JAG Schedules Three Sessions at the New Jersey League of Municipalities Annual Conference

November 15, 2023

Follow the Money: The Sequel

(Joint Session with the NJ League)

10:45 AM-12:00 PM

Room 413

Federal funding is available to ensure broadband access.  Billions of dollars have begun to flow to the states for distribution.  This panel will explore the status of NJ’s broadband deployment program, how municipalities can access the money, and what to do with it once it arrives at the local level.

Panelists: Robert Boyle, CEO, Planet Networks, Valarry Bullard, Transparency Officer & Broadband Advisor, Governor’s Office of Disaster Recovery, Bob Duthaler, President, JAG Station Manager, Bloomfield Township, Joseph Rivera, Manager, Broadband Access, NJ Board of Public Utilities, Kenneth Fellman, Esq., Of Counsel, Helmer, Conley and Kasselman, P.A.

November 16, 2023

Using Existing Infrastructure to Enhance Broadband Deployment

(Joint Session with the NJ League)

9:00 AM-10:15 AM

Learn how utilities and municipalities can work together to accelerate broadband deployment for their communities.  Discover strategies, options, and real-world success stories, and learn about the legislative efforts that could assist or hinder these goals.

Panelists: Edward Purcell, Esq., Attorney, Price Meese Shulman and D’Arminio, Robert Boyle, CEO, Planet Networks, Kenneth Fellman, Esq., Of Counsel, Helmer, Conley and Kasselman, P.A.

November 16, 2023

Municipal Television: It’s Not Just Cable Anymore

10:45 AM-12:00 PM

Room 409

This panel will explore the various ways a municipality can communicate with their citizens beyond traditional cable television channels. Panelists: Geoff Belinfante, TV Commissioner, WM-77, West Milford Township, Bob Duthaler, President, JAG, Station Manager, Bloomfield Township, Gina Forbes, Station Manager, Woodbridge Television, Joe Fernandes, Assistant Manager, Woodbridge Television.

Spotlight: Newark – Understanding Your Town: Identifying the Opportunities

By Ed Cologna, Newark TV, Station Manager

New York City has a step-brother, and it’s called Newark. The locals call it “Nork.”  Newark is New Jersey’s largest city by population, known for its vibrant arts scene and one of America’s oldest. It was founded in 1666 by Connecticut Puritans and led by Robert Treat.

Newark was known for being the theater capital of the USA long before Broadway, NYC.  It was the home to Thomas Edison’s Invention Factory (now a parking lot, which speaks volumes about American culture or its lack thereof). It boasts a park similar to Central Park by the same designer, gave us the first pressed record factory, and served as the former home and sometimes birthplace to celebrities like Sarah Vaughan, the Ballantine’s, Shaquille O’Neal, Michael B. Jordan, Queen Latifah, Whitney Houston, Joe Pesci, Jerry Lewis, Amiri Baraka, Paul Simon, and the birthplace of yours truly.

Newark TV is located in the same building as historic Symphony Hall.

Symphony Hall

Newark and its Broadcasting History

One detail to mention is that this building is important to the history of American Television.  At some point in the early 1960s, WNJU-TV signed on from Newark as the New York City market’s first commercial UHF station, channel 47.  It carried a format of ethnic programming.  Pete Seeger hosted an early folk music program called “Rainbow Quest,” and a live teenage dance show aired from WNJU called “Disc-O-Teen.”  The station also created some controversy early on by airing bullfights.

My First Visit to Newark TV

My first brush with this location came before I was born when my mother, Nella Zadra, a talented painter and muralist, was pregnant with me.  She designed the set for an opera, “Francesca Di Rimini,” which premiered on the main stage of Symphony Hall in 1966.

Fate would have it that many years later, I would find myself working there.  On a stormy winter blizzard morning in 2014, due to personnel issues, Newark’s PEG TV Station was unable to post emergency announcements about the snowstorm.  I had no political connections to Newark, only a reputation for helping JAG stations such as Edison and Roselle TV.  I drove through the snow to Symphony Hall in Newark, where the station exists, and did what I could to get announcements running.  Upon examining the broadcast schedule, I noticed that the programming was minimal: a weekly news magazine about the city with excerpts of events, a few street dedications, and council meetings.  It was unimpressive for a city of this stature.  If you can imagine, Newark TV was still recording and broadcasting programming in a 4×3 aspect ratio.

In 2007, the city of Newark invested a lot of funds in building a beautiful TV Studio.  Light grid with DeSisti components, two acoustically treated edit rooms, a large conference room, green room and a large office for the station manager that would impress visitors.  At a first glance, this looked like PEG heaven: until you realized there was not a staging area for equipment, lights and only two tall storage cabinets in a machine room.  Newark TV was designed by someone who didn’t know anything about the day-to-day operation of a PEG Station.  It looked pretty, but it wasn’t practical.  There was no makeup room, the kitchen had no stove, the green room was tiny, etc.  And last but not least, the city spent $850,000 that year on video equipment for the studio.  All of it Standard Definition, without a plan for upgrades.  For those who do not know, HD had already been in ubiquitous use by that year.  I compare that to buying a horse and buggy when you can get a car.

Seven years later, although it was a temporary solution, I embraced the challenge to improve the operation almost overnight.  To me, it was a canvas, and my cameras were my brushes.  I didn’t ask for permission regarding what I could or couldn’t do.  I brought my own cameras and editing computers, plus invested in more of them out of pocket.  I started asking around what events were taking place throughout the city and if I could show up and record them; I did.  At the time, Mayor Quintana was the first Latino Mayor of Newark, and he was too preoccupied with running this behemoth of a city with thousands of employees to worry about what was happening at the TV station.  But the administration soon took notice.

Most field events prior to me were recorded and edited with a single camera and were not posted on social media. Soon, I increased to three-camera productions in 16×9 HD, posting the HD files on social media and then broadcasting the 16×9 content squeezed to a 4×3 form factor for Cablevisión (now Altice) and FiOs.

In a matter of days, I reduced bulletin board time from 20 hours a day to almost zero.  Instead of bulletin board static slides, I created video PSA’s.  I went from 4 hours of programming a day to 24/7 original content.  At first, I repeated programming in blocks, similar to how the Discovery Channel did in the 1990s.  As I increased the original programming with events, so did the requests to cover more and more events from all city departments.  I could no longer be a one-man band if I wanted the operation to be sustainable.  At the time, I raced between Edison TV as a full-time job with flexible hours (always to my monetary detriment) and this new project.  This stint at Newark TV was temporary.  After six months, the personnel issues were resolved, and the person in charge prior to me got their job back.  I thought my time with Newark TV was done. It wasn’t.

Newark TV, a Second Chance

Soon after Mayor Ras Baraka was elected, his press office called me in to take the helm once again.  To my disappointment, all the changes I implemented the year before were undone.  Little to no programming was on the air, everything went back to 4×3, and the bulletin board returned.  This was in March of 2015.  Now, more secure in this position, I hit the ground running and hired an editor, Armin, to help keep up with the pace of post-production.  For a while, this seemed to work.  Then I added a still photographer turned videographer who could also help coordinate.  As he learned the craft, Gary Campbell became my right-hand man.  At Newark TV, we work to provide all kinds of productions and support to every department of the city.  From the Administration that produces the State of the City at NJPAC, to interesting events such as parades and music festivals and even special coverage for events like the 24 Hours of Peace.  Newark keeps us busy.

Newark in the National Headlines and the Lead Crisis

In 2014 Flint, Michigan was in the eyes of the media because of a horrendous water crisis caused by mismanagement of their water supply.  This caused illness and retardation in many people, with the depths still unfolding.  In 2017, the National Media focused on Newark because the EPA had detected high levels of lead in a few of its schools.  Mayor Baraka took this challenge head-on.  While the media, even liberal outlets like Democracy Now, were reporting this bad situation and pointing fingers at Mayor Baraka, it was Newark TV that was there showing what the city was doing to address the problem: how to get home water tested for lead, where residents could pick up lead-removing water filters and free bottled water, and reported on the constant progress of replacing the lead service line to all the homes in the city.  A monumental task that was done effectively and economically by a Mayor that was told it was impossible to do.  The goal of some entities was to take over and privatize Newark’s water.  Not under this Mayor’s watch.

Newark TV and the Covid-19 Pandemic

No sooner was this situation almost fully solved that the Covid-19 pandemic began.  Mayor Baraka began broadcasting on Newark TV daily updates during the lockdown.  My team and I were there to report about rapid and PCR testing, how residents without addresses were being cared for, and all the reporting of daily contagions and deaths from what was an unknown situation that evolved daily.

When the pandemic was over, in addition to the ongoing bi-weekly COVID updates we resumed coverage of the fun events such as the MTV VMA’s Red Carpet at the Prudential Center, public forums, consent decrees, art events at the Newark Museum and Library, ribbon cuttings and press conferences.

Newark has had a separate vendor to cover their Council Meetings, but that doesn’t mean we don’t help each other whenever needed.  The Tidwell’s, as I know them or ITM Gospel, which is their company, have been serving Newark’s City Council long before I even knew of Newark TV’s existence, and they are an institution more than a production company.  Working together, we have more strength.  Teamwork makes the dream work.

Mayor Baraka proved his mettle during the pandemic.  My team and I decided to think of ways to provide more services to other towns.  So we came up with the GovTV platform, and in New Jersey, it is called NJGOVTV.  At this year’s NJLM trade show, my team and I will have a booth and talk about this.

My Team at Newark TV and Other TV Stations

At Newark TV, we have four full-timers, and we pull from Cologna Productions, many part-timers that help in every capacity because we serve Newark and other TV stations throughout New Jersey.  We aim to grow bigger.  An author and artist in his own right, Gary Campbell now keeps the madness in check, and we work together to make sure every request within reason is fulfilled.  (Check out “The Artist Recreates the World” if you can.  That’s his pet project.)  Directing Editor Charles Baraff is beyond an editor.  He has a vision for when productions take place and has wise advice to allow for creative turnarounds.  Amira Richardson is a field producer who can host like the best in a pinch and helps in every aspect of the operation.  On the part-time side, I have some superstars from the corporate and broadcast world, such as Thomas Terreri, former President of Prudential Productions, who substitutes in my place occasionally; Ting Yin, who graduated with a Master’s degree in Digital Media from Northeastern University in Boston, has been helping the operation since 2016; Lauren Downs comes from SVA and has been with me for over 10 years; Julia D. is an Art Director and an artist who graduated from FIT; Zhenzhen Luo is a Rutgers Master’s Graduate and fills in the gaps at various productions, and I could go on.  For a while, we had other talents helping, such as field producer Chris Rog, Armin, Juwaan, and last but not least, Doug Seidel, who now works at PCTC.  I leave other station managers reading this article with this thought.  There is a saying that goes, “Your business is only as strong as your weakest link.”  True, but to that, I add we are human, and we all have weak moments.  What matters is that in those times of weakness, the person next to you pulls you up and keeps the operation going.  Pick passionate people, not people who are only in this as a job or are going through the motions.  They have to love what they do. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Eddy Edward Cologna is a very early member of the JAG family, and a strong advocate for community media.

Legislative Update October 2023: Updates and Reminders About H.R. 3557

by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair

The American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023

This past June, a newsletter was sent to inform you of a bill that was passed out of the Congressional House Energy and Commerce Committee, titled the American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023 (H.R. 3557).  JAG, along with our national partners, believe this bill would be a serious detriment to every municipality in our state.

We have learned at the end of September that the Committee’s Majority leadership has shared a draft committee report to go along with H.R. 3557.  This is typically the next step in the process for bills going to the Rules Committee and eventually the House floor sooner, not later.

From NATOA – National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors – 9/28/23:

On behalf of the nation’s counties, cities, towns and villages, the National League of Cities (NLC), United States Conference of Mayors (USCM), National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) have signed a joint letter (attached) “to express our deep concerns and strong opposition to H.R. 3557, the American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023.  H.R. 3557 deprives citizens and their local governments of the ability to preserve property rights and maintain public safety.”

Joint Letter in Opposition to H.R. 3557

As it stands, it’s a good assumption that the plans to move H.R. 3557 to the floor for a vote of the full House in very short order…..days, not weeks.

Last Spring, the E&C’s Communications and Technology Subcommittee held a hearing on a slew of individual bills – many of them attacking local authority- without notice and/or local government input. Ultimately, the 19 bills were rolled up into H.R. 3557 and packaged as the American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023.

H.R. 3557 quickly passed through the Subcommittee and the Energy & Commerce Committee in short order and along partisan lines.  At that point, H.R. 3557 was referred to both the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Natural Resources for further action.  Presumably, both Committees are now ‘waiving’ jurisdiction which allows for the bill to move through the Rules Committee.

H.R. 3557, the American Broadband Act of 2023, would preempt local authority to manage our public rights-of-way and public lands’ use for telecommunications infrastructure.  It also preempts local rights of way and franchise authority in a ‘giveaway’ to cable and telecommunications providers.

City, county, town and local governments should call their members of Congress and urge them to oppose H.R. 3557.  This step is particularly important in communities where the incumbent is vulnerable, or your Representative is a former local elected official.

H.R. 3557 represents an unprecedented and dangerous usurpation of local governments’ authority to manage public rights-of-way and land use.  The bill favors cable, wireless and telecommunications providers.  The bill also waives historic preservation (NHPA) and environmental (NEPA) rules.

In return for these gifts, the bill imposes no obligations on cable, wireless and telecommunications companies to provide broadband to “unserved” and “underserved” Americans.

For local governments, it is troubling that the bill was reported out of Committee without any opportunity to hear from local government to explain not only why this legislation is not needed but how it will result in harmful preemptions and unconstitutional takings.

Local government members of the National Association of Counties (NACo), the National League of Cities (NLC), the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) and the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA), oppose heavy-handed federal overreach into local land use, permitting, and franchise negotiation decisions.

The level of government closest to the people oppose H.R. 3557 as it:

  1. Mandates that all local wireless siting decisions be “deemed granted” in impractical short time periods. (Compare the Federal agencies’ 270 days to act, while locals must conduct all engineering and other reviews in as little as 60 days.  GLL mentioned Ray Baum Act – feds get fair market value.)
  2. Provides no public safety protections for construction of these “deemed granted” facilities. (Construction will proceed without safety inspection or traffic control. (Does this mean skirting the periodic inspections of structural deployment, electrical work, etc.?)
  3. Sets timelines that are impossible to meet; creates technical grounds for defeating incompleteness notices that would pause the shot clock; and requires a local government to draft, publish and deliver to an applicant, on the same day that the local governing body hears and votes on the application, a written denial decision.  “All proceedings required by a State or local government or instrumentality thereof for the approval of the request” must be taken within these timelines.
  4. Empowers providers to install facilities where they choose regardless of local zoning, thus eliminating the ability of local government to balance providers’ and neighbors’ interests and jeopardizing the ability of local governments to impose stealth or concealment factors.
  5. Limits all local fees to a locality’s objectively reasonable costs.  Unlike current FCC rules and safe harbor pricing, localities must justify their fees using a complex, burdensome rate-making formula.
  6. Substitutes FCC for local federal district court as reviewing body for challenges to decisions, thus breaking promise made by Congress in 1996 that local governments would not be required to travel to Washington to defend local decisions.
  7. Imposes new and similarly flawed timelines and “deemed granted” remedies on applications for telecommunications facilities. 
  8. Eliminates cable franchise renewals, thereby removing ability of state or local communities to enforce franchise obligations such as build-out, customer service, and PEG.
  9. Grants a cable operator the unilateral right to terminate a franchise but creates no obligation to remove cable system from rights-of-way.
  10. Affirmatively grants cable operators the right to provide non-cable services while prohibiting localities from imposing any fees on cable operators’ revenue from non-cable services.

JAG wants every one of our New Jersey municipalities, along with our county, state and federal legislatures to be aware of this bill and why it must be stopped.

H.R. 3557 allows for the elimination of local rights and will cause suffering to local communities.  It would allow cable, wireless and telecommunications companies to,  as they wish, use public property and access to the public’s rights-of-way.  This bill would eliminate franchise renewals that support many community functions including Public, Educational and Government (PEG) Channels.

If this proceeds and becomes law, the public will get nothing in return from it but problems, while all of its benefits and rewards will be solely awarded to these businesses. For further information on H.R. 3557, please visit the following link for an in-depth Zoom Meet we recently had on it.  An In-Depth Discussion on H.R. 3557 

NJGOVTV: Revolutionizing PEG Broadcasting with a Difference

by Ed Cologna, Cologna Productions, Pres.

In the heart of Newark, New Jersey, an exciting development in the world of PEG (Public, Educational, and Government) broadcasting is about to unfold.  Cologna Productions, a local media company known for its innovative approach to broadcasting, is set to take center stage at the next Jersey Access Group (JAG) meeting.  The focal point of their presentation?  A groundbreaking platform they’ve been developing for the past two years, aptly named NJGOVTV.

The Jersey Access Group (JAG) is a community of PEG broadcasting professionals, enthusiasts, and advocates dedicated to promoting and advancing local media across the state of New Jersey.  The JAG meetings serve as a hub for individuals and organizations to share ideas, collaborate, and stay updated on the latest trends and innovations in PEG broadcasting.  Cologna Productions’ upcoming presentation promises to be a highlight of this ongoing mission.

NJGOVTV: Bridging Communities and Government

NJGOVTV represents a bold step towards enhancing the connection between local government and the communities it serves.  It is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the dissemination of vital government information, foster civic engagement, and empower residents with a deeper understanding of their local governance.

Key Features of NJGOVTV:

1. Accessible Content: NJGOVTV aims to bring government closer to the people through a user-friendly interface. It offers easy access to live and recorded government meetings, press conferences, town hall sessions, and public service announcements.

2. Archived Content: NJGOVTV stores an extensive archive of past government events, ensuring that residents can access critical information whenever they need it.  This repository of knowledge empowers citizens to stay informed about the decisions shaping their communities.

3. Mobile Accessibility: In a world where information is at our fingertips, NJGOVTV is designed to be accessible on multiple devices, including smartphones and tablets.  This mobile functionality ensures that residents can stay connected no matter where they are.

4. Government Transparency: Cologna Productions has worked diligently to ensure that NJGOVTV fosters transparency in local government operations.  Through the platform, government officials can communicate their decisions and actions clearly and directly to their constituents.

5. Video Downloads: NJGOVTV allows residents to download content stored on the platform, enabling them to save a copy of meetings or events to their local hard drives for future reference.

6. Casting to Smart TVs: Residents can cast content from their computers or mobile devices to their smart TVs, making it even more convenient to access and view local government proceedings and community events.

7. No Cable Subscription Required: With NJGOVTV, residents no longer need to be cable subscribers to access their local PEG Channel.  This opens up access to a broader audience and promotes inclusivity.

8. Emergency Notifications: During times of emergency, each town can post emergency videos or send text messages to subscribed affected residents.  This feature is crucial for disseminating critical information about flooded areas, street closures due to snow, alternate routes, natural or man-made disasters, terrorism, and more.

What sets NJGOVTV apart from mainstream social media platforms is its dedication to providing a safe, ad-free, and neutral space for PEG broadcasting of public meetings and community events.  Unlike popular social media platforms, NJGOVTV is not cluttered with advertisements or subject to ever-changing algorithms that may affect the visibility of content.

Furthermore, NJGOVTV is committed to content neutrality.  It does not engage in censorship; rather, it places the responsibility for uploaded content on the shoulders of the PEG managers or government entities.  This ensures that information remains open and accessible to all without bias or interference. In conclusion, Cologna Productions’ presentation at the next JAG meeting, October 25 @ 12noon, promises to be a momentous event in the world of PEG broadcasting.  NJGOVTV represents not only a technological achievement but also a step forward in creating stronger, more engaged communities through Public, Educational, and Government broadcasting.  As we eagerly await the unveiling of this innovative platform, it’s clear that the future of PEG broadcasting in New Jersey is brighter than ever, thanks to the dedication and vision of Cologna Productions.

President’s Message: October 2023 JAG Needs You!!!

by Bob Duthaler

This is not a US Army campaign to get you to enlist, rather it is JAG’s plea for you to run for a Trustee position.  Each year several JAG Trustee positions expire, and we look to the membership to run and fill these positions.  This year is no exception, as three positions are set to expire at the end of December 2023.

So, what does a JAG Trustee do?  JAG Trustees help shape and set goals for the Executive Board annually during their annual reorganization meeting.  In addition, JAG’s Executive Board Members are voted into place by the Board of Trustees during their annual reorganization meeting.  Trustees create the executive board via nominations and voting during the January Re-Organization Meeting, creating the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary.  The positions of External Relations and Production Chairs are selected by those committees and brought to the board.

So, what is required of a Trustee?  JAG Trustees participate in two annual meetings including the annual reorganization meeting and annual board retreat.  Plus, you are required to attend a majority of the JAG Monthly Membership Meetings.  In addition, since Trustees make up the Executive Board, you would be required to attend monthly board meetings, currently held virtually.  JAG Executive Board Members and Trustees are also required to be part of a standing or ad-hoc committee as well, attending monthly meetings for the committees.

Don’t let all the above scare you away.  You will be in good hands with the current board members/trustees who will work with you and help bring you “into the fold”.  Not everyone is familiar with the roles and responsibilities of board members for a charitable nonprofit and fortunately educational assistance for board members is available. The harder issue is asking volunteers to take time to learn about their role and grasp what makes a great board member. Luckily there are plenty of virtual options, although in-person, and especially peer-to-peer programs, are often the most useful – and fun. There is no doubt that there is a commitment of sorts to be a Trustee, but it’s to an organization you are already a member of and committed too.  So why not take the next step, be part of the board and help shape the organization and future of JAG!  Nominations will open officially open on Wednesday, October 25th at the next JAG meeting and will remain open until Wednesday, November 8th at 11am (Eastern Time).  If you cannot make the October 25th meeting, please email me directly at bduthaler@jagonline.org and announce that you are want to run as a Trustee in the upcoming elections, also include a brief bio and statement why you want to be a Trustee for the JAG organization.

Spotlight: West Milford – Why We Do It   

By Geoffrey Belinfante, External Relations, Chair

Working in Municipal and Community Television can sometimes be a thankless job —long meetings, municipal bureaucracy, aging equipment, and angry residents—they all come with the job.  I suppose we all do it for different reasons, but I guess many of our members find it rewarding because they contribute to their stations year after year. For many, it’s like performing a public service–providing information to residents, allowing greater governmental transparency, and documenting the history of the towns we represent. 

Sometimes there is a certain repetitive feeling to some of the things we do that may cause us to question that commitment.  The same parades, the same celebrations commemorating the same events each year, and all those council and committee meetings that drag on for hours.  However, every once in a while, something happens in a town that verifies the importance of what we do, and that makes it truly rewarding. Sometimes they are happy experiences, sometime tragic.

West Milford

Sadly, last week here in West Milford we lost our DPW Director Ed Steines, who died suddenly at age 64.  However, Ed was not just the DPW director. He also served as Director of the Office of Emergency Management, and as a volunteer fireman and West Milford’s Fire Commissioner.  As you can imagine, he touched the lives of many township residents over the course of pretty much his entire adult life while working for the town.

As the Fire Commissioner and a volunteer firefighter, his home Fire Company, Company 6 offered to host a memorial service that was open to the public.   Naturally the mayor asked WM77 to cover the service on very short notice.  As many of you know, we are a very small all volunteer station with only four of our members who shoot.  Despite the Saturday service, we were able to rally the troops and provide coverage so the residents who could not attend in person could view the service both on the channel and on demand.


While this was a sad occasion, it does underline the importance of Municipal and Community access channels.  I recall another occasion where one of our member stations had to respond quickly to a similar circumstance.  Several years ago, a beloved police officer in Summit was tragically killed in an automobile accident while on his way to work. Officer Matthew Tarentino was just 29 years old when a vehicle jumped the median on Route 78 and hit him head on. Tragically he left a wife and two children with another one on the way. Officer Tarentino served as the coordinator of the DARE anti-drug program in town and often appeared on HTTV in a show about all the good things that police do called “Off the Cuff.” As a result, just like Ed, he touched the lives of many residents of all ages.  HTTV also had to rise to the occasion quite quickly.  Since their staff is larger than ours and they already had footage of the Officer from his appearances on the station, they were able to put together a video tribute as well as cover the memorial service.

When you receive gratitude from grieving family members and thanks from your township officials, it makes all the late nights and bureaucratic wrangling worthwhile.  For me, last week’s memorial service made it clear in my mind why our jobs are a little different than many jobs in the television business.  It truly is why we do what we do. Thanks to all the JAG member communities out there who, like all of you, have helped our station.

Understanding the Finance Committee

by Linda Besink, Treasurer, Finance Committee, Chair

I believe the world is populated with two kinds of people: those who love numbers, and those who haven’t discovered their magic yet.

Trust me, JAG is not doing business in millions of dollars… at least not yet.  But do you know what follows a million, a billion, and a trillion?  Much like the names of our months, they are: a quadrillion, a quintillion, a sextillion, a septillion, an octillion, a nonillion, and a decillion.

Every time the JAG monthly finance reports come together, there is a thrill (yes, I said thrill!) and a nod to the process.  Although an accounting background is not a requirement to serve on the JAG Finance Committee, in my role as Treasurer it really does help to have an innate love of numbers.  Thank goodness I am lucky enough to be able to use that in day-to-day operations.

The Finance Committee is an important committee.  The Treasurer is the chair, with the President, Vice President, and chairs of the other standing committees (Production, and External Relations) as members.  Also, any member in good standing may serve on Finance as well as any other committee.

The JAG Treasurer has a defined place in the organization’s Bylaws and in the Policies & Procedures documents.  The responsibilities and requirements of the office are specifically detailed therein.  These include:

  • Banking.  All JAG accounts are maintained and reported monthly.  Maintenance of QuickBooks and PayPal are included in the banking function.
  • Committee Reporting.  The Finance Committee meets monthly on the first Tuesday unless it becomes necessary to move the date.  All financial reports are given a recap and review; this is why you do not need an accounting background to serve on the Finance Committee – just common sense.  The reports are then brought to the Executive Committee for their monthly meetings to review and for any questions and answers.
  • State and Federal filings.  An Annual Report is filed to the State of New Jersey.  This is a very simple filing, which serves mainly to let the State know that JAG is still a viable entity and continues to conduct business.  JAG’s CPA firm assists us in preparing and filing our annual Federal tax returns.  Finally, any 1099 reporting is done through QuickBooks.

JAG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.  Did you know that nonprofits’ financial information is public knowledge, and can be accessed by anyone?  One website you can use is www.guidestar.org .  You can also check the IRS website at https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/  to find the nonprofit in which you’re interested.

  • Contact Information.  The Treasurer keeps track of dues payments and other operations noted above, so a list of members is kept current, as well as other important contacts.
  • Budgets and Dues Invoicing.  Budgets for all standing committees are prepared in the final quarter of each year, for introduction (January) and approval (February).  Additionally, the annual Conference and JAG Awards budgets are worked out as the information becomes available.  Dues invoices are emailed to members in December, for renewal of membership in the coming calendar year.  Dues payments are followed up on during the year.
  • Expenses.  All expenses are paid through the Treasurer.  Checks are co-signed by the President.

In addition to all the above, the Treasurer issues a new password for the members-only section of the website, annually on June 1, to all members in good standing.  If you need this password, please contact the JAG Treasurer at lbesink@gmail.com .

The JAG Treasurer also works closely with the Membership Committee, keeping the membership list current and up-to-date and following up on dues payments during the year.

Back to the wonderful world of numbers!  Did you know that a temperature of -40° is the same in Celsius as it is in Fahrenheit?  Or that most of the mathematical symbols we use every day were not even invented until the 16th century?  Maybe you know that there are so many ways to shuffle a simple deck of playing cards, that when you shuffle your deck, chances are that exact order of cards never existed before in history! Numbers are everywhere.  We use them all the time, by necessity.  Numbers are logical and perfect.  So it’s probably best to think in terms of their allure and their power.

Legislative Update September 2023: News from Washington DC

by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair

Senate confirms Anna Gomez to FCC

The fifth commissioner issue at the FCC has finally been settled.  On September 7th, 2023, the US Senate confirmed Anna Gomez with bipartisan support, to serve on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Gomez was confirmed 55-43, with Independents and Republicans crossing the aisle.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) commented before the vote that, “Ms. Gomez’s confirmation will fill the fifth and final spot on the FCC, so they can do the crucial work of expanding access to high-speed internet, administering programs for affordable internet access, and protecting consumers from junk fees, and much more.”

Anna Gomez is a telecom lawyer, who is currently a communications policy adviser at the State Department.  Gomez will also be the first Latina to serve on the commission in more than 20 years.

Universal Service Fund

The Communications Act of 1934 stated that all people in the United States shall have access to rapid, efficient, nationwide communications service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges.

Prior to 1996, the Universal Service Fund (USF) was created as a mechanism by which interstate long distance carriers were appraised in order to subsidize telephone service to low-income households and high-cost areas. Then in 1996, The Telecommunications Act expanded the definition to include among other things rural health care providers and eligible schools and libraries.

Currently on Capital Hill and at the FCC, reform discussions are being held in a US Senate working group. The main objective is to expand the revenue stream to go further than the interstate telecoms.  They are looking to have it include all Broadband Internet Access Services in order to fund the Universal Service Fund programs.

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

One in five American households lack access to broadband and that number seems to be growing. Many eligible Americans rely on the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to access the internet.

The ACP provides millions of families with financial assistance to ensure every household nationwide has access to high-speed and reliable broadband. Unfortunately, current federal investment is expected to be gone by 2024.

In order to continue funding this necessary program, Representatives Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1) led the call for an extension of the federal Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) in the upcoming government appropriations bill by writing to the congressional leadership.  It was a bipartisan group of 45 Members of Congress, 29 Democrats and 16 Republicans, which also included Donald Norcross (NJ-1), and Thomas Kean, Jr. (NJ-7).

Here is this important letter:

Dear Speaker McCarthy, Leader Schumer, Leader Jeffries, and Leader McConnell:

We are writing to urge you to extend funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which provides families with financial assistance for broadband access, to help bridge the digital divide. Congress has a role in ensuring that high-speed and reliable broadband is accessible to every household, nationwide. We urge you to include full funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) in the upcoming government appropriations bill to ensure that households can access the broadband they desperately need.

In the Twenty-first Century, broadband connectivity is essential to maximizing educational opportunities, stimulating economic growth, lowering health care costs, investing in a skilled workforce, and connecting individuals with their loved ones. We saw during the pandemic how critical broadband access is to everything, from getting an education to health care to telemedicine to working from home. Unfortunately, one in five American households lack access to broadband. Nearly 40 percent of eligible Americans rely on ACP to maintain internet access and that number is rapidly growing. Current funding is expected to be depleted by 2024 creating an urgent need to extend funding.

ACP provides financial assistance that enables families to access broadband so that no one in our society is left behind. It helps families, Pell Grant recipients, and veterans afford high-speed broadband services — from monthly internet bills to installation fees and computer expenses, which often create significant financial burdens. Specifically, ACP provides eligible households with up to $30 per month towards their internet bills, and a one-time subsidy of $100 towards desktops, laptops, or tablet computers for children and hardworking families.

We cannot afford to let millions of Americans lose access to broadband. If funding for ACP is not extended, it would not only put the program’s success at risk, but also impede the progress of other federal broadband investments and initiatives. Families and businesses across the country need broadband access, and ACP has become a vital tool in securing this access. It plays a critical role in connecting households, while also promoting digital literacy, device distribution, technical support, and online services training, resulting in its high enrollment and strong bipartisan support.

However, connecting every American to high-speed, affordable broadband requires a public- private partnership, and it is the federal government’s responsibility to provide secure and reliable investments. With millions of families still lacking access to a service that has become essential for education, health care, and the economy, time is of the essence.

We have a unique window of opportunity to ensure that every family and child — rural, urban, and suburban — have access to affordable broadband, and can thrive in the digital age. ACP has become a lifeline for Americans, and we cannot afford to let it expire. We strongly urge you to prioritize the extension of funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program in the upcoming government appropriations bill. Failure to extend funding would not only leave millions of families without access to the internet but also hinder our long-term competitiveness as a nation.



Resolution Opposing American Broadband Deployment Act

In our July newsletter we reported in the recent Special Legislative Update, the American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023 (H.R. 3557) was passed by the Congressional House Energy and Commerce Committee.  If enacted, it would impose new restrictions on local authorities’ ability to regulate a variety of state and local land use and zoning issues pertaining to the deployment of the telecommunications infrastructure.  This would include wireless and wireline deployment, as well as new limits on requirements and renewals of cable franchise agreements.

Due to the oppositions set forth from the National Association of Counties (NACo), the National League of Cities (NLC), the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM), the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA), and JAG, word has been quickly spreading about this act.

One of the sponsors of the opposition letter for the USCM was Mayor Brian C. Wahler of Piscataway N.J.  Being one of the first to see the ramifications of HR 3557, he spearheaded the creation of a municipal resolution opposing it and it was recently passed by the Piscataway Township Council. A copy of this resolution has been shared at the following link,  https://jagonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Broadband-Resolution.pdf  , so that all of New Jersey can use this as a guide to create their own resolutions, if they choose, to denounce this legislation.

President’s Message: September 2023 Mark Your Calendars – JAG Hosting Online Sessions All Year Long

by Bob Duthaler

One of the many great things we do at JAG is to educate our membership.  There are several ways we accomplish this.  We produce a monthly newsletter, monthly legislative newsletter, monthly membership meetings, annual conference and special online webinars and round table discussions.  These online sessions can be an asset to both your station operations and your production skills.

Throughout the year at both our membership meetings and from emails that I receive from members, the board and I have created a list of topics for both our Managers Round Table discussions and Webinars.  We have crafted these topics and spread them out throughout the year to coordinate with our membership needs and relevancy of the topics.  I urge you as the title of this article states – to Mark Your Calendar and add these sessions as must attend events.  The good news is, they are free!


So, let’s start with the Managers Round Table discussions.  These are informal gatherings that allow for a back-and-forth conversation.  There are topics and invited guests who have experience with a particular topic.  They are there to get the session going, share their thoughts and, more importantly, listen to your questions, shared experiences, and thoughts.  As the title states, Managers Round Table, these sessions are geared for those who operate and manage a station.  But they are not limited just to Station Managers.  Please feel free to invite crew members and committee members as well, so they can learn from the experiences of others.  Here is a list of our upcoming sessions and dates:

  • POSTPONED, stay tuned for new date: Thursday, September 21st:  Sports Coverage.  Listen to representatives from stations who regularly cover sports like the Woodbridge Channels, Piscataway and Bloomfield.  Learn about everything including single camera, multi-camera, live switching with graphics, replay and play-by-play.  We will discuss how you can get started, equipment to use to get best results and even how to setup and prepare to cover sports.
  • Thursday, November 9th:  Getting An HD Channel.  Listen to representatives from stations that already have a HD Channel on their cable system.  How did they get it, what equipment is necessary, and how do they produce HD content?  Learn about local franchising results, systemwide franchising stories and more.  If time permits, we will even discuss cord cutting opportunities including streaming, OTT and more.
  • Thursday, January 18th:  Beyond the Cable Channel – the social media influence.  We will talk about how social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok and X are influencing how people take in media and how stations can capitalize on these trends to create content specifically for these social media outlets.  Learn why you can’t just create long form content for on-air only, and how your station can incorporate these short form videos in to your productions and distribution.
  • Thursday, March 21st:  Cable Committees – Value or a thing of the Past.  This is an open and frank discussion on how Cable Advisory Committees and Boards work with stations, their operations, and staff.  Is there value to a cable and advisory boards – what do they bring to the table and are they necessary?  Learn from those who have them, those who are considering putting one together, or those who had committees which are no longer functioning.


There are certain sessions that are of great interest to our membership, but may require both a more formal discussion and presentation and could even require bringing in outside support to share their professional experience or knowledge.  These sessions will consist of panel presentations and discussions followed by a structured Q&A at the end of each webinar.  Our webinars are designed to bring our membership updated information on valuable topics from legislative issues to new operational requirements.  Here is a list of our upcoming Webinars.  Please keep in mind that the topics may be set, but the panelists will be announced at different times.

  • Thursday, October 12th:  Learn the latest on HR 3557 (The American Broadband Act of 2023).  Our panelists will fill you in on what this bill means to Municipal Cable Operations, what can you do to help stop it and where it stands moving forward.  This is your chance to share this invite with your mayor and council, administrators, and others.  Learn the ABCs of HR3557, its impact on local government, the threat to local franchises and much more.  This is a must attend session.
  • Thursday, December 21st: ADA Compliance and What Does it Mean for your Station and Township? We will discuss Department of Justice requirements on ADA compliance for local governments, their websites, video streaming and even cable broadcasting. We have heard rumors of closed captioning for years, but this new push may require it sooner than later.  Hear what the experts are saying about it, what you can do now and how to prepare for the next 12 months or less.
  • Thursday, February 15th:  Join us as we discuss Broadband and Broadband Deployment.  Fresh off the heels of our presentation at the New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference Sessions, we will recap the session, update people on anything new or pending for the new year.  Broadband deployment and speed impact our streaming reach, streaming options and much more.  Our experts will share their experience and knowledge and help you plan.
  • Thursday, April 18th:  This session is wide-open and we are looking for input from our membership.  Is there a special topic of interest that you think would make for a great formal webinar presentation?  Do you have some specific people you would love to hear from?  The goal at JAG has always been to identify the needs of our members and give them solutions.  Please feel free to reach out to me directly at bduthaler@jagonline.org or any other board member and express your thoughts on our April Webinar.  Your input is greatly appreciated.

As you can tell, we have set aside certain Thursdays in the upcoming months to bring our membership great topics of interest, a panel with expert knowledge, and the chance for our members to discuss, in both informal and formal ways topics that matter most and have the greatest impact on our membership.  Each session will take place at 2pm on the designated Thursdays and usually last about an hour.  In addition, we will record these sessions and make them available to our membership in the private online section of our website.  Again, as the title suggests – MARK YOUR CALENDARS and join us each month for these valuable topics and discussions.

Spotlight Oakland: How Oakland, New Jersey became Altice’s test case for HD broadcast service

By Mark Albala, Vice Chairman, TV Committee, Oakland, New Jersey

Many of you do not know that the borough of Oakland was the test case for Altice’s HD service for municipal broadcasts.  The purpose of this article is to present the two-year journey of the dedicated team of volunteers, who partnered with Oakland’s elected officials and ultimately obtained permission from Altice to broadcast HD quality municipal coverage over Altice. 

While municipal broadcast service was available via Oakland TV historically, our mission to upgrade our broadcast to HD quality began in 2020 with the first rollout of HD quality service being achieved over Verizon FiOS in June 2021 and enabling HD broadcast of YouTube and LocalBTV streaming services shortly thereafter.  But it was not until November 2022 that broadcast service was upgraded to HD on Altice’s cable network.

Oakland TV booth equipment racks, August 1

This journey was taken because, as Ryan Schwerfeger, Chairman of the Oakland Communications Commission said, “In this current day, I think all local access channels would agree that HD should be the minimum broadcast quality going out to the public.  The linchpin for driving this decision was complaints from residents about the lackluster quality of municipal broadcasts available on the cable carrier covering the municipality of Oakland, namely Altice.  While I am grateful that the effort required to garner assistance from Verizon to help the community broadcast in HD was not herculean, that effort was not as straightforward when discussing our journey with Altice.  I am proud of our volunteers’ patience, persistence, and perseverance to see this to fruition, in addition to the elected officials that helped lead the charge in our quest.”

Grant Van Eck, council member of the borough of Oakland stated, “I am overjoyed for the community to finally have the Altice community access channel broadcasting at the industry standard of high definition. It was a vision I did my best to give leadership to in my capacity as an elected representative of the residents in Oakland. Without going into details, I can say it was quite a turbulent journey, but the Communications Commission and TV committee volunteer team were unwavering in their commitment to see this stretch goal come to fruition. As the great President Calvin Coolidge intelligently said, “Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” The team did just that, united for the benefit of our local audience, and the result is truly fantastic!”

Oakland TV committee members taping the Memorial Day Parade 2023

Jim Barry, Chairman of the TV Committee stated, “It was astonishing to observe the dogged determination of my colleagues partnered with elected officials to ultimately navigate the bureaucracy from the carriers and finally complete our transition to HD by delivering the much-needed upgrade of service carried by Altice.”

The key to obtaining Altice’s granting authority for Oakland, NJ to broadcast municipal coverage in HD ultimately came down to the persistence demonstrated by the members of the TV committee and the elected council members who joined together to lead this important charge.  “The Borough is grateful for Altice USA’s pilot program for our local Access Television Channel”, said Oakland Mayor Linda H. Schwager.  “We hope that the switch to HD continues to increase our viewership and promote community involvement”.  

The persistence is easily demonstrated through the following:

  • Many senior citizens and others within the community, who are subscribers to Altice for cable television, raised concerns that the quality of the signal and the poor mono audio of the signal made it virtually unwatchable.  Many of the senior members of our community who raised these concerns do not have access to the other venues in which the municipal broadcasts are made available.
  • The committee enlisted the assistance of our town liaison, Grant Van Eck, who was instrumental through the entire two-year journey.  Grant initiated the council resolution requesting Altice to enhance the video made available to the community to HD broadcast service.  This resolution was passed twice because of the elapsed time required to enable HD service.
  • The Communications Commission garnered the participation of Robert Auth, one of our two state representatives serving Oakland, New Jersey.
  • The Communications Commission made it a point to consistently reach out to Altice to continually stress the importance of this HD service to the Oakland community at-large.
  • The assistance of the Jersey Access Group was obtained after challenges garnering Verizon’s agreement to broadcast in HD.  We used a properly worded request similar to the one utilized in Oradell, New Jersey as provided by Jersey Access Group members to request HD service broadcast over Verizon FIOS, which ultimately was successful.  While provisioning HD service from Verizon was likely a contributing factor in Altice’s agreement to grant HD service, there is no way to assess the impact Verizon’s decision to provision HD service to Oakland had on Altice’s decision.
  • The availability of an all-fiber network within Oakland.  Altice stated that having a fiber backbone was a prerequisite for considering an upgrade to HD service.  While Altice has accelerated this upgrading of their fiber broadband network to their full complement of serviced communities, a request for HD service will only be successful in communities where Altice has upgraded their network to fiber. Because Altice is physically located in the Oakland Industrial Park, Oakland, New Jersey was included in the earlier phases of the Altice’s strategic rollout of their all-fiber broadband network.
  • According to Ryan Schwertfeger, the Chair of the Oakland Communications Commission, “While I’m sure we were an easy choice for Altice for Oakland to serve as the test community for broadcasting HD, what it really came down to was out concerted and continued pressure that led to Altice’s decision to enable Oakland’s municipal broadcast in the HD roster of channels.” 
Oakland TV Committee taping the Council Meeting, February, 2023

The fact that we had been able to broadcast HD over Verizon and other venues within Oakland raised complaints that marginalized consumers of Altice’s service because others had HD available to them, which helped fuel our mission to upgrade all broadcast venues to HD.  JAG was instrumental in wording our request to Verizon properly so that we could deliver HD to the other cable subscribers of Oakland (Verizon FiOS), which, once enabled, added fuel to the mission for an Altice HD broadcast.

In closing, Ryan mentioned how we have learned a lot from other communities within JAG family of communities who helped us envision the many ways we could improve the service we provide to the community.  Per Ryan, “I can’t tell you how proud I felt walking around this past conference and hearing Oakland’s name being dropped by a few people as a community doing something right or being ahead of the curve on the topic. I hope we can keep our momentum going with our all-volunteer crew and I hope we can help all the JAG member communities out like all of you have helped our station.”