President’s Message – October 2021

by Bob Duthaler


Leaders Wanted:   Each year JAG holds an annual vote for board members.  It is the opportunity for members of our organization to step up, be proactive and participate in the leadership of the Jersey Access Group.  This may seem like a daunting task to members, but it should not be perceived as such.  Rather, this should be viewed as an opportunity for you to share your unique talents and perspective.  JAG benefits from a diverse board with a wide array of valuable insights all sharing the desire to enhance both PEG and JAG.  All are welcome to nominate themselves and participate in our upcoming board elections.

I’m Not Ready to Be On The Executive Board:  Many people want to participate more in the JAG organization, but feel that running for the board is not the right thing for them now.  As a current board member, I felt that way too.  So where do you begin?  I can answer that question simply — join a committee.  Committees play an important role in both the growth and development of our organization.  This is a great opportunity to bring your unique perspective to our organization and your passion in a particular area of interest.  This is the power of being part of a JAG committee.  You can find further information about committees, and how to reach out to them, throughout this monthly newsletter.  Here is a list of the JAG Committees that eagerly look for new, active membership participation:

Membership                      Finance                External Relations            Legislative

                                Production          Conference        JAG Awards

Committee Member Yes, Board Member Soon:  Perhaps you are already a member of a committee.  You actively participate in monthly committee meetings and are looking to one day make the move to the board.  So what is holding you back?  In talking with members, a common answer is additional leadership training and participation.  JAG recognized this and created an opportunity for those members to take the next step.  What is that next step?  The next logical step would be to get yourself in the position of either a chair or vice-chair of a committee.  The advantage of being a vice-chair of a committee is the ability to participate in the leadership development committee.  This committee is made up of vice-chairs of all our committees.  This group reviews the organization’s operations, comes up with creative solutions and then in turn presents these solutions to the executive board.  This committee is a great stepping stone prior to becoming an executive board member.

Say Yes To JAG:  The future of the Jersey Access Group lies in your hands.  The only way for our great organization to continue to grow, evolve and be relevant is to have active participation from members.  The future of JAG is in the hands of the participation of its diverse membership.  The ability for its members to participate and share their unique opinions and insight is crucial to the survival of the Jersey Access Group.  I hope as you read through this, it sparked something inside of you that makes you want to actively be a part of a JAG Committee, leadership role in that committee or ultimately an active executive board member.  I look forward to seeing new faces and hearing new voices as the organizations continues to grow.  I urge you to reach out to me, any of our board members or even our Managing Director should you have any interest, questions or just want to discuss further what it takes to be more involved in JAG.