TWO “Calls To Action”

Last month JAG, the Jersey Access Group, had the distinct pleasure of presenting a special joint session with the League of Municipalities at their annual conference.  It was on the Broadband Grants and Funding opportunities that was created from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which was approved last year by the federal government.

Following the Money: Accessing Broadband Funding

Following the Money: Accessing Broadband Funding”
JAG and the NJ League of Municipalities present a joint session that explains how to access broadband funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Last year the Federal Government approved $65B to improve broadband deployment and adoption. This funding will flow to states for distribution.
During this session, our expert panel discusses how municipalities can apply for grants and use
funds at the local level. The panel is hosted by Mayor Brian Wahler of Piscataway Township. Other panelists include Valarry Bullard, Broadband Advisor to Governor Murphy; Joseph Rivera, Manager of Broadband Access – NJ BPU; Ken Fellman, Esq. Of Counsel, Helmer, Conley, & Kasselman, P.C.; Robert Boyle, CEO Planet Networks; and Bob Duthaler, JAG President.

A Retrospective on the Importance of PEG – The Full Picture

Last month we talked a little about how PEG Television Channels showed their true value to our individual communities during the pandemic. We all embarked on a “fast tracked” learning curve in order to deliver important information and programming to our audiences.

Local governments, schools, small businesses, community organizations and of course, our residents, all benefited immensely because of the endeavors of their individual access channels.

A Retrospect of the Importance of PEG and News from the FCC

Over the decades, PEG Television Channels have demonstrated their value to the communities they serve.  We  have been challenged over and over again to get our vital information out to our local viewing audiences, especially in times of crisis.   But there has never been anything more challenging than during the past pandemic.  It was the access stations that found ways to get their individual messages directly out to their communities.  

The Net Neutrality and Broadband Justice Act

by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair

A couple weeks ago, Vice President Kamala Harris announced that millions of American households have signed up for broadband internet credits through a provision in the bipartisan infrastructure bill called the Affordable Connectivity Program.  This bill passed in November of 2021 and White House officials are calling it an example of the administration’s efforts to lower costs for Americans amid the high inflation that has swept our nation.

State Video Franchising Laws and the Legal Actions Taking Place in New Jersey

by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair

Last month we talked about legal action that has begun here in New Jersey against over-the-top service providers and their franchise fee obligations.

The following is from the law firm Kessler, Topaz, Meltzer & Check, LLP, who are leading this action.  It is a brief summary of the factual allegations and procedural history of Borough of Longport and Township of Irvington v. Netflix, Inc. and Hulu, LLC, No. 2:21-cv-15303-SRC-MAH (D.N.J.) (the “Netflix/Hulu Litigation”).

State Video Franchising Laws and the Legal Actions Taking Place in New Jersey

by Nancy Werner, General Counsel for NATOA

Legal action has begun to take hold all across the country and even here in New Jersey.  Communities are beginning to fight back against over-the-top service providers and their franchise fee obligations believed owed to them as required by franchising laws and the New Jersey Cable Television Act, N.J. Rev. Stat. § 48:5A-1.  

The information that follows is from Nancy L. Werner, General Counsel for NATOA and explains what is happening and why these actions are taking place.