Who Should Join Jag?


Membership shall be open to any community access station operated by local governments, non-profit schools, colleges, universities, and teaching hospitals associated with an institution of higher learning with internal network, and individuals producing video content, any manufacturers, integrators, vendors or private for profit organizations, and any non-profit organizations, supporting the goals and objectives of JAG.

There are two ways to join JAG.

  1. You may apply by mail by sending a check or purchase order along with a completed Membership Application to the address provided on the application.
  2. You can complete the online Membership Application below if you are using a credit card or have a Paypal account.

For Further Questions Email: JAGinfo@jagonline.org

JAG was founded on March 28, 2000, and is governed by its own bylaws. JAG is a 501C3 corporation. JAG has developed a Mission Statement and a Set of Goals. JAG meets on the last Wednesday of each month. All members are responsible to submit Franchise Agreements/Ordinances, Station Policies & Procedures, related forms and amendments.

    Name of Organization

    Address 1

    Address 2




    Phone Number

    Fax Number

    Administrative Contact

    Administrative Email

    Administrative Phone

    Operations Contact

    Operations Email

    Operations Phone

    Membership Type: Member (Municipal/Public Access/Internal Networks) $350.00, Associate Member (Schools/Colleges/Universities), Organizational (Vendor/Manufacturer/Integrator) $550.00, Independent Producers $125.00, Non-Profit Organizations $225.00

    Pay JAG Dues Here: