Committees Corner – December 2021
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Bob Duthaler (Chair) Dave Garb (Vice Chair))
The board is taking a more proactive role in some key areas that JAG will be focusing on over the next year. This will include increasing JAG’s relationships with state and national legislators, marketing strategy, membership, and value to our members. The work necessary will be the responsibility of all of JAG’s committees and will need to be coordinated through the Leadership Development Committee. This is a large undertaking and is only possible because the committees have shown the ability to take on components of these projects. There is also a need for committees to work internally to increase membership involvement and cultivate leadership.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Linda Besink (Chair), TBA (Vice Chair)
Dues renewal invoices for 2022 are currently going out to members. We will follow up in January to ensure they have been received. Thanks to all who renewed their membership in 2021. Enjoy the rest of the Holiday season! If you’d like to serve on the Finance Committee, please email Treasurer Linda Besink at .
PRODUCTION COMMITTEE: Lee Beckerman (Chair), Anthony Pagliuco (Vice Chair)
(No report provided)
EXTERNAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Geoffrey Belinfante (Chair), Dustin Dumas (Vice Chair)
This month, we on the External Relations Committee are thinking about networking and how important it is for the growth of the organization. Last month at JAG’s booth and during our workshops at the League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City, we had the opportunity to meet with many people. It reminded me that the best way to market JAG seems to be face to face with people who understand what we do and have a need for the services we offer. Perhaps because so many townships had to resort to zoom type services to communicate with their residents during the pandemic, this year there seemed to be increased interest in JAG and the services we offer to townships. Every year at the convention we meet and greet lots of people. I can only hope that this year, working with the membership committee, we will be able to further engage some of those people who seem to have renewed interest in JAG. Of course, if we do add members, we will need more people on the External Relations Committee to service them, so I will reiterate my monthly request for new members. If you’re interested, please let me know at Have a wonderful holiday season!
Legislation Committee: Dave Garb (Chair), Linda Besink (Vice Chair)
The Legislative Committee strives to keep up with new and pending legislation on both the Federal and state levels. And just recently, we had to move quickly with news that Congress is reintroducing the Protecting Community Television Act. This act will help to preserve the PEG operations that lift up our local community voices and to air our programming that is most relevant to the lives of our Municipalities. This legislation would nullify the FCC’s misguided 621 Order by clarifying that the franchise fees that cable companies provide local governments only include monetary assessments, not in-kind contributions. When circumstances like this warrant, this committee solicits the aid of legislators who we believe can either help to enact laws favorable to PEG or to fight against those that could hurt us and our cause. We keep in touch with all our elected officials in order to remind them of who JAG is and that we are there for them as well. It can be quite rewarding when our efforts are not in vain. We always welcome JAG members on our committee. We meet monthly, with possible additional meetings as the need sometimes quickly unfolds.
Membership Committee: Stephanie Gibbons (Chair), George Fairfield (Vice Chair)
We want to welcome George Fairfield as the new Vice Chair of this committee and thank him for taking on the position. We would like to welcome our newest independent members – MOTL-Laurie Jenseen & Steve Kaiser, and also want to welcome back the South River.
We want to make sure you are getting the most of your member benefits so please let us know if you are not getting information from the listserv, newsletter, access to the member’s only section of the website and access to the Connect server for sharing content. Please contact me at:
Leadership Development Committee: Dave Garb (Chair), Doug Seidel (Vice Chair)
The LDC Committee is focusing on the development and promotion of JAG by reinventing our marketing strategies and social media platforms. The leadership from JAG’s other committees make up this committee, as well as those individuals that are skilled and knowledgeable in areas that are needed to make this committee shine. We aid and work with all of our committees in order for them to achieve their individual goals. One of the objectives of the Leadership Committee is to reach out to you, our members, to discuss the importance of joining one of our other very active committees and bringing your experience and skills to help JAG to grow and be the voice and face of New Jersey’s PEG community. Please reach out to me or one of our other Committee Members to find out how you can become an active member in the Jersey Access Group.
JAG Awards Committee: George Fairfield (Chairs), Ronni Garrett (Vice Chair)
The JAG AWARDS will open for submissions beginning on January 1st; just go to and click on ENTER when you are ready to register. All entry forms must be completed by February 28, 2022.
If you haven’t done so, you need to check out because the Jag Awards committee has listened to you. To honor our members and their excellence in local & regional Public Education Government (PEG) cablecast programming, each entry will receive either a Bronze, Silver, or Gold adjudicated certificate based on their score.
Don’t forget to mark on your calendar. The JAG Awards banquet will be May 25, 2022. If you enjoyed the past virtual banquet, you will not want to miss it live & in-person.
Conference Committee: Bob Duthaler/ Geoffrey Belinfante (Co-Chair), George Fairfield (Vice Chair)
Eastern Video Expo 2022 Takes a Hybrid Approach for 2022
Having not met in over two years onsite at a trade show, the conference committee is moving forward in May 2022 in presenting a hybrid format for EVE 2022. Over our scheduled three day event (Tuesday, May 24th through Thursday, May 26th) we will hold an in person trade show on Wednesday, May 25th. This will be our time once again to gather at a trade show, with limited vendors geared for access stations, special presentations and hands-on experience with the latest technology. It will be a chance to shake hands (or bump elbows) with the vendors and manufacturers that have supported us during this pandemic and see first hand the new technology. Our event once again will take place shortly after NAB’s large event in Vegas. That is where the industry announces their latest technology. Our event is where people can come and see firsthand the new technology that was announced.
To help make this in-person event a more memorable day, the JAG Video Awards and Banquet will take place that evening. What better way after exploring a day of new technology, then gathering with our counterparts and celebrating each other and the great work we do throughout the year? 2022 JAG Awards will be the perfect culmination of celebrating our organization, its members and everything we stand for as an organization. What better way to make this event even better, than to surround it with two days of creative, informative conference sessions? Not only will we gather some of the best and brightest in our field, but we will present these sessions to you in a format that allows you to easily access them without having to spend too much time out of your office. Building off the success of last year’s all virtual conference, the committee will have our conference sessions again be virtual, thus creating the ultimate hybrid conference between the in-person trade show, JAG awards and Virtual Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday!
Committees Corner – December 2021
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Bob Duthaler (Chair) Dave Garb (Vice Chair))
The board is taking a more proactive role in some key areas that JAG will be focusing on over the next year. This will include increasing JAG’s relationships with state and national legislators, marketing strategy, membership, and value to our members. The work necessary will be the responsibility of all of JAG’s committees and will need to be coordinated through the Leadership Development Committee. This is a large undertaking and is only possible because the committees have shown the ability to take on components of these projects. There is also a need for committees to work internally to increase membership involvement and cultivate leadership.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Linda Besink (Chair), TBA (Vice Chair)
Dues renewal invoices for 2022 are currently going out to members. We will follow up in January to ensure they have been received. Thanks to all who renewed their membership in 2021. Enjoy the rest of the Holiday season! If you’d like to serve on the Finance Committee, please email Treasurer Linda Besink at .
PRODUCTION COMMITTEE: Lee Beckerman (Chair), Anthony Pagliuco (Vice Chair)
(No report provided)
EXTERNAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Geoffrey Belinfante (Chair), Dustin Dumas (Vice Chair)
This month, we on the External Relations Committee are thinking about networking and how important it is for the growth of the organization. Last month at JAG’s booth and during our workshops at the League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City, we had the opportunity to meet with many people. It reminded me that the best way to market JAG seems to be face to face with people who understand what we do and have a need for the services we offer. Perhaps because so many townships had to resort to zoom type services to communicate with their residents during the pandemic, this year there seemed to be increased interest in JAG and the services we offer to townships. Every year at the convention we meet and greet lots of people. I can only hope that this year, working with the membership committee, we will be able to further engage some of those people who seem to have renewed interest in JAG. Of course, if we do add members, we will need more people on the External Relations Committee to service them, so I will reiterate my monthly request for new members. If you’re interested, please let me know at Have a wonderful holiday season!
Legislation Committee: Dave Garb (Chair), Linda Besink (Vice Chair)
The Legislative Committee strives to keep up with new and pending legislation on both the Federal and state levels. And just recently, we had to move quickly with news that Congress is reintroducing the Protecting Community Television Act. This act will help to preserve the PEG operations that lift up our local community voices and to air
ourprogramming that is most relevant to the lives of our Municipalities. This legislation would nullify the FCC’s misguided 621 Order by clarifying that the franchise fees that cable companies provide local governments only include monetary assessments, not in-kind contributions. When circumstances like this warrant, this committee solicits the aid of legislators who we believe can either help to enact laws favorable to PEG or to fight against those that could hurt us and our cause. We keep in touch with all our elected officials in order to remind them of who JAG is and that we are there for them as well. It can be quite rewarding when our efforts are not in vain. We always welcome JAG members on our committee. We meet monthly, with possible additional meetings as the need sometimes quickly unfolds.Membership Committee: Stephanie Gibbons (Chair), George Fairfield (Vice Chair)
We want to welcome George Fairfield as the new Vice Chair of this committee and thank him for taking on the position. We would like to welcome our newest independent members – MOTL-Laurie Jenseen & Steve Kaiser, and also want to welcome back the South River.
We want to make sure you are getting the most of your member benefits so please let us know if you are not getting information from the listserv, newsletter, access to the member’s only section of the website and access to the Connect server for sharing content. Please contact me at:
Leadership Development Committee: Dave Garb (Chair), Doug Seidel (Vice Chair)
The LDC Committee is focusing on the development and promotion of JAG by reinventing our marketing strategies and social media platforms. The leadership from JAG’s other committees make up this committee, as well as those individuals that are skilled and knowledgeable in areas that are needed to make this committee shine. We aid and work with all of our committees in order for them to achieve their individual goals. One of the objectives of the Leadership Committee is to reach out to you, our members, to discuss the importance of joining one of our other very active committees and bringing your experience and skills to help JAG to grow and be the voice and face of New Jersey’s PEG community. Please reach out to me or one of our other Committee Members to find out how you can become an active member in the Jersey Access Group.
JAG Awards Committee: George Fairfield (Chairs), Ronni Garrett (Vice Chair)
The JAG AWARDS will open for submissions beginning on January 1st; just go to and click on ENTER when you are ready to register. All entry forms must be completed by February 28, 2022.
If you haven’t done so, you need to check out because the Jag Awards committee has listened to you. To honor our members and their excellence in local & regional Public Education Government (PEG) cablecast programming, each entry will receive either a Bronze, Silver, or Gold adjudicated certificate based on their score.
Don’t forget to mark on your calendar. The JAG Awards banquet will be May 25, 2022. If you enjoyed the past virtual banquet, you will not want to miss it live & in-person.
Conference Committee: Bob Duthaler/ Geoffrey Belinfante (Co-Chair), George Fairfield (Vice Chair)
Eastern Video Expo 2022 Takes a Hybrid Approach for 2022
Having not met in over two years onsite at a trade show, the conference committee is moving forward in May 2022 in presenting a hybrid format for EVE 2022. Over our scheduled three day event (Tuesday, May 24th through Thursday, May 26th) we will hold an in person trade show on Wednesday, May 25th. This will be our time once again to gather at a trade show, with limited vendors geared for access stations, special presentations and hands-on experience with the latest technology. It will be a chance to shake hands (or bump elbows) with the vendors and manufacturers that have supported us during this pandemic and see first hand the new technology. Our event once again will take place shortly after NAB’s large event in Vegas. That is where the industry announces their latest technology. Our event is where people can come and see firsthand the new technology that was announced.
To help make this in-person event a more memorable day, the JAG Video Awards and Banquet will take place that evening. What better way after exploring a day of new technology, then gathering with our counterparts and celebrating each other and the great work we do throughout the year? 2022 JAG Awards will be the perfect culmination of celebrating our organization, its members and everything we stand for as an organization. What better way to make this event even better, than to surround it with two days of creative, informative conference sessions? Not only will we gather some of the best and brightest in our field, but we will present these sessions to you in a format that allows you to easily access them without having to spend too much time out of your office. Building off the success of last year’s all virtual conference, the committee will have our conference sessions again be virtual, thus creating the ultimate hybrid conference between the in-person trade show, JAG awards and Virtual Sessions on Tuesday and Thursday!