Editing Techniques in Story Telling: A look into the presentation at the 2021 Eastern Video Expo

   by Joshua Vorensky, Associate Producer with ESPN

Editing to me brings any story to life; the music, the pacing, the selection of shots…everything helps the viewer connect to the subject on a visceral level.
When I was asked by Rich Desimone to present at the conference this year, I was both excited and honored. Since the last time I presented a few years ago, I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge of the craft in producing longer form features for ESPN (my employer) that truly challenged me. The topic I would be discussing in the panel would be ‘Editing Techniques in Story Telling’. I could not think of a more important and appropriate topic for the two main features included in the panel – El Paso Strong and 17 Hours: The Chris Nikic Story.

Closed Captioning and Workflow Considerations for PEG Broadcasters

By Jesse Lerman, President and CEO, TelVue Corporation

With accessibility gaining momentum both as a core mission and a compliance requirement, Closed Captioning is top of mind for Community Media broadcasters, and modern technology has made captioning affordable. As you move towards making your channels and programming accessible, what are the technology and workflow tradeoffs to consider?

Reach New Product Release

By Steve Valenti, President, FM Valenti Introducing the new interAct6 auto tracking and switching lecture/event capture and streaming device from Reach.  This 4th generation streaming and recording engine uses Artificial Intelligence to automate wide and close up shots of the presenter and audience to make any presentation, town hall meeting or lecture look professional – …

Broadcasting in a Virtual World

By Jesse Lerman, President and CEO, TelVue Corporation Between advancements in technology and the pandemic, the progression to an increasingly virtual world is accelerating. Almost everything is veering virtual – work, school, meetings, events, conferences, major motion picture releases, doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping, you name it. While vaccines will hopefully reopen the world soon this …