-Mobile, emphasized that DEI principles aren’t just modern buzzwords, but were deeply rooted in Constitutional Amendments—including the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments—and reinforced by law. “It’s enshrined in the statute,” Odom emphasized, referring to the Communications Act, “We can’t read it out of existence—it is there. “The Communications Act requires that telecommunications services be made available “so far as possible, to all people of the United States, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.”
Panelists said that The Telecommunications Act of 1996 reaffirmed principles of equity by emphasizing universal access to telecommunications services. And the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 explicitly prohibited digital discrimination—based on income, race, ethnicity, or geography—in the rollout of broadband infrastructure.
“The source of local franchising authority arises from a number of sources including, but not limited to, state law, state constitutions, municipal charters, and state common law, including state statutory and common law recognition of local authority to manage the public rights-of-way. Local franchising is a sovereign power that resides in the states and is not derived from federal law, including the Communications Act.”
This article is in the current edition of Municipal Lawyer, the JOURNAL of LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAW of the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA).
Mike also reminded us about the following:
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENTITIES: A Small Entity Compliance Guide:
On April 24, 2024, the Federal Register1 published the Department of Justice’s (Department) final rule updating its regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The final rule has specific requirements about how to make sure that web content and mobile applications (apps) are accessible to people with disabilities.
JAG (Jersey Access Group) is an organization that advocates, promotes, and preserves the right to media production, distribution, civic engagement, and education in support of diverse community voices, through Public, Educational and Government access facilities and other forms of media.
The Jersey Access Group (JAG) is celebrating a significant milestone in 2025 – its 25th anniversary. For two and a half decades, JAG has served as a vital organization dedicated to advancing community media, local access television, and the vital work of cable access stations across New Jersey. As technology and media consumption continue to evolve, JAG remains a pillar in ensuring that communities stay connected, informed, and empowered through local access television. This year’s anniversary marks not only a time of reflection but also an opportunity to look forward to the future of local media.
To commemorate this remarkable achievement, JAG is hosting its Annual Conference: A Technology Forum and Production/Management Symposium on May 14th and 15th, 2025, at the Crowne Plaza in Edison, NJ. This event is particularly important, as it provides members with an opportunity to gather, learn, and exchange ideas while focusing on the latest developments in media technology. The conference will feature a diverse range of topics, from cutting-edge broadcasting tools to innovative solutions that support the growth of local media.
The Technology Forum on the first day is an invaluable opportunity for attendees to explore the newest tools and equipment available to improve their operations. Whether it’s new broadcasting software, production equipment, or emerging technologies that promise to revolutionize the local media landscape, the showcase offers a firsthand look at the future of technology in the industry. For those who want to stay competitive and keep their stations up to date with industry advancements, this event is essential.
Meanwhile on the second day, the Production/Management Symposium will provide an in-depth focus on the operation of local access TV stations. The symposium’s sessions are tailored to professionals who are responsible for the managing of local access channels, offering practical solutions, case studies, and workshops that cover everything from budgeting to staffing requirements. It’s a perfect opportunity for managers to refine their skills and learn new techniques to better run their stations and improve their service to the community.
Attending this event is also an excellent chance for JAG members to network with industry peers, exchange best practices, and foster partnerships that will drive innovation in local access television. The symposium’s networking opportunities are invaluable, offering a platform to build relationships with vendors, professionals, and thought leaders who share a passion for the future of local media. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing are at the heart of this event, making it a must-attend for anyone involved in community media.
In addition to the professional development opportunities, JAG’s Annual Conference will also provide members with the chance to celebrate the organization’s 25-year legacy. It’s a time to honor the contributions of past and present members and to recognize the hard work that has gone into making JAG a cornerstone of New Jersey’s local media landscape. The anniversary celebrations will include reflections on past achievements, as well as a look toward the future, highlighting the continued importance of JAG in empowering communities through access to media.
For JAG members, attending this conference is a unique opportunity to gain insights that will directly benefit their stations and communities. The conference covers a wide range of topics that are crucial for staying current with the technological advancements impacting the local media space. Whether you are looking to streamline station operations, explore new technologies, or connect with like-minded professionals, this event has something for everyone. To ensure you don’t miss out on this exciting event, visit the official JAG Conference website at to learn more and register. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran of the industry or new to local media, this conference is an essential part of continuing the work of building strong, connected communities through local access television. Don’t miss the chance to be part of JAG’s 25th anniversary celebration and contribute to the future of local media!
by Julie Gallanty, Chief Executive Officer of the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance
Supporting young people today, creates a stronger, more vibrant tomorrow At the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance, our mission is simple yet powerful: to strengthen our communities by bringing people together to improve lives and inspire positive change. We lead a coalition of 30 independent YMCAs associations to advocate for the funding, programs, and resources that allow local Ys across the state to thrive. Through our collective efforts, we can amplify our impact, ensuring that communities throughout New Jersey have access to services that foster youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
One of the Alliance’s key priorities is nurturing the potential of young people by providing them with opportunities to grow as engaged citizens and future leaders. Our Youth and Government (YAG) program is a prime example of how we bring this commitment to life through hands-on experiential learning. YAG is a civic engagement initiative designed to inspire and equip high school and middle school students with the tools they need to understand and participate in the democratic process. Each year, students take on the roles of elected officials, judges, lobbyists, journalists, and more as they come together to debate and pass mock legislation.
The experience cultivates essential skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, and collaboration. Beyond that, it empowers young people to find their voice and recognize their capacity to effect change in their communities. This program is transformative, but access has not always been equitable. That is why I am especially proud to share that the Alliance secured funding in the state budget to expand YAG. Thanks to this support, we can ensure that more students from underserved communities have the opportunity to participate in this enriching experience.
In addition to funding for YAG, we successfully advocated for continued support of our Safety Around Water program, which teaches critical water safety and swimming skills to children and people of all ages. This program addresses a serious public health issue—drowning remains one of the leading causes of death for children. By equipping young people with lifesaving skills, we help protect them and foster confidence both in and out of the water.
Students from across the New Jersey are preparing for this year’s YAG pre-legislation conference: March 23, 2025 at Rider University and the main conference April 25–27, 2025 at the East Brunswick Hilton. We expect up to 425 student participants—each bringing unique perspectives and a shared dedication to public service. The main conference is a culminating event where students put months of preparation into action, presenting their ideas, debating policy, and building lifelong connections.
We are also excited to welcome our new Youth Engagement Director, Jessica Mulkey, who will oversee and strengthen this statewide initiative. Her leadership will be instrumental in expanding the reach of YAG and other civic programs that encourage young people to take an active role in shaping the future of their communities.
At the Y, we believe that when we support young people today, we create a stronger, more vibrant tomorrow. But we cannot do this work alone. We invite members of the Jersey Access Group to join us in raising awareness of the invaluable role local YMCAs play in strengthening communities. Your ability to connect with your audiences through local programming and outreach is a vital tool in amplifying our message and extending our reach.
There are many ways you can support our efforts. By advocating for your local YMCA and our statewide programs, you help secure the partnerships and funding needed to sustain our work. We also encourage you to explore volunteer opportunities at your local Y. Whether serving as a mentor, assisting with programs, or sharing your expertise, your involvement can have a profound impact on the lives of others. Together, we can empower young people to lead with integrity, inspire healthy lifestyles, and foster strong, resilient communities. Thank you for your partnership in this important mission.
For more information about the YMCA or to learn how you can get involved, please visit our website at, or reach out to your local YMCA. Our new Youth Engagement Director Jessica is also happy to answer any questions about the upcoming YAG pre-legislation conference and main conference (registration for both begins Jan. 20.) She can be reached at
Let’s work together to ensure every young person in New Jersey has the chance to thrive and realize their full potential.
To be honest, this is written with help from Chat GPT 4.0
Friends and colleagues, two years ago a famous producer and director, Luis Santos from Argentina, told me that artificial intelligence (AI) in video production is not going to make video people obsolete, but those that don’t embrace AI, will become obsolete. At first, I fought hard against using AI. I still avoid being lazy and letting AI make all the creative decisions for me. But, similar to how a word processor with dictionary and grammar check made the typewriter a tool of the past, AI is like a smart assistant that doesn’t know all the answers, but can help in many ways.
At Newark TV, our mission is to serve New Jersey’s largest city by providing the community with local news, public service announcements (PSAs), education, and government information. As a PEG station, we operate on a tight budget and every decision we make must count. So, when AI became a viable option for streamlining our operations, we didn’t hesitate to dive in. From creating PSAs to managing budgets and even coming up with new content ideas, AI has been a time-saver. As the station manager, I’ve seen firsthand how tools like ChatGPT and other AI-powered platforms have transformed the way we work. These tools are somewhat affordable, easy to use, and incredibly powerful—helping us produce content faster and more efficiently without sacrificing quality. But while they’re useful, I also know that AI is still evolving, so we always double-check the work to ensure it’s accurate. Here’s a look at how AI is helping Newark TV get things done.
AI for Writing PSAs: Speed, Simplicity, and Impact
One of the main functions of Newark TV is creating PSAs that keep our residents informed about local events, public health, safety, and citywide initiatives. Writing these announcements used to be a long process that involved multiple drafts, reviews, and reworking the message to get it just right. But since we started using AI, particularly ChatGPT, things have moved much faster.
Let’s say we need to write a PSA about a local vaccination clinic or a change in trash pickup schedules. Instead of starting from scratch, we can input some basic info into ChatGPT, and it generates a draft in minutes. Of course, we still review it, tweak the tone, and make sure the message is clear and concise, but the bulk of the work is done. And the best part is we can easily generate different versions of the same message to see which one resonates best with our audience.
We’ve even used AI to help us come up with fresh ideas for PSAs. Sometimes we hit a creative wall, but with ChatGPT, we can throw in a few keywords related to community events or public health and get a variety of angles we can work with. It’s like having a brainstorming partner who’s available 24/7.
Brainstorming Content Ideas: AI Sparks Creativity
One of the trickiest parts of working in local TV is coming up with new content ideas. What will grab the audience’s attention? What are people talking about? At Newark TV, we’re always looking for ways to make our programming fresh and relevant. That’s where AI has also been helpful.
For example, we often need to develop content around local issues like education, community outreach, or city government. Using ChatGPT, we can input general topics (like “Newark schools” or “local arts initiatives”) and get a list of show ideas and story angles in seconds. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking AI for a few ideas, then it gives us prompts that we would never have thought of on our own.
We also use AI for research. Let’s say we’re working on a segment about local housing issues. Instead of spending hours researching, we can ask AI to summarize articles, pull up statistics, and even suggest interview questions based on what’s trending. It doesn’t replace the hard work of real investigative journalism, but it helps speed up the research process and gives us a strong foundation to build on.
Streamlining Budgets: AI Keeps Us on Track
Running a PEG station means managing tight budgets, and every penny counts. AI is making it easier to track expenses and allocate resources efficiently. We’ve been using AI-powered tools for everything from calculating production costs to forecasting upcoming expenses. For instance, AI helps us figure out where we can cut costs without affecting the quality of our content. It looks at things like equipment use and staffing levels then it offers suggestions for improvement. This has been especially useful for ensuring we stay within budget without sacrificing production quality.
AI also helps with scheduling and resource management. We track how long it typically takes to produce different types of shows or PSAs. AI uses that data to recommend more efficient workflows. It’s like having an assistant who always knows the best way to prioritize projects to maximize our time and resources.
Improving Accessibility: AI-Driven Captioning
Another area where AI has been indispensable is accessibility. PEG Stations are committed to making our content accessible to all, including those with hearing impairments. AI-driven captioning tools have been a huge help in ensuring that edited programs are fully captioned. These tools have come a long way, and while they’re not perfect, they’re a significant improvement over manual captioning, which could take hours.
The heart of AI captioning is the software that transcribes and synchronizes the audio with the video. AI-driven captioning tools typically use speech recognition models to transcribe dialogue and sync it with the visual feed in real time or post-production.
Some popular AI captioning software solutions for PEG TV stations include:
• Rev: Rev is an AI-powered transcription service that offers automated captioning and human-edited captions for greater accuracy. The platform supports both live captions and captions for recorded content. It’s ideal for PEG TV stations looking to serve a variety of content types. Rev provides affordable options for smaller stations and allows for quick integration with video production software. • Descript: Descript is a powerful tool that not only offers transcription, but also lets you edit video by editing the transcript. It’s useful for creating captions for pre-recorded content. Descript’s AI-driven platform can also help with real-time captions when integrated with live streaming platforms. • is known for its speech-to-text capabilities and can provide real-time captions for live broadcasts. This platform is popular for its accuracy and ease of use It allows users to quickly edit transcriptions and captions. It’s a good solution for stations with limited resources that want an affordable, reliable AI-powered captioning option. • Enco: Enco is a highly regarded AI-powered captioning solution designed specifically for broadcast and live TV environments. Enco’s EnCaption system uses automatic speech recognition (ASR) to generate real-time captions for live broadcasts. It’s especially popular among PEG stations due to its reliable, real-time captioning capabilities and cost-effective solutions. Enco also integrates seamlessly with broadcast equipment and supports caption embedding for TV signals. Its EnCaption4 system offers cloud-based captioning that enables flexibility and scalability for stations with varying needs. Enco’s solutions are noted for high accuracy. It also offers features like multilingual captioning, which is essential in diverse communities. • StreamText: For live broadcasts, StreamText is a leading solutions that provides real-time captioning. It is widely used by broadcast stations to ensure accessibility for live streaming, including government meetings and public service events. The system integrates with live video feeds and provides accurate captions in real time. • AI-Media: AI-Media provides both real-time captioning for live content and post-production captioning services. It’s designed for broadcast, streaming, and on-demand content. This makes it a solid option for PEG stations with high-volume live programming. AI-Media is particularly useful in local government and educational settings where real-time communication is crucial.
AI for Video Production: Enhancing the Creative Process
In addition to ChatGPT, we’ve also embraced other AI tools that have helped us streamline video production, automate tasks, and enhance our creativity. Here are a few examples:
Descript: Automatic Video Transcription and Editing. Descript is an interesting tool for simplifying video production. It uses AI to transcribe audio into text. This allows us to quickly edit video content by simply editing the transcript. Need to remove an awkward pause or an “um”? Just highlight the word in the transcript and delete it. Descript automatically cuts the corresponding section of video. It also features tools for overdubbing, which means if someone flubbed a line, we can type the corrected text and Descript will synthesize the voice to match the original speaker. This makes post-production much faster, saving us hours of editing time.
Pexels AI for Video Clips and Stock Footage. Sometimes, it’s hard to get the perfect footage for a story. AI tools like Pexels help solve that problem. Pexels’ AI-powered platform offers a vast library of free stock video footage, and the best part is that the AI engine can suggest clips based on the subject or mood we’re going for. If we’re working on a PSA about environmental awareness and need relevant B-roll, Pexels can help us find high-quality video clips that fit seamlessly into our story. Of course this is no substitute for your library of stock footage, but in a pinch, you got a fix.
Magisto: AI Video Editing Software. Magisto is another AI tool that simplifies the video editing process. With its smart editing features, it analyzes the footage we upload and automatically creates polished videos based on our preferred style. Whether we’re working on a community event highlight or a promotional video for an upcoming government meeting, Magisto saves time by trimming and arranging clips according to the style we select. It even adjusts the pacing and includes music to enhance the overall impact. While we still fine-tune the final product, Magisto does a lot of the heavy lifting.
Runway: AI-Powered Visual Effects. When we need to add visual effects to a project, Runway is an incredible tool that simplifies what used to be a labor-intensive process. Runway’s AI tools allow us to apply advanced visual effects, such as background removal or automatic color correction, with a few clicks. This has been particularly useful for interviews or on-location shoots where lighting conditions aren’t ideal. It saves us from having to use complex software like Adobe After Effects for every single edit and allows us to produce high-quality videos quickly.
The Importance of Human Oversight
While AI has been a huge asset, I want to stress that it’s not perfect. Like any technology, AI is still evolving, and sometimes it produces results that need to be tweaked or corrected. For example, while ChatGPT is great for drafting content, it’s not always spot-on with local references or the finer details. That’s why we always review and edit everything generated by AI before it goes live.
At Newark TV, we’ve learned to use AI as a tool to assist with efficiency, but we always apply a human touch when it comes to accuracy and relevance. Our team has decades of experience in local television, and we rely on our judgment to ensure the final product reflects our community’s needs and values.
With new AI tools being developed all the time, we’re always learning and adapting. We regularly test out new platforms to see what works best for us, but we never lose sight of the fact that technology is just a tool. The real value comes from how we use it to enhance the work we do for our community.
As the station manager, I’ve seen how AI has transformed the way we run Newark TV. From writing PSAs and brainstorming new content ideas to managing budgets and improving accessibility, AI is helping us operate more efficiently and serve our community better. But, we also understand that these tools aren’t foolproof.
While AI can help us work smarter, we always ensure that human oversight and local knowledge guide everything we produce. It’s the combination of cutting-edge technology and dedicated people that makes Newark TV thrive—and I’m excited to see how these tools will continue to evolve and enhance our programming in the years to come.
In December, we were given a lot to think about as the new administration took charge of our nation’s capital. One of the main focuses we had been following is where the FCC might be directing their attentions. The digital divide (BEAD), big tech scrutiny, national security (TikTok), DEI, and net neutrality, are tops on their list.
From The FCC
At the beginning of January, net neutrality rules began to take one of these directions. The Sixth Circuit overturned the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules. They found that commercial broadband providers cannot be regulated as telecommunications common carriers. They proclaimed that the FCC “lacks the statutory authority” to impose its net neutrality policies, which are designed to prevent slowing or blocking web traffic.
The appeals court further ruled that internet service providers offer only an “information service” under federal law, “and therefore, the FCC lacks the authority to impose its desired net-neutrality policies through the ‘telecommunications service provision of the Communications Act.”
FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel, in response to this decision, said lawmakers need to finally resolve the issue. The FCC has argued on how to classify broadband under federal law since the early 2000s. “Consumers across the country have told us again and again that they want an internet that is fast, open, and fair. It is clear that Congress now needs to take up the charge for net neutrality and put open internet principles into federal law.” The FCC will be unable to classify broadband providers under the act’s Title II, which covers telecommunications services like phone companies. Instead, they will remain as much more lightly regulated Title I information services.
Andrew Jay Schwartzman, who represented the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society and the Media Alliance as intervenors supporting the FCC, said the panel’s decision “misreads” the act and “deprives the FCC of the power to protect national security, ensure that competitive broadband suppliers can have access to necessary distribution outlets, and endangers wireless access programs for low-income consumers. This is bad for consumers, for businesses that rely on the internet, and for protecting broadband networks from intrusions by nation states.”
On December 31st, the FCC’s Report and Order adopted new rules requiring cable operators and DBS providers to report to the FCC any blackouts of TV stations on their systems that *last more than 24 hours and *are caused by an impasse in retransmission consent negotiations. This also creates a centralized, Commission-hosted database of basic blackout information that can increase the public’s transparency and insight into the frequency and duration of broadcast station blackouts.
Need for the Rules:
Blackouts are the unfortunate result of failed retransmission consent negotiations. We conclude that a reporting requirement is necessary to provide information that will enable the Commission to assess the functioning of the retransmission consent process, including the effects of blackouts on competition and consumers and inform Congress. At the outset, we note that the incidence of and number of subscribers affected by retransmission-consent-related blackouts appear to be increasing. As discussed in the NPRM, over the past decade and a half, anecdotal data suggests that the number of blackouts resulting from unsuccessful retransmission consent negotiations has increased dramatically, and the impact of each individual blackout has increased as more stations are taken off the air for longer periods of time.18 Even in recent years, as broadcast station group mergers and COVID-19- related delays have led to fewer retransmission consent agreements coming up for renewal in any given year, “the impact on subscribers has remained high.”19 S&P Capital IQ reports that “[retransmission consent] agreements impact more video subscribers than ever before, making blackouts a tough pill to swallow for those involved,” and that “[s]ports like NFL football are usually major contention points in negotiations, and many retrans deals are struck before NFL game days or even [before the Super Bowl].”20 For example, in 2023, the dispute Page 4 between Nexstar and DirecTV resulted in a blackout for millions of DirecTV subscribers of “more than 170 local stations across 120 metropolitan areas such as L.A., Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Denver.”21 DirecTV subscribers in markets with Nexstar owned broadcast stations (which includes stations airing ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, and CW network programming) lost access to those stations ’local and national broadcast programming for 76 days.22 The blackout ended “when the two sides agreed to terms just two weeks after the NFL season had begun.
From The ACM:
On January 6, 2025, The Free State Foundation published an article from one of their Adjunct Senior Fellows and former FCC Commissioner, Michael O’Rielly. It is titled “DOGE Shouldn’t’t Overlook the Outdated Video Regulations” DOGE is the new Department of Government Efficiency. Here are some excerpts from this worrisome article:
Comparing today’s video environment to its predecessor is like comparing space travel to a donkey ride. Consumers now have at their fingertips a vast array of video programming choices. Traditional programming includes hundreds upon hundreds of cable channels, over-the-air broadcasters with multiple sub-channels, and the addition of two more television networks. But this pales in comparison to the immeasurable video content available for streaming or downloading.
Part of the reason for the acceleration away from traditional video distribution models of cable or satellite is attributable to the government. Certainly, the ease of technology and Gen Z ’s viewing habits are major culprits, but old government burdens in law and regulation governed by my previous institution, the Federal Communications Commission, make it economically smart to ditch the “cable provider” morass. That ’s why DOGE should focus a target on burning most of this deadwood.
Despite any pushback by narrow constituencies, there can be no justification for keeping current burdens when providers can and should escape to new business models in response. And it would be ridiculous to impose these tedious and expensive burdens on new video offerings. Can anyone imagine policymakers arguing that the space-wasteful and unwatched public access programming must be included on YouTube or Meta’s Reels?
For those of you who are beginning to get agitated by this, the ACM continued by reminding us of three interesting facts about former Commissioner O’Rielly.
He was not renominated by Donald Trump. So it’s not like he’s favored by the Trump administration or by Trump himself.
He got in some trouble, specifically, in 2019 and 2020 for violating the Hatch Act by endorsing Trump during the course of an FCC proceeding.
He’s probably most well known in our field for being one of the key leaders of the 621 order itself that happened in 2019.
Time will tell if anything will ever come of this. But it pays for all of us to keep an eye out for future articles
JAG (Jersey Access Group) is an organization that advocates, promotes, and preserves the right to media production, distribution, civic engagement, and education in support of diverse community voices, through Public, Educational and Government access facilities and other forms of media.
As we step into the New Year, I want to take a moment to reflect on all we’ve accomplished together and to share my excitement for the opportunities ahead. 2025 holds great promise for each of us, and for our organization as a whole. With the fresh start that January brings, we find ourselves not only looking back with pride on our achievements, but also eagerly anticipating what we can achieve together in the months ahead. This year, we’re entering a new chapter for JAG—and it’s a chapter that depends on each of you.
New Year, New JAG
Every new year presents a chance to refresh, to reassess, and to set new goals. But this year, the change we are embarking on is even more profound. JAG is evolving—our programs are expanding, our members are growing, and our impact is deepening. We are excited to launch new initiatives, enhance the programs that already make a difference in the lives of our members, and create new spaces for collaboration, learning, and leadership.
One of the most exciting changes in 2025 is how we’re approaching the future of our community. We are introducing new ways for you to get involved, whether that’s through fresh leadership opportunities, mentoring programs, or committees focused on specific areas of impact. We want each member (whether you’ve been with JAG for years or are new to the community) to feel empowered to shape the direction of our organization.
This is a moment of transformation. With transformation comes shared responsibility. As we build on our successes and create new opportunities, we rely on the energy, ideas, and commitment of our membership. JAG has always been a place of innovation and passion, and I have no doubt that with your involvement, 2025 will be another year of growth, connection, and progress.
Need New Support
While the future looks bright, it is also clear that we cannot move forward without the active support of our members. Whether you’ve been with us for years or are just getting started, we need your involvement now more than ever. Our growth and the impact we have is directly tied to the strength of our community. That means each of you plays a pivotal role in shaping that impact. We are asking for new support across the board in several areas. First and foremost, we need you to help us grow. Our mission continues to expand. We need more hands, more ideas, and more voices at the table. The best way to do this is reaching out to those around you—colleagues, peers, and surrounding communities. Encourage them to join us, to become a part of something bigger than themselves, and to help us continue the work we’ve started.
But perhaps most importantly, we need your expertise and time. Volunteering is at the heart of what makes JAG a unique community. From sharing your insights at a roundtable discussion to mentoring a newer member, your knowledge and experience are invaluable. It’s through these small yet mighty contributions that we build a stronger, more resilient organization. And, these efforts don’t go unnoticed—every hour you contribute and every idea you share strengthens the fabric of the local access community.
Why Your Support Matters
You’ve seen firsthand the incredible work that JAG does. You know that when we come together, we accomplish great things—whether it’s advancing our advocacy initiatives, helping our members reach their goals, or building a stronger network of support. But this kind of impact isn’t something that happens by accident. It’s something we all create through our collective effort.
That’s why I’m asking each of you to think about how you can contribute to JAG’s continued success in 2025. This year, we are striving to achieve more: more members empowered to take on leadership roles, more partnerships that extend our reach, and more opportunities for us to drive change. To do that, we need more than just good intentions—we need active involvement. The success of JAG is not solely dependent on our leadership or our staff—it’s built by the entire membership. Your support (whatever form it takes) is essential.
Looking Ahead: A Year of Bold Action and Impact
The good news is that we are already on a strong path, and as we move forward, I know we will accomplish even greater things together. This year is an opportunity for each of us to contribute in meaningful ways, whether that’s through volunteering, financially supporting JAG, or lending your voice to new projects. Together, we will move forward with purpose, direction, and passion.
In closing, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you who have already given so much to JAG—whether through your time, your energy, or your support. You are the reason why we are here today and you are the key to ensuring that JAG continues to grow, evolve, and thrive. If you’re ready to get involved in a bigger way this year, reach out to us—we’d love to find new ways for you to contribute and engage. Let’s make 2025 a year of bold action, collaboration, and impact. Together, we can strengthen our community, support each other’s growth, and continue to push the boundaries of what we can achieve.
Wishing you all a year filled with growth, purpose, and success. Thank you for being an essential part of the JAG family and local access television!
My journey began with Corel Video Producer when I started editing videos years ago. While it gave me a foundation to experiment and create, it lacked the polish and power of professional-grade software. Later, I tried Adobe Premiere Pro, but the monthly subscription fees didn’t sit well with me. Frustrated and looking for better options, I contacted friends in the film industry. That’s when they introduced me to DaVinci Resolve—and I haven’t looked back since.
The Free Version That Amazes
The moment I downloaded DaVinci Resolve’s free version, I was blown away by how robust and feature-rich it was, all at no cost. Transitioning from Corel Video Producer was surprisingly seamless, and I’ve relied on it ever since. Over time, I upgraded to DaVinci Resolve Studio, but even the free version is a powerhouse packed with tools like professional color grading, seamless editing capabilities, and high-quality exports.
One feature I particularly love is Fairlight Audio, an advanced audio editing tool built into DaVinci Resolve. It’s simple yet powerful—with just a few clicks, you can transform a mono track into a stereo track. Features like this make Resolve stand out as an all-in-one solution for video editing.
Why Upgrade to Studio?
For those looking to take their editing to the next level, DaVinci Resolve Studio is a one-time purchase that unlocks a treasure trove of advanced features, including:
Extensive Color Grading: Enjoy HDR support, luma, HSL, and 3D keyers for intricate color adjustments.
High-Resolution Exports: Export up to 32K and 120 fps, perfect for professional productions.
AI-Powered Tools: The DaVinci Neural Engine brings facial recognition, advanced noise reduction, and automatic object tracking.
Collaborative Editing: Edit simultaneously with teammates using features like timeline locking to prevent workflow conflicts.
Multi-GPU Support: Speed up rendering and playback by tapping into multiple GPUs.
The Power of Fusion
One of my favorite features of DaVinci Resolve is Fusion, its node-based visual effects and motion graphics workspace. Unlike Adobe’s layer-based system, Fusion uses nodes to represent project elements, offering unmatched flexibility and control. While it might feel unfamiliar at first, the creative possibilities are worth the learning curve.
Here’s an example: creating a title in a box using Fusion involves:
Adding a Background Node to set the color or gradient.
Using a Rectangle Mask to define the shape.
Adding a Text Tool to insert your title.
Connecting and merging these components with MediaIn and MediaOut nodes.
Once you get the hang of it, Fusion opens a world of possibilities, from dynamic animations to custom effects.
Why DaVinci Resolve Stands Out
Unlike Adobe Premiere Pro, which often requires additional tools to achieve advanced results, DaVinci Resolve provides an all-in-one editing suite.
Whether you’re a beginner exploring the basics or a seasoned professional looking for precision, the free version is unparalleled, and the Studio upgrade offers incredible value without recurring fees.
My Journey in Education
As someone passionate about technology and education, I teach STEM Electronics for ages 2 through adulthood. If you’re interested in starting or growing your tech skills, visit to check out the JCM Academy, where new understanding electronics classes kick off in January 2025 with new courses each quarter. Did you know we even have a workbook and take-home experiment, too?
Wishing You a Joyous Season
May your holidays this year and always be filled with laughter, peace, and cherished moments. Thank you for reading this article. Keep creating and growing. Let DaVinci Resolve inspire your next masterpiece! Don’t forget to check out my latest JAG Server uploads—these are just a glimpse of the thousands of videos I’ve created and continue to produce.
Posted: February 25, 2025 by Doug Seidel
A JAG Parable
by Geoffrey Belinfante, External Relations, Chair
Most of you know that we in West Milford are a very small operation run by an all-volunteer staff. As you might expect, we also have a very small budget. As a result, we truly count every penny. When JAG announced a dues increase this year several of our TV Commission member questioned whether we should continue our membership. I’m happy to report that we have decided to re-up for 2025, and that’s what this article is really all about—the advantages of JAG membership and how we in West Milford have grown to depend on it.
I know that the membership committee and our President, Bob Duthaler have often touted the advantages of JAG membership in this newsletter, so you all my have hear this before, but I think it’s worth discussing again. When considering whether to rejoin JAG, the TV Commission Chairman, Bob Nicholson (a gentleman many of you know) asked me to make a presentation to the commissioners on the benefits of JAG membership. Coincidentally, the mayor had requested a chance to speak to our committee and she was schedule to speak at the same meeting.
This was the first time any West Milford Mayor had requested to speak at one our meetings so it was a big deal. The mayor is aware of JAG and always comes by our booth at the NJ League of Municipalities Conference, but I was surprised that she wanted me to do my presentation before she spoke to the commissioners.
I began by suggesting that our relationship with JAG had changed over the years. Twelve years ago when the township decided to create a municipal channel, JAG was instrumental in helping the committee put together policies and procedures, and an equipment list. Then they gave us the support we needed to get the channel on the air. Now that we have been broadcasting for over 10 years, our relationship with JAG has changed, but it is none-the-less important to the day-to-day operation of the station.
First, I mentioned the cloud-based server that allows us to access programming from other PEG and community access channels across the nation. This allows us to supplement our locally-generated content with programming that appeals to a broad group of citizens from children to seniors. This allows us to take a hyperlocal channel with government programming and turn it into a general interest channel with wide appeal.
In addition, since many of us who work on the channel are retired, our day-to-day experience with television technology has changed. We need the insights that JAG and its organizational members provide to guide us through changes in production technology (that seem to come every month) and what we might consider for our next purchase to make our station look more professional and run more smoothy.
Next, I mentioned all the information we get from our Washington partners (NATOA and ACM) that keeps us aware of changes in legislation that might affect our operation. For example, we keep track of legislation that mandates that we add captions to our public meeting. Perhaps more importantly, JAG helps us monitor the legislative initiatives that might affect the funding we all get from our cable franchisee.
At this point, I was continuing on my laundry list of other benefits (which, incidentally are all available on our website), when the mayor stopped me and said, “Okay, okay, don’t over sell. I’m convinced! Do you want me to pay for the membership?”
Those words represent quite a turnaround from an elected official who normally is looking to cut anywhere she can. It reaffirmed the towns commitment to the station and made us all feel appreciated in a way that had never really been expressed by a mayor before.
The reality was that the mayor didn’t really have to pay for the membership, we just had to allocate an additional $50 from our budget which, I am happy to report, was unanimously approved by the commissioners. I guess the point of this article/parable is that we all need to remember how important JAG is to all of us.
We also need to keep in mind that the organization can only be as good as its members. Get involved, volunteer for committees, make you needs known. The JAG Community is here to help. With hard work and some help from your friends, you too can impress your mayor by giving them programming they can’t live without. Thanks for indulging me in this little soap opera, but if it weren’t for JAG, WM77 would look a lot different and not for the better.
Posted: February 25, 2025 by Doug Seidel
Oakland, NJ: Leading the Way in Fiber Infrastructure
by John Morley, Independent Producer
If you don’t know me, I’m John C. Morley, a serial entrepreneur, engineer, video producer, and certified journalist. I’m excited to introduce my new monthly feature: Tech Trends Unplugged
In today’s digital age, connectivity and communication are essential for the vitality of municipalities. Oakland, NJ, is taking significant strides to establish a robust standard for future growth while reducing costs. In this article, I’ll explore how, why, and specific locations where Oakland has unleashed this innovative flexibility. Additionally, I’ll explore the unique advantages that give Oakland the edge to accomplish this ambitious undertaking.
No great ballpark—now referred to as a stadium—has ever come to fruition without countless hours of planning, engineering, and fundraising initiated well in advance. Crucially, these projects also require a dedicated team of individuals who not only grasp the intricacies of the endeavor, but are also committed to delivering the best possible outcome at the lowest achievable cost without compromising on quality.
Like many successful projects, Oakland, NJ’s project journey started early in the late teens to give it a head start that would ultimately benefit the borough. The town’s foresight was spearheaded by Councilman Eric Kulmala, who brought a unique combination of insight and technical expertise. After over a decade of experience in telecommunications and broadcast engineering at Verizon, Kulmala developed a deep understanding of the significance of owning and deploying infrastructure to achieve cost savings.
His early planning and strategic decisions positioned the borough for future growth and economic benefits. Since transitioning to the role of Mayor, Kulmala has worked diligently to ensure that the town’s initial investments continue to yield positive results, fostering an environment conducive to sustainable development and community prosperity. Mayor Kulmala’s leadership has maintained the momentum of those early efforts and introduced innovative initiatives to enhance the success of the Borough of Oakland, NJ.
Mayor Kulmala’s background helped him understand the benefits of installing a fiber infrastructure and how to reduce costs. If your town or borough lacks knowledgeable individuals in this field, don’t let that be a showstopper. Seek experts who can assist you—the cost savings will show a significant ROI within a few years.
About ten years ago, Councilman Kulmala foresaw the potential for future infrastructure improvements when he noticed that the Oakland Recreation Field was digging trenches for new lighting. Recognizing that a significant portion of the investment outlay is in trenching and conduit, they decided to also lay conduit for a future fiber installation, which was later approved by the governing body.
Oakland Borough completed the fiber installation project around the fall of 2024. This initiative stemmed from a recommendation made by Mayor Kulmala in 2022, who urged the council to secure funding to start installing their fiber infrastructure. Recently, they began using the conduits laid years earlier, with plans to connect various municipal buildings, including the Municipal Hall, Library, Department of Public Works (DPW), Police Department, Senior Center, and First Aid Squad.
Even though I have shared why, when, and where Oakland is deploying this cost-effective infrastructure, you may wonder why your town should consider doing the same. First, having fiber connectivity allows for direct network linking of any municipal buildings or resources. This results in significant savings by eliminating the need for separate payments for each building or venue’s internet, phone, and cable utilities.
Additionally, this connectivity facilitates the integration of essential systems directly to many buildings (including within the police station), such as phone services, IP cameras, security systems, and monitoring systems (for pumps, etc). It also enables the installation of broadcast cameras for local access TV stations, which enhances community engagement and improves communications.
Bergen County and many other locations offer programs that allow towns to purchase internet services, helping them cut costs on connectivity. With a simple purchase order (PO), municipalities can secure internet access for essential services, including fire departments, police stations, and other critical operations.
Lastly, I’d like to address how to get started. It’s crucial to stay informed about upcoming construction projects on your town or borough’s property, such as new lighting installations or other initiatives. You can issue a change order to install conduits for fiber, even if you don’t immediately install or activate the fiber. The key is to future-proof your town, enabling growth and potential cost savings when you’re ready.
If you have any further questions about this technology, please don’t hesitate to contact me. As an engineer with expertise in LANs, WANs, and data center implementations, I am currently working on lighting up a business complex to enable fiber access for one of our clients. Fiber is a reliable alternative to cable, which many residents find unsatisfactory, and the potential savings are significant. I encourage you to remain open to this idea. It could be precisely what your town needs to save money.
Posted: February 25, 2025 by Doug Seidel
Sharing the TelVue 2025 Vision with JAG
by Jesse Lerman, President/CEO, TelVue & Denise Rolfe, Director, Community Broadcasting Sales
It’s a new year. TelVue continues to be excited about our long-time partnership with JAG as we integrate the latest technologies to help you save time, expand your audience, increase accessibility, and generate new sources of revenue. Two letters have revolutionized the way we think now about technology: AI (artificial intelligence).
TelVue previously integrated AI into its broadcast products for automatic captioning and translation. Now we’re leveraging AI for meeting summaries and agenda generation to save time on transcript reviews and manual metadata entry. This allows faster meeting prep and streamlined communication. Agendas are displayed as chapters in your video library and are fully searchable along with the captioning—so your viewers can quickly find and watch specific topics of interest across your government meetings.
TelVue’s accurate and affordable SmartCaption automatic captioning service makes live and on-demand programming accessible to hearing impaired and multi-language audiences. Captions improve viewing in noisy environments or with muted audio. SmartCaption and CloudCast help you achieve Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) compliance for your website and apps which is crucial for government compliance. AI is quickly progressing to be able to generate audio description tracks for further accessibility compliance.
Automatic Government Meeting Agenda Generation & Summarization
Social media is vital for community channels, fostering real-time audience engagement and expanded reach (especially among younger audiences) while providing powerful promotional tools beyond traditional TV. Engaging directly with viewers also offers insights to tailor content and increase viral potential. The HyperCaster already automates live programming distribution to platforms like YouTube and Facebook Live, and now we’re adding automatic video files exporting to YouTube playlists. Our InfoVue Community Bulletin Board simplifies integrating social media feeds into your custom screens. For ready-made screens, the Screenfeed Social Apps package supports Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and LinkedIn with moderation options to approve posts before they air.
TelVue Social Media Integration
HyperCaster V8.6 supports motion logos and backgrounds to enhance on-air graphics and branding. Upload motion graphics as bugs (motion logos) or backgrounds for tickers, snipes, clocks, and program guides to draw more attention to your channels through creative, dynamic branding.
NDI is a high-quality, low-latency protocol designed for live production. HyperCaster AIO models now offer NDI output as a new license option to expand output formats along with SDI, Transport Stream, RTMP, and HLS. While the HyperCaster AIO has long supported NDI input for live and recordings, NDI output adds utility for channel monitoring and NDI-centric workflows.
TelVue also launched an affordable, enterprise-grade cloud storage service for secure video archiving. This expands HyperCaster’s integration beyond NAS and Workflow rules allow automatic archive and retrieval of content to the cloud. It includes a browser-based interface for managing users, files, and folders. TelVue Cloud Storage eliminates the complexities of servers, hard drives, RAID, and backups, which results in a reliable, long-term archiving solution for municipalities and organizations preserving historical programming.
New TelVue Cloud Storage Service for Secure Archiving
The TelVue CloudCast Paywall option empowers JAG stations to generate new revenue with flexible subscription and pay-per-view models (ideal for sports programming). Initially launched for websites, we are now extending Paywall to OTT and mobile apps for a seamless, TV-everywhere experience—purchase once, watch anywhere. CloudCast Paywall supports 24×7 live channels, live event-only, and VOD programming. It has nDVR for rewinding within live events, cloud recording, and live-to-VOD.
CloudCast Video Ads enable JAG stations to monetize live and VOD streams with pre-/mid-/post-roll ads, creating new platform revenue opportunities through local business advertising partnerships.
Generate Revenue with Paywall & Video Ads
OTT and streaming have driven the rise of free ad-supported streaming television (FAST) channels. TelVue now offers cloud channels for FAST, with advanced automation features that can benefit community media stations too. Tools like program segmentation, bumpers, and trailers help fill schedules to standard durations (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 hour) with promos and sponsorship spots to create a more consistent viewer experience.
We look forward to seeing you, presenting these latest developments, and getting your valuable feedback for our roadmap at the next JAG meeting, Feb. 26, 2025 at Bloomfield TV!
Posted: February 25, 2025 by Doug Seidel
Legislative Update February 2025: News from Trenton & Washington, DC – Changes in the FCC
by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair
As we thought, February has become an active month for us and the news from the nation’s Capital is going full speed ahead. And something we were worrying about is being brought up once again in the House of Representatives.
From the ACM:
H.R. 278, “The Broadband Leadership Act” was introduced. This bill specifically puts forward a shot clock for all wireless and telecommunications siting in the United States. It puts forward deemed granted procedures if local governments or state governments don’t respond to requests for wireless or telecommunications siting. It formalizes what is essentially no oversight, or extremely light oversight for local governments to use for telecommunications.
One thing that’s curious about the bill is that it basically wants to eliminate the review process for telecommunications siting on structures. This may be part of a package of other bills that could come forward to committee in the House, similar to what we saw in the last legislative sessions. So we might see something like H.R. 3557 coming forward soon.
From Best, Best & Krieger:
Tillman L. Lay, a partner in the law offices of Best, Best & Krieger, did a quick read of this bill and said the following about it. “It is a son-of-HR 3557, but unlike HR 3557, it is directed only at a rewrite of Section 253. And it’s a killer.”. Here are some parts of the bill that he pulled out:
Furthermore from Gerry Lederer, Partner, Best, Best & Krieger:
BBK has just issued a legal alert on the threat to local government management of PROW and police powers. It is titled “Call to Action: Impending Threat to Communities’ Property Rights, Revenues and Police Powers Demands Planning and Response from new Telecommunications Legislation and Rules.”
Please click on the link above to read more about this issue.
On January 28th: the Federal Communications Bar Association’s (FCBA-The Tech Bar) Diversity Committee hosted a panel on “Diversity in the Telecom Sector: Where Do We Go from Here?” Advocates for racial diversity and equity in the telecommunications industry expressed shock and confusion about how to reconcile recent orders with longstanding practice and law.
Clint Odom, Vice President of Strategic Alliances and External Affairs at T-Mobile, emphasized that DEI principles aren’t just modern buzzwords, but were deeply rooted in Constitutional Amendments—including the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments—and reinforced by law. “It’s enshrined in the statute,” Odom emphasized, referring to the Communications Act, “We can’t read it out of existence—it is there. “The Communications Act requires that telecommunications services be made available “so far as possible, to all people of the United States, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.”
Panelists said that The Telecommunications Act of 1996 reaffirmed principles of equity by emphasizing universal access to telecommunications services. And the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 explicitly prohibited digital discrimination—based on income, race, ethnicity, or geography—in the rollout of broadband infrastructure.
Please check out “This is the Way: Equal Access to Broadband through Municipal Franchising” offered by NATOA member Mike Bradley of Bradley-Werner
“The source of local franchising authority arises from a number of sources including, but not limited to, state law, state constitutions, municipal charters, and state common law, including state statutory and common law recognition of local authority to manage the public rights-of-way. Local franchising is a sovereign power that resides in the states and is not derived from federal law, including the Communications Act.”
This article is in the current edition of Municipal Lawyer, the JOURNAL of LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAW of the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA).
Mike also reminded us about the following:
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENTITIES: A Small Entity Compliance Guide:
On April 24, 2024, the Federal Register1 published the Department of Justice’s (Department) final rule updating its regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The final rule has specific requirements about how to make sure that web content and mobile applications (apps) are accessible to people with disabilities.
You can download it at
JAG (Jersey Access Group) is an organization that advocates, promotes, and preserves the right to media production, distribution, civic engagement, and education in support of diverse community voices, through Public, Educational and Government access facilities and other forms of media.
Posted: January 29, 2025 by Doug Seidel
Spotlight: YMCA State Alliance – Raising the Next Generation of Leaders: A Message from the CEO of the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance
by Julie Gallanty, Chief Executive Officer of the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance
Supporting young people today, creates a stronger, more vibrant tomorrow
At the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance, our mission is simple yet powerful: to strengthen our communities by bringing people together to improve lives and inspire positive change. We lead a coalition of 30 independent YMCAs associations to advocate for the funding, programs, and resources that allow local Ys across the state to thrive. Through our collective efforts, we can amplify our impact, ensuring that communities throughout New Jersey have access to services that foster youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
One of the Alliance’s key priorities is nurturing the potential of young people by providing them with opportunities to grow as engaged citizens and future leaders. Our Youth and Government (YAG) program is a prime example of how we bring this commitment to life through hands-on experiential learning. YAG is a civic engagement initiative designed to inspire and equip high school and middle school students with the tools they need to understand and participate in the democratic process. Each year, students take on the roles of elected officials, judges, lobbyists, journalists, and more as they come together to debate and pass mock legislation.
The experience cultivates essential skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, and collaboration. Beyond that, it empowers young people to find their voice and recognize their capacity to effect change in their communities. This program is transformative, but access has not always been equitable. That is why I am especially proud to share that the Alliance secured funding in the state budget to expand YAG. Thanks to this support, we can ensure that more students from underserved communities have the opportunity to participate in this enriching experience.
In addition to funding for YAG, we successfully advocated for continued support of our Safety Around Water program, which teaches critical water safety and swimming skills to children and people of all ages. This program addresses a serious public health issue—drowning remains one of the leading causes of death for children. By equipping young people with lifesaving skills, we help protect them and foster confidence both in and out of the water.
Students from across the New Jersey are preparing for this year’s YAG pre-legislation conference: March 23, 2025 at Rider University and the main conference April 25–27, 2025 at the East Brunswick Hilton. We expect up to 425 student participants—each bringing unique perspectives and a shared dedication to public service. The main conference is a culminating event where students put months of preparation into action, presenting their ideas, debating policy, and building lifelong connections.
We are also excited to welcome our new Youth Engagement Director, Jessica Mulkey, who will oversee and strengthen this statewide initiative. Her leadership will be instrumental in expanding the reach of YAG and other civic programs that encourage young people to take an active role in shaping the future of their communities.
At the Y, we believe that when we support young people today, we create a stronger, more vibrant tomorrow. But we cannot do this work alone. We invite members of the Jersey Access Group to join us in raising awareness of the invaluable role local YMCAs play in strengthening communities. Your ability to connect with your audiences through local programming and outreach is a vital tool in amplifying our message and extending our reach.
There are many ways you can support our efforts. By advocating for your local YMCA and our statewide programs, you help secure the partnerships and funding needed to sustain our work. We also encourage you to explore volunteer opportunities at your local Y. Whether serving as a mentor, assisting with programs, or sharing your expertise, your involvement can have a profound impact on the lives of others. Together, we can empower young people to lead with integrity, inspire healthy lifestyles, and foster strong, resilient communities. Thank you for your partnership in this important mission.
For more information about the YMCA or to learn how you can get involved, please visit our website at, or reach out to your local YMCA. Our new Youth Engagement Director Jessica is also happy to answer any questions about the upcoming YAG pre-legislation conference and main conference (registration for both begins Jan. 20.) She can be reached at
Let’s work together to ensure every young person in New Jersey has the chance to thrive and realize their full potential.
Posted: January 29, 2025 by Doug Seidel
How AI is Helping Newark TV Stay Ahead of the Game: A Station Manager’s Perspective
by Edward Cologna, Station Manager, Newark TV
To be honest, this is written with help from Chat GPT 4.0
Friends and colleagues, two years ago a famous producer and director, Luis Santos from Argentina, told me that artificial intelligence (AI) in video production is not going to make video people obsolete, but those that don’t embrace AI, will become obsolete. At first, I fought hard against using AI. I still avoid being lazy and letting AI make all the creative decisions for me. But, similar to how a word processor with dictionary and grammar check made the typewriter a tool of the past, AI is like a smart assistant that doesn’t know all the answers, but can help in many ways.
At Newark TV, our mission is to serve New Jersey’s largest city by providing the community with local news, public service announcements (PSAs), education, and government information. As a PEG station, we operate on a tight budget and every decision we make must count. So, when AI became a viable option for streamlining our operations, we didn’t hesitate to dive in. From creating PSAs to managing budgets and even coming up with new content ideas, AI has been a time-saver.
As the station manager, I’ve seen firsthand how tools like ChatGPT and other AI-powered platforms have transformed the way we work. These tools are somewhat affordable, easy to use, and incredibly powerful—helping us produce content faster and more efficiently without sacrificing quality. But while they’re useful, I also know that AI is still evolving, so we always double-check the work to ensure it’s accurate. Here’s a look at how AI is helping Newark TV get things done.
AI for Writing PSAs: Speed, Simplicity, and Impact
One of the main functions of Newark TV is creating PSAs that keep our residents informed about local events, public health, safety, and citywide initiatives. Writing these announcements used to be a long process that involved multiple drafts, reviews, and reworking the message to get it just right. But since we started using AI, particularly ChatGPT, things have moved much faster.
Let’s say we need to write a PSA about a local vaccination clinic or a change in trash pickup schedules. Instead of starting from scratch, we can input some basic info into ChatGPT, and it generates a draft in minutes. Of course, we still review it, tweak the tone, and make sure the message is clear and concise, but the bulk of the work is done. And the best part is we can easily generate different versions of the same message to see which one resonates best with our audience.
We’ve even used AI to help us come up with fresh ideas for PSAs. Sometimes we hit a creative wall, but with ChatGPT, we can throw in a few keywords related to community events or public health and get a variety of angles we can work with. It’s like having a brainstorming partner who’s available 24/7.
Brainstorming Content Ideas: AI Sparks Creativity
One of the trickiest parts of working in local TV is coming up with new content ideas. What will grab the audience’s attention? What are people talking about? At Newark TV, we’re always looking for ways to make our programming fresh and relevant. That’s where AI has also been helpful.
For example, we often need to develop content around local issues like education, community outreach, or city government. Using ChatGPT, we can input general topics (like “Newark schools” or “local arts initiatives”) and get a list of show ideas and story angles in seconds. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking AI for a few ideas, then it gives us prompts that we would never have thought of on our own.
We also use AI for research. Let’s say we’re working on a segment about local housing issues. Instead of spending hours researching, we can ask AI to summarize articles, pull up statistics, and even suggest interview questions based on what’s trending. It doesn’t replace the hard work of real investigative journalism, but it helps speed up the research process and gives us a strong foundation to build on.
Streamlining Budgets: AI Keeps Us on Track
Running a PEG station means managing tight budgets, and every penny counts. AI is making it easier to track expenses and allocate resources efficiently. We’ve been using AI-powered tools for everything from calculating production costs to forecasting upcoming expenses. For instance, AI helps us figure out where we can cut costs without affecting the quality of our content. It looks at things like equipment use and staffing levels then it offers suggestions for improvement. This has been especially useful for ensuring we stay within budget without sacrificing production quality.
AI also helps with scheduling and resource management. We track how long it typically takes to produce different types of shows or PSAs. AI uses that data to recommend more efficient workflows. It’s like having an assistant who always knows the best way to prioritize projects to maximize our time and resources.
Improving Accessibility: AI-Driven Captioning
Another area where AI has been indispensable is accessibility. PEG Stations are committed to making our content accessible to all, including those with hearing impairments. AI-driven captioning tools have been a huge help in ensuring that edited programs are fully captioned. These tools have come a long way, and while they’re not perfect, they’re a significant improvement over manual captioning, which could take hours.
The heart of AI captioning is the software that transcribes and synchronizes the audio with the video. AI-driven captioning tools typically use speech recognition models to transcribe dialogue and sync it with the visual feed in real time or post-production.
Some popular AI captioning software solutions for PEG TV stations include:
• Rev: Rev is an AI-powered transcription service that offers automated captioning and human-edited captions for greater accuracy. The platform supports both live captions and captions for recorded content. It’s ideal for PEG TV stations looking to serve a variety of content types. Rev provides affordable options for smaller stations and allows for quick integration with video production software.
• Descript: Descript is a powerful tool that not only offers transcription, but also lets you edit video by editing the transcript. It’s useful for creating captions for pre-recorded content. Descript’s AI-driven platform can also help with real-time captions when integrated with live streaming platforms.
• is known for its speech-to-text capabilities and can provide real-time captions for live broadcasts. This platform is popular for its accuracy and ease of use It allows users to quickly edit transcriptions and captions. It’s a good solution for stations with limited resources that want an affordable, reliable AI-powered captioning option.
• Enco: Enco is a highly regarded AI-powered captioning solution designed specifically for broadcast and live TV environments. Enco’s EnCaption system uses automatic speech recognition (ASR) to generate real-time captions for live broadcasts. It’s especially popular among PEG stations due to its reliable, real-time captioning capabilities and cost-effective solutions. Enco also integrates seamlessly with broadcast equipment and supports caption embedding for TV signals. Its EnCaption4 system offers cloud-based captioning that enables flexibility and scalability for stations with varying needs. Enco’s solutions are noted for high accuracy. It also offers features like multilingual captioning, which is essential in diverse communities.
• StreamText: For live broadcasts, StreamText is a leading solutions that provides real-time captioning. It is widely used by broadcast stations to ensure accessibility for live streaming, including government meetings and public service events. The system integrates with live video feeds and provides accurate captions in real time.
• AI-Media: AI-Media provides both real-time captioning for live content and post-production captioning services. It’s designed for broadcast, streaming, and on-demand content. This makes it a solid option for PEG stations with high-volume live programming. AI-Media is particularly useful in local government and educational settings where real-time communication is crucial.
AI for Video Production: Enhancing the Creative Process
In addition to ChatGPT, we’ve also embraced other AI tools that have helped us streamline video production, automate tasks, and enhance our creativity. Here are a few examples:
The Importance of Human Oversight
While AI has been a huge asset, I want to stress that it’s not perfect. Like any technology, AI is still evolving, and sometimes it produces results that need to be tweaked or corrected. For example, while ChatGPT is great for drafting content, it’s not always spot-on with local references or the finer details. That’s why we always review and edit everything generated by AI before it goes live.
At Newark TV, we’ve learned to use AI as a tool to assist with efficiency, but we always apply a human touch when it comes to accuracy and relevance. Our team has decades of experience in local television, and we rely on our judgment to ensure the final product reflects our community’s needs and values.
With new AI tools being developed all the time, we’re always learning and adapting. We regularly test out new platforms to see what works best for us, but we never lose sight of the fact that technology is just a tool. The real value comes from how we use it to enhance the work we do for our community.
As the station manager, I’ve seen how AI has transformed the way we run Newark TV. From writing PSAs and brainstorming new content ideas to managing budgets and improving accessibility, AI is helping us operate more efficiently and serve our community better. But, we also understand that these tools aren’t foolproof.
While AI can help us work smarter, we always ensure that human oversight and local knowledge guide everything we produce. It’s the combination of cutting-edge technology and dedicated people that makes Newark TV thrive—and I’m excited to see how these tools will continue to evolve and enhance our programming in the years to come.
Posted: January 29, 2025 by Doug Seidel
Legislative Update January 2025: News from Trenton & Washington, DC – Changes in the FCC
by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair
Happy New Year Everyone!!
In December, we were given a lot to think about as the new administration took charge of our nation’s capital. One of the main focuses we had been following is where the FCC might be directing their attentions. The digital divide (BEAD), big tech scrutiny, national security (TikTok), DEI, and net neutrality, are tops on their list.
From The FCC
At the beginning of January, net neutrality rules began to take one of these directions. The Sixth Circuit overturned the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules. They found that commercial broadband providers cannot be regulated as telecommunications common carriers. They proclaimed that the FCC “lacks the statutory authority” to impose its net neutrality policies, which are designed to prevent slowing or blocking web traffic.
The appeals court further ruled that internet service providers offer only an “information service” under federal law, “and therefore, the FCC lacks the authority to impose its desired net-neutrality policies through the ‘telecommunications service provision of the Communications Act.”
FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel, in response to this decision, said lawmakers need to finally resolve the issue. The FCC has argued on how to classify broadband under federal law since the early 2000s. “Consumers across the country have told us again and again that they want an internet that is fast, open, and fair. It is clear that Congress now needs to take up the charge for net neutrality and put open internet principles into federal law.” The FCC will be unable to classify broadband providers under the act’s Title II, which covers telecommunications services like phone companies. Instead, they will remain as much more lightly regulated Title I information services.
Andrew Jay Schwartzman, who represented the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society and the Media Alliance as intervenors supporting the FCC, said the panel’s decision “misreads” the act and “deprives the FCC of the power to protect national security, ensure that competitive broadband suppliers can have access to necessary distribution outlets, and endangers wireless access programs for low-income consumers. This is bad for consumers, for businesses that rely on the internet, and for protecting broadband networks from intrusions by nation states.”
On December 31st, the FCC’s Report and Order adopted new rules requiring cable operators and DBS providers to report to the FCC any blackouts of TV stations on their systems that *last more than 24 hours and *are caused by an impasse in retransmission consent negotiations. This also creates a centralized, Commission-hosted database of basic blackout information that can increase the public’s transparency and insight into the frequency and duration of broadcast station blackouts.
Need for the Rules:
From The ACM:
On January 6, 2025, The Free State Foundation published an article from one of their Adjunct Senior Fellows and former FCC Commissioner, Michael O’Rielly. It is titled “DOGE Shouldn’t’t Overlook the Outdated Video Regulations” DOGE is the new Department of Government Efficiency. Here are some excerpts from this worrisome article:
For those of you who are beginning to get agitated by this, the ACM continued by reminding us of three interesting facts about former Commissioner O’Rielly.
It appears that O’Rielly doesn’t like local government at all! Please click on this link to read this article in its entirety: “DOGE Shouldn’t’t Overlook the Outdated Video Regulations”
Time will tell if anything will ever come of this. But it pays for all of us to keep an eye out for future articles
JAG (Jersey Access Group) is an organization that advocates, promotes, and preserves the right to media production, distribution, civic engagement, and education in support of diverse community voices, through Public, Educational and Government access facilities and other forms of media.
Posted: December 21, 2024 by Doug Seidel
Why DaVinci Resolve Should Be Your Go-To for Video Editing
by John Morley, Independent Producer
My journey began with Corel Video Producer when I started editing videos years ago. While it gave me a foundation to experiment and create, it lacked the polish and power of professional-grade software. Later, I tried Adobe Premiere Pro, but the monthly subscription fees didn’t sit well with me. Frustrated and looking for better options, I contacted friends in the film industry. That’s when they introduced me to DaVinci Resolve—and I haven’t looked back since.
The Free Version That Amazes
The moment I downloaded DaVinci Resolve’s free version, I was blown away by how robust and feature-rich it was, all at no cost. Transitioning from Corel Video Producer was surprisingly seamless, and I’ve relied on it ever since. Over time, I upgraded to DaVinci Resolve Studio, but even the free version is a powerhouse packed with tools like professional color grading, seamless editing capabilities, and high-quality exports.
One feature I particularly love is Fairlight Audio, an advanced audio editing tool built into DaVinci Resolve. It’s simple yet powerful—with just a few clicks, you can transform a mono track into a stereo track. Features like this make Resolve stand out as an all-in-one solution for video editing.
Why Upgrade to Studio?
For those looking to take their editing to the next level, DaVinci Resolve Studio is a one-time purchase that unlocks a treasure trove of advanced features, including:
The Power of Fusion
One of my favorite features of DaVinci Resolve is Fusion, its node-based visual effects and motion graphics workspace. Unlike Adobe’s layer-based system, Fusion uses nodes to represent project elements, offering unmatched flexibility and control. While it might feel unfamiliar at first, the creative possibilities are worth the learning curve.
Here’s an example: creating a title in a box using Fusion involves:
Once you get the hang of it, Fusion opens a world of possibilities, from dynamic animations to custom effects.
Why DaVinci Resolve Stands Out
Unlike Adobe Premiere Pro, which often requires additional tools to achieve advanced results, DaVinci Resolve provides an all-in-one editing suite.
Whether you’re a beginner exploring the basics or a seasoned professional looking for precision, the free version is unparalleled, and the Studio upgrade offers incredible value without recurring fees.
My Journey in Education
As someone passionate about technology and education, I teach STEM Electronics for ages 2 through adulthood. If you’re interested in starting or growing your tech skills, visit to check out the JCM Academy, where new understanding electronics classes kick off in January 2025 with new courses each quarter. Did you know we even have a workbook and take-home experiment, too?
Wishing You a Joyous Season
May your holidays this year and always be filled with laughter, peace, and cherished moments. Thank you for reading this article. Keep creating and growing. Let DaVinci Resolve inspire your next masterpiece! Don’t forget to check out my latest JAG Server uploads—these are just a glimpse of the thousands of videos I’ve created and continue to produce.