President’s Message May 2021

The Pieces of the Puzzle Are Coming Together

We have been talking about it for the last month.  I am sure you have seen the social media notices, email blasts and heard conversations at our last JAG meeting, but the Eastern Video Expo and Conference is officially open and registration underway.  This event is the culmination of the hard work by the conference committee putting the event together and our sponsors and vendors who are taking part.  Each year, putting this event together is no small feat and trying to do it in a way in which we have never done before, virtually, was no exception.  I am happy to say we are going to present to you what we feel will be one of our most interactive, informative and diverse conferences to date – to take place on June 8-9-10.

Throughout this newsletter and the upcoming weeks, we are going to update you on all the conference events, speakers and vendor information.  It is our goal to keep you informed as to the latest happenings and announcements.  I urge you to read over this newsletter carefully to get more information about this event, but more importantly please visit the conference website for more information at:  There you will find the conference schedule (with frequent updates), list of speakers, vendor presentation information, and the ability to register for this event.  The website is made up of all the pieces to the puzzle that make it complete.

I want to share a few highlights of this year’s event with you.  What conference is complete without a keynote lunch?  This is something we have provided for years.  So, what makes it different this year?  Two things.  Firstly, the continued fact that we can’t be together in person.  That is the first and most obvious fact.  This is the year of ”Bring Your Own Lunch”.  Secondly, the excitement of our guest speaker.  We are changing things up some – giving you a much needed distraction and, at the same time, giving you some things to think about and incorporate in your everyday life. 

Simon Mandal

I am happy to announce that Comedian and Magician Simon Mandal will be our guest speaker.  Simon headlines at events worldwide for Goldman Sachs, Facebook, Google, MGM, and for the second time: JAG’s Awards Ceremony!  He has entertained millions of people on ABC, NBC, and Bravo, and has some mind blowing surprises planned for our awards ceremony.  He’ll also be spending some quality time with us during a one of a kind interactive keynote complete with Q & A.  If you want to learn more about Simon, visit the conference website at to read more about him and find a link to his website.