Committees Corner – September 2021

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:  Bob Duthaler (Chair) Dave Garb (Vice Chair)

The board met three times in August as part of its annual board retreat.  All committee chair reported on the work that was acomplished this year.  The board evaluated all its accomplishments and identifed its chalanges going into the new year.  Look for a number of new initiatives.

FINANCE COMMITTEE:  Linda Besink (Chair), Jeff Arban (Vice Chair)

This year’s Board Retreat resulted in many wonderful ideas for and from all our committees.  For Finance, we want to be more interactive with members all year ‘round.  This particular initiative was kicked off in early September when we announced a new members-only password.  The effective date for the password change is only for 2021.  In 2022 and going forward, this password change will be made every June 1.  We will continue to communicate with membership on this and other issues.

Additionally, the budget process for next year will soon begin.  After that we will see invoicing for 2022.  So keep an eye out for your dues invoice.  I will be communicating with membership to keep you apprised of where dues invoicing stands.

As always, please consider joining the Finance Committee.  No accounting background is necessary, only a desire to help keep up financial transparency.

PRODUCTION COMMITTEE:  Lee Beckerman (Chair), Anthony Pagliuco (Vice Chair)

We have been getting new content for the JAG YouTube channel but will continue to solicit more participation.  We have still not met the 100 subscriber threshold so we plan to send out solicitations for members to ask their friends and family to subscribe.  Doug will work on a letter to the membership.

With the external relations and conference committees we have completed editing of all the conference videos. They can all be found on the JAG website in the Members Only section. Special thanks to Piscataway, East Brunswick, and Woodbridge.

We now have a working script for the “How to choose a location” video, the first of a “how to” series on shooting an interview.  The next step is to break it down into locations (ironically), personnel needed and to put together a production schedule.  We also are on the lookout for talent for two starring roles in the video. 

EXTERNAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE:  Geoffrey Belinfante (Chair), Dustin Dumas (Vice Chair)

We on the External Relations Committee are very excited this month about our newly updated website.  Thanks to committee member Doug Seidel, with some help from his friends, he has given the site a new look and hopefully made it more user friendly.  The design is cleaner than before and he was able to make some design changes that were not possible with our old outdated software.  All of the hard work on the site reminds me that it is, after all, a marketing tool.  In some cases, it is the first impression that anyone gets about JAG, and you know what they say about first impressions.  I think we have cleaned up the look so that we can all be proud of what people see when they log on. 

The Website is also a tool that provides our membership with resources and valuable information to help them with their day-to-day activities.  However, just like any tool, it’s only good if you put it to use.  I would urge all our members to watch the material that has been added to our video library, track our meeting schedule, and review our newsletters both new and old.  In addition, we on the committee are also preparing our marketing tools for the League of Municipalities convention in November.  We have prepared a new handout on JAG and are hosting two seminars for attendees, one on Federal money available for Broadband improvements and the other on alternate methods available to Municipalities to communicate with their citizens.  Marketing is also very important to our committee and we are considering ideas to extend our brand on social media and using a mobile app to further the profile of JAG and the work that is done by our member stations.  As always, we are looking for help. If you have any interest, please let me know at

Legislation Committee:  Dave Garb (Chair), Linda Besink (Vice Chair)

No report received.

This committee will need to focus on building relationships with state and federal legislators. They are also working on preparing a document that explains how stations provided assistance during the pandemic.

Membership Committee:  Stephanie Gibbons (Chair), Darryl Love (Vice Chair)

We would like to welcome new members: PREMIERE MEDIA-Independent Producer and the Borough of Roseland.

We want to make sure you are getting the most of your member benefits so please let us know it you are not getting information from the listserv, newsletter, access to the member’s only section of the website and access to the Connect server for sharing content.  Please contact me at: .

Leadership Development Committee:  Dave Garb (Chair), Doug Seidel (Vice Chair)

No report received.

This committee will be focusing on developing a strategy for marketing JAG on social media. The objective will be to increase JAG’s exposure and encourage membership. They will continue to build a tool box of marketing material needed to support JAG’s marketing efforts.

JAG Awards Committee:  George Fairfield (Chair), TBA (Vice Chair)

The JAG Awards committee has hit the ground at full steam.  The Executive Board approved the committee’s part two of their re-structuring plans.  These plans include; opening for submissions in January, all entries will be adjudicated, and top awards will be presented to high scores in each category, plus high score awards for independent producer, nonprofit organization, and student categories.   This will allow JAG to honor more members.  In the coming months, we’ll take a closer look at the new features, so stay tuned.

Conference Committee:  Bob Duthaler/ Geoffrey Belinfante (Co-Chair) George Fairfield (Vice Chair)

The committee has completed its work for 2021.  The committee will reconstitute on October 18th at 2pm and begin working on JAG’s Eastern Video Expo 2022.  Officers will be elected and ideas for the structure of the conference, live, virtual or hybrid, will be discussed.