Committees Corner July, 2021

EXTERNAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE:  Geoffrey Belinfante (Chair), Dustin Dumas (Vice Chair)

With the conference behind us, the External Relations Committee is turning its attention to another important topic.  We are beginning to look at our JAG website for ways to improve both its layout and functionality.  We have a new template which will give the website a more contemporary look and make it easier to make changes and update information.  Now is the time for you, the members, to tell us what you like and/or what you don’t like about the website.  We hope to have the new and improved site up by September 1st but. in the meantime, you will still be able to use the old website to access all the regular features, and the recordings of our workshops from the conference.  Please let me know any thoughts you have on improving the website by emailing me at  We encourage any and all input.

FINANCE COMMITTEE:  Linda Besink (Chairs), Jeff Arban (Vice Chair)

Thanks to all who are still in the process of renewing membership for 2021.  A revised list of membership benefits will be sent to the membership in the near future.  There have been several new benefits added over the past year.  As always, please consider joining the Finance Committee.  The work is essential but does not include a burdensome time commitment.

PRODUCTION COMMITTEE:  Lee Beckerman (Chair), Anthony Pagliuco (Vice Chair)

The Committee is flushing out the script details for our “How to choose a location” video.  We are also moving forward on starting to put together a script for “How to light an interview” as part of an overall “How to shoot an interview” Video series.

Working with the external relations committee we have finished editing and branding the first couple of rounds of Eastern Video conference videos which are ready for release. We will continue working towards finishing the remaining videos for future release.

We are moving forward on building a new “JAG sizzle reel” to be used at the League of Municipalities booth at their conference. We plan to build the reel starting by going through JAG video awards submissions.

The YouTube channel is up and running, but we are still looking for more videos to feature.  If you have produced videos that are of wider appeal that your immediate town, please think about sharing them with the JAG Channel.  Submission links can be emailed to Lee at Woodbridge TV or Doug at Piscataway TV.  Also check out the JAG awards currently up and running on the channel.  If you haven’t subscribed, please do so!!

Legislation Committee:  Dave Garb (Chair), Linda Besink (Vice Chair)

For the last 6 years, the FCC has been trying to create a database that would cite those stations, etc. who would be exempt from having to provide Closed Captioning.

The latest deadline that was given was July 1st of this year.  However that deadline has come and gone with no progress on it.  No one knows what this means for us, or how to interpret the non-activity.  We are now in a continuing hold and wait to see what is to come.

Straight from the Conference during the Ask the Lawyer session, the Legislative Committee is about to help JAG toot our own horns as we get prepare to reach out to our federal and state representatives once again.

We are asking each of our members to answer this one question.  “What did your station do during the pandemic that made a difference?  (Basically, what were you able to accomplish, in order to get the important facts and news out to your community?)

This information will then be put together as a collective report that will be included in our next political push.  I am setting August 20th as the deadline for getting your replies to me.  Email

The Legislative Committee is in constant need of your eyes, ears, thoughts and contacts in order to keep PEG informed and fresh in the minds of all of our lawmakers.  For further information on our work, or if you would like to join our committee, please contact me.

Membership Committee:  Stephanie Gibbons (Chair), Darryl Love (Vice Chair)

The Membership committee is reviewing the work it has done for the past year and preparing for the Executive Board retreat.  Our goal is to ensure that members receive the benefits of JAG.

The committee is trying to make sure members are receiving information through all the avenues of communication: the listserv, newsletter, access to the member’s only section of the website and access to the Connect server for sharing content. If you believe you are not receiving any of these items, please contact me at:

The committee continues its efforts in reaching out to members who have not yet renewed their membership this year.  Please consider joining the membership committee,

The committee will not be meeting in August, our next meeting is scheduled for Sep. 14th.

Leadership Development Committee:  Dave Garb (Chair), Doug Seidel (Vice Chair)

This LDC Committee focuses on the development and promotion of JAG by reinventing our marketing strategies and social media platforms.  We also aid and work with all of JAG’s other committees to assist them in achieving their individual goals.

One of our continuing objectives in the Leadership Committee is to reach out to all members to discuss the importance of joining one of our other committees in order to help JAG grow and continue to be the voice of the New Jersey PEG community.

We are currently going over our Policy and Procedure documents and updating different sections as needed so that this year’s executive committee retreat will go smoother and quicker.

Chairs and/or Vice Chairs from their respective committees make up the Leadership Development Committee (LDC), as well as those individuals that are skilled and knowledgeable in areas that are needed to make this committee shine.

JAG Awards Committee:  George Fairfield (Chairs), Bob Nicholson (Vice Chair)

Award winners; you can upgrade your certificate to a JAG Awards Award.  Download the order form and send it to before July 30, 2021. If you have any questions, please let the JAG Awards committee know. 

Click to order:

Conference Committee:  Bob Duthaler/ Geoffrey Belinfante (Co-Chair) George Fairfield (Vice Chair)

With the Conference now behind us, your conference Co-Chairs, Bob Duthaler and Geoff Belinfante and Vice Chair George Fairfield and the rest of the conference committee thank all of you who participated in our first virtual conference.  If you missed any of the sessions, they will all be posted in the members only section of the website in the next few months.  As the first virtual Eastern Video Expo, we hope you found the presentations valuable and entertaining.  Naturally, none of this would have been possible without our sponsors, so we’d like to thank Telvue, Cablecast, Varto, Municipal Captioning, Rushworks, DNS Media Group, Planet Networks, DeSisti and Didja for their support and informative presentations.  Quite a lot of work went into putting together some terrific production-oriented workshops on storytelling, interviewing techniques, editing techniques for storytelling and lighting.  We hope you found them helpful.  Your understanding of social media marketing techniques was no doubt improved if you attended our social media workshop.  As we have in the past, we also provided several workshops on legal and legislative matters regarding closed captioning, broadband deployment and matters under consideration at the FCC that may affect our business.  Thanks to George Fairfield and his committee, the JAG awards presentation, complete with Red Carpet pre-show, was a delight with entertainment provided by Simon Mandel whose unique brand of magic brought the evening to life and made the awards really enjoyable.  Since this was our first attempt at a virtual trade show, we’d like to hear some feedback from those of you who attended.  Please let us know what you liked and what you didn’t about the event.  We’ll be back next year, but the nature of the event, virtual, hybrid, or in person, will depend on your input.  Please let me know your feelings at, or better yet, plan to join the Conference Committee when we re-form in the fall to plan the next Eastern Video Expo.