Committees Corner – March 2022
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Bob Duthaler (Chair) Doug Seidel (Vice Chair))
The Executive Board has approved changes to the structure of the JAG newsletter to include adding monthly articles on technology, legislation and operations. These will be added to the current member spotlight and the new committee spotlight. We will be creating a new internal document that will improve our communication with the membership. These will begin in April.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Linda Besink (Chair), TBA (Vice Chair)
If you have not received a dues invoice for 2022, please let the JAG Treasurer, Linda Besink, know via email at and it will be re-sent immediately. The dues renewal response has been excellent so far, but we are always aware of municipal budget procedures. If you are able to send us a Purchase Order, you will be considered a member in good standing, as that will show that the payment is in process. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your dues status, please reach out to Linda. Thanks to everyone who has renewed their membership so far. Please consider serving on the Finance Committee. We meet briefly each month to go over reports; the time commitment is minimal, but the work is important.
PRODUCTION COMMITTEE: Lee Beckerman (Chair), Anthony Pagliuco (Vice Chair)
The JAG Production Meeting was held on March 7th.
The “Why Join JAG” video is on hold pending the completion of an elevator speech to be written by the JAG Leadership Development Committee and used as the basis of the script.
Doug has begun sending reminders to stations to please submit programs of general interest to our YouTube channel in an effort to boost participation. If you have general interest videos, please forward them to Doug at Piscataway TV.
The committee will work on taping a few additional videos to add to the Testimonial pool featuring station members based on comments submitted on the JAG survey. We plan to tape at the JAG conference vendors show in May.
Conference videos have all been uploaded to Youtube.
EXTERNAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Geoffrey Belinfante (Chair), Doug Seidel (Vice Chair)
This month the External Relations committe discussed making improvements to this very newsletter. At our recent meeting we analyzed the results of the survey which all members received about the newsletter. While the number of completed surveys was a bit disappointing, we have made some suggestions that will alter the content of the newsletter in the future. This includes eliminating some columns and adding others. Stay tuned.
Legislation Committee: Dave Garb (Chair), Linda Besink (Vice Chair)
Over the past few weeks, the Legislative Committee has been slowly working to build support from our Senators and Representatives regarding the Protecting Community Television Act.
Thanks to our renewed partnership with the ACM, we had a positive on line meeting with Senator Booker’s Assistant Legislative Director. In a 20 minute session, it was stated that there was no reason that the Senator should not support this Bill. We are just waiting now for his official signing notification.
We will be scheduling more meetings with our Congressional members, along with our partners in the very near future.
The Committee is also working on a new feature article for our newsletter that will address the topics we need to be concerned about. We are hoping to further highlight our partners and offer you the information needed to understand what is happening in our quickly changing world. As I have stated each month, the Legislative Committee constantly needs your eyes, ears, thoughts and contacts. In order to keep PEG fresh in the minds of all of our lawmakers, we need your help. For further information on how you can be an active participant in our cause, please contact me and find out how you can join our committee
Membership Committee: Stephanie Gibbons (Chair), George Fairfield (Vice Chair)
The committee plans on expanding by reaching out to members from various membership categories in order to be more inclusive and gain a better understanding of their particular needs from the organization. The committee is working closely with the Leadership Development committee to help support the new marketing plan.
Invoices for your 2022 JAG dues have been sent out from the Finance committee. Please look out for it and if you have received it let JAG’s Treasurer Linda know. If you haven’t received your invoice DEFINITELY contact Linda at
We want to make sure you are getting the most from your member benefits, so please let us know it you are not getting information from the listserv, newsletter, access to the member’s only section of the website and access to the Connect server for sharing content. Please contact me at:
Leadership Development Committee: Doug Seidel (Chair), Dave Garb (Vice Chair)
Leadership has approved both a new treasurer’s manual for our policy and procedures and a big change to our monthly newsletter. Shout out to Linda and the Finance committee for putting together a great manual that will help JAG immensely in the future. The results from the newsletter survey have led us to start work on a new and better newsletter that will increase the marketing efforts of JAG. The new marketing plan is also starting to take shape and we hope to have it in full effect by sometime this summer. If you think you have a skill set that can help strengthen JAG, contact the Leadership Development Committee and we will help find the right committee or subcommittee for you.
JAG Awards Committee: George Fairfield (Chairs), Ronni Garrett (Vice Chair)
The JAG Awards are open for submissions. They will close on February 28, 2022. Go to All the entries are in; now the judging begins. The JAG Awards Presentation will be May 24, 2022. Make sure to dust off your tails & shine the jewelry; the evening begins with an always fashionable red carpet followed by the Awards presentation. Mark it on your calendar; pencil it on a sticky note; save a reminder on your phone; whatever you must do to remember this year’s JAG Awards Presentation. Join us for a fabulous evening of good food, sparkling champagne, and interactive entertainment, even if it is from your own home. If you have any questions, please email
Conference Committee: Bob Duthaler/ Geoffrey Belinfante (Co-Chair), George Fairfield (Vice Chair)
We are happy to announce that things are moving along very well for our conference. Virtual workshops will be May 24 and 26 with a Live In-Person Trade Show on May 25th followed by a banquet where the winners of the JAG Awards will be announced. The event will be hosted at the Crowne Plaza in Edison, NJ. Our website, , will be updated regularly with ticket costs, workshops, and speakers. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in May for the return of LIVE IN-PERSON events.
Committees Corner – March 2022
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Bob Duthaler (Chair) Doug Seidel (Vice Chair))
The Executive Board has approved changes to the structure of the JAG newsletter to include adding monthly articles on technology, legislation and operations. These will be added to the current member spotlight and the new committee spotlight. We will be creating a new internal document that will improve our communication with the membership. These will begin in April.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Linda Besink (Chair), TBA (Vice Chair)
If you have not received a dues invoice for 2022, please let the JAG Treasurer, Linda Besink, know via email at and it will be re-sent immediately. The dues renewal response has been excellent so far, but we are always aware of municipal budget procedures. If you are able to send us a Purchase Order, you will be considered a member in good standing, as that will show that the payment is in process. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your dues status, please reach out to Linda. Thanks to everyone who has renewed their membership so far. Please consider serving on the Finance Committee. We meet briefly each month to go over reports; the time commitment is minimal, but the work is important.
PRODUCTION COMMITTEE: Lee Beckerman (Chair), Anthony Pagliuco (Vice Chair)
The JAG Production Meeting was held on March 7th.
The “Why Join JAG” video is on hold pending the completion of an elevator speech to be written by the JAG Leadership Development Committee and used as the basis of the script.
Doug has begun sending reminders to stations to please submit programs of general interest to our YouTube channel in an effort to boost participation. If you have general interest videos, please forward them to Doug at Piscataway TV.
The committee will work on taping a few additional videos to add to the Testimonial pool featuring station members based on comments submitted on the JAG survey. We plan to tape at the JAG conference vendors show in May.
Conference videos have all been uploaded to Youtube.
EXTERNAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Geoffrey Belinfante (Chair), Doug Seidel (Vice Chair)
This month the External Relations committe discussed making improvements to this very newsletter. At our recent meeting we analyzed the results of the survey which all members received about the newsletter. While the number of completed surveys was a bit disappointing, we have made some suggestions that will alter the content of the newsletter in the future. This includes eliminating some columns and adding others. Stay tuned.
Legislation Committee: Dave Garb (Chair), Linda Besink (Vice Chair)
Over the past few weeks, the Legislative Committee has been slowly working to build support from our Senators and Representatives regarding the Protecting Community Television Act.
Thanks to our renewed partnership with the ACM, we had a positive on line meeting with Senator Booker’s Assistant Legislative Director. In a 20 minute session, it was stated that there was no reason that the Senator should not support this Bill. We are just waiting now for his official signing notification.
We will be scheduling more meetings with our Congressional members, along with our partners in the very near future.
The Committee is also working on a new feature article for our newsletter that will address the topics we need to be concerned about. We are hoping to further highlight our partners and offer you the information needed to understand what is happening in our quickly changing world. As I have stated each month, the Legislative Committee constantly needs your eyes, ears, thoughts and contacts. In order to keep PEG fresh in the minds of all of our lawmakers, we need your help. For further information on how you can be an active participant in our cause, please contact me and find out how you can join our committee
Membership Committee: Stephanie Gibbons (Chair), George Fairfield (Vice Chair)
The committee plans on expanding by reaching out to members from various membership categories in order to be more inclusive and gain a better understanding of their particular needs from the organization. The committee is working closely with the Leadership Development committee to help support the new marketing plan.
Invoices for your 2022 JAG dues have been sent out from the Finance committee. Please look out for it and if you have received it let JAG’s Treasurer Linda know. If you haven’t received your invoice DEFINITELY contact Linda at
We want to make sure you are getting the most from your member benefits, so please let us know it you are not getting information from the listserv, newsletter, access to the member’s only section of the website and access to the Connect server for sharing content. Please contact me at:
Leadership Development Committee: Doug Seidel (Chair), Dave Garb (Vice Chair)
Leadership has approved both a new treasurer’s manual for our policy and procedures and a big change to our monthly newsletter. Shout out to Linda and the Finance committee for putting together a great manual that will help JAG immensely in the future. The results from the newsletter survey have led us to start work on a new and better newsletter that will increase the marketing efforts of JAG. The new marketing plan is also starting to take shape and we hope to have it in full effect by sometime this summer. If you think you have a skill set that can help strengthen JAG, contact the Leadership Development Committee and we will help find the right committee or subcommittee for you.
JAG Awards Committee: George Fairfield (Chairs), Ronni Garrett (Vice Chair)
The JAG Awards are open for submissions. They will close on February 28, 2022. Go to All the entries are in; now the judging begins. The JAG Awards Presentation will be May 24, 2022. Make sure to dust off your tails & shine the jewelry; the evening begins with an always fashionable red carpet followed by the Awards presentation. Mark it on your calendar; pencil it on a sticky note; save a reminder on your phone; whatever you must do to remember this year’s JAG Awards Presentation. Join us for a fabulous evening of good food, sparkling champagne, and interactive entertainment, even if it is from your own home. If you have any questions, please email
Conference Committee: Bob Duthaler/ Geoffrey Belinfante (Co-Chair), George Fairfield (Vice Chair)
We are happy to announce that things are moving along very well for our conference. Virtual workshops will be May 24 and 26 with a Live In-Person Trade Show on May 25th followed by a banquet where the winners of the JAG Awards will be announced. The event will be hosted at the Crowne Plaza in Edison, NJ. Our website, , will be updated regularly with ticket costs, workshops, and speakers. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in May for the return of LIVE IN-PERSON events.