President’s Message: April 2023 – Station Check List – Help Grow Your Station

by Bob Duthaler

Here are some ideas on how you can grow, strengthen, and improve you station operations and overall appearance.  They are in no order, so use these as a guide for your station.  Do all or do some, but the key to change and growth is to do something.

Use What You Have, and Use It To The Fullest… We are all guilty of this, I know that I am.  So, what am I referring to?  Just about any product or software you have in your place.  You would be surprised at how much they have to offer and how we don’t use this technology to its full potential.  What are some examples of this?  How can I find solutions?  I will give you a couple examples, but take inventory on all your hardware and software, research all they have to offer, then train yourself to use it to its fullest potential.   For our purpose I am going to talk about broadcast systems and multi-camera productions.  Both of these are important to station productions, operations, and overall appearance.

Broadcast Servers:

  • Do you know how to schedule series programs?
  • Do you know how to use squeezbacks?
  • Do you know how to add “now playing” and “up next” snipe graphics?
  • Do you run a station logo or bug?
  • Are you running text crawl messages and incorporating emergency notifications?

Multi-camera Productions:

  • Do you understand the idea concept of two hand switching?
  • Do you know how to use M/E?
  • Are you doing live graphics?
  • Do you know how to create virtual sets and chromakey?
  • Do you know how to roll in video clips?
  • Do you know how to bring in sources over the network, across the web and other sources?

Learn all the above and more.  But how you ask?  Come to the JAG conference on Thursday, May 18th and attend special user group sessions by TelVue and Newtek.  Learn to get the most out of the equipment you already own or are looking to get.  Register now for this year’s event at

Cable, live streaming on social media, and cord cutters…serve them all. The time has come to serve everyone in your community, whether they have cable or not.  Gone are the days in which cable was the only way to see your station.  As the viewing habits of the residents in your community change, so must you change in order to reach them.  But how do you reach them?  What are the benefits of live streaming?  Is there a way to reach the cord cutters?  Apple TV, ROKU and Amazon Fire… they are not just for Netflix.  Learn how you can get your channel on these platforms and more.  Attend special workshops geared for this very topic. Meet with vendors with the knowledge and ability to show you an affordable way to get your station broadcasting on platforms you never thought were possible.  Where?   Come to the JAG conference on Thursday, May 18th at the Crowne Plaza in Edison, NJ.  Learn how to get access to affordable streaming equipment, have your channel on OTT platforms and a lot more.  Register now for this year’s event at

Know what the future of PEG could hold, and know what you are entitled to now…  One of the biggest ways to be successful in our industry is to understand the laws the govern our industry and what you should be advocating for.  Over the years JAG has fought hard to get your station access to training and equipment.  JAG also made it possible for you to have a high-definition channel.  But do you know how to go about getting these?  Wouldn’t you like to learn what stations around New Jersey and the country are getting in their local franchise negotiations?  Knowledge is power, which becomes an advantageous ally when dealing with cable companies during your franchise renewal.  I am sure you don’t have time to sit and track state and federal legislation the pertains to PEG-TV, broadband and more on a regular basis.  If you are looking for an easy explanation of all the above, in a clear, concise way for you to understand and bring back to your cable board or local government, then you need to attend the annual JAG Conference on Thursday, May 18th.  Learn current legislation, FCC rules and proposed legislation in special topics and a Keynote Lunch during the JAG Conference in Edison, NJ.  Register now for this year’s event at

VHS Tapes, File Based Broadcast Servers, Closed Captioning and AI… We have watched our industry change over the years, but what is in store next?  Are you contemplating the addition of closed captioning to your station?  What is the best approach?  Should you have an on-site unit or a cloud-based subscription?  What about remote video transmission, is there an affordable solution out there?  Can you harness the power of the internet and cellular data to transmit live video?  How about AI technology?  More and more we are hearing about the use of AI and what it means to our industry.  There is so much new technology out there and the announcement of more coming off the heels of the NAB Tradeshow, how can you keep up with it all?  You can get caught up with some of the latest and greatest right here in New Jersey at JAG’s annual conference.  Mark your calendar now and click the registration link: and set yourself up to be in the know.  Join us on Thursday, May 18th for a one-day event that will surely enhance your knowledge and ability to successfully operate your station.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  There is so much going on throughout the day at the JAG Conference.  Plus, there will be ample time for networking with others in our industry and vendors from around the country.  This event is designed specifically for those in the PEG community.  It is our chance to get together, discuss topics that pertain to our industry, learn the latest and interact with each other.  There is no doubt this is the one event each year you do not want to miss.  The time is now to register for JAG’s Conference 2023 on Thursday, May 18th in Edison, NJ.  Don’t wait, register now!!!   I look forward to seeing everyone at this year’s event!

Thanks to Our Sponsors

Spotlight Asbury Park: A Year of Two Milestones

By Ed Salvas, Secretary. Asbury Park Cable TV Advisory Committee

January 2023 marked the start of the eleventh year of operation for Asbury Park TV, known as APTV.  Seen on Optimum channels 77 and 116 and on Verizon FiOS on channels 28 and 30, APTV is programmed around the clock with the usual Public Access programs: City Council, and Board of Education meetings, as well as the Planning and Zoning Boards. APTV can also be seen on streaming services Roku and Apple TV, YouTube and online at

This year, we’re looking forward to two important milestones – opening our new studio and turning on our APTV “Beach Cam” on the famous Asbury Park Boardwalk.  In March of 2020, Nate McCallister was hired as APTV’s Station Manager.  He calls the studio an “alternative work space” that for years had been a storage room next to the Council Chambers and will be convenient for interviews following the twice monthly Council meetings and numerous other meetings and city events that take place in the Chambers. 

We anticipate the Beach Cam to be on before summer.  Positioned on a light pole near the south end of the boardwalk, it will also be helpful to the city beach management to keep an eye on the beach and boardwalk crowds and surf conditions.  The Beach cam will be added to the second channels, Optimum 116 and FiOS 30 along with the latest weather information and Public Service announcements.  The major programming schedule on APTV is available on the main channels.

APTV operates as part of the City of Asbury Park’s Department of Communications with a seven-member Advisory Committee which reviews and selects programs, follows news and trends in the PEG world, and stays up to date as a member of JAG from Day One.  In addition, we’re responsible for several “Electronic Billboards” located around the city with the “Welcome to Asbury Park” greeting and a rundown of announcements of coming events and other public service messages.

At APTV we believe we have a good mix of programs that meet the criteria for the true meaning of a PEG channel – “Public, Educational and Government.”  Since the beginning in 2012 we have aired meetings of the Asbury Park City Council, Planning and Zoning Boards, and the Board of Education.  The Board of Ed. meetings are taped by them and delivered to us.  Since Asbury Park is experiencing significant redevelopment, the Planning Board meetings often have an overflow attendance as well as strong viewership on-demand.

Thanks to Verizon FiOS and the internet, we can be seen beyond Asbury Park and have been carrying meetings of the Deal Lake Commission, the group that oversees the lake, a large body of water that flows from the Ocean through seven towns in Monmouth County. Deal Lake was named the “Third Most Beautiful Lake in New Jersey” by a national travel magazine in 2022. 

Also on the APTV schedule is “Monmouth in Focus,” a production of the County Commissioners and “Aging Insights” from the N.J. Advocates for Aging Well.  Among our own original productions is a quarterly interview with Mayor John Moor talking about current city issues and a weekend weather forecast and Podcast produced by Muata Greene, which earned him one of the five JAG Awards won by APTV last year.  APTV also carries two national programs each evening, “Sidewalks Entertainment,” a celebrity interview and music program from San Francisco, and “Democracy Now,” an independent News program.

The APTV Advisory Committee meets at the Historic Stephen Crane House, built in the late 1800’S and the home of the famed writer during his teenage years.  With the Asbury Park Historical Society, APTV has produced a documentary about the life of Stephen Carne which debuted on the station In December, 2022.

Sponsors Help Develop The Conference

By Don Smith, Vice Chair, Conference Committee

Take a moment to think about what you were doing in 2000.  Think about where your channel was, from technology to creative to your relationships with your cable provider.

So much has changed in the local access space since JAG held their first conference back in 2000.  In just 21 years we went from shooting videos on VHS or S-VHS, or if you were lucky Mini DV, to now when everything is digital on SD Cards and hard drives.  And you know who kept you up to date on the latest tech?  JAG!  From their first conference to our 19th edition, the JAG Conference is the best place to get the latest hardware updates, the freshest gear, and collaborating on ideas with your fellow colleagues from other stations around New Jersey.  This year’s conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Edison on May 18th from 8am-11pm.  Conference workshops are being held one at a time so no need to decide which one to attend.  Attend them all!  And if you get hungry, we have you covered from breakfast to our Keynote Lunch and the JAG Banquet.


TelVue Corporation is an Organizational Member of Jag and once again our Diamond Sponsor!  I am sure everyone knows Jesse, Denise, and Mark from the great staff of TelVue.  And if not, then this is the perfect place to come and meet them!  From your bulletin board to playout solutions, they have something for everyone!  Come join us at 8am for breakfast with President and C.E.O. Jesse Lerman at the TelVue User Group Breakfast for a great meet and greet opportunity!  TelVue will also sponsor a workshop on Social Media that will be moderated by Jesse.

Varto Technologies is also a very valued member of the JAG Community, organizational member of JAG, and a Platinum Sponsor!  Varto and Yervant Keshishian are huge supporters of JAG and the mission local access stations have in the State of New Jersey!  Join Varto Technologies at 9am for a User Group Breakfast, and that afternoon Varto will be sponsoring a workshop on New Technology Tools that you do not want to miss!  LiveU will be one of the panelists talking about product updates that will be released at NAB.

Cologna Productions joins this year’s list of sponsors as a Sapphire sponsor making it possible for the entertainment at the banquet.  Cologna Production operates a number of stations all of which are members of JAG.

DeSisti Lighting is a long time organizational member and conference supporter.  DeSisti is a Silver sponsor and will be sponsoring the Networking Break and a workshop demonstrating ways to light a remote interview using a bag of tricks.  DeSisti sale manager Paul DiStefano has been at every one of JAG’s Conferences since they began in 2000.

JAG is grateful for the generous support of our sponsors in making it possible to provide this conference and continue its work in New Jersey.  They will all be exhibiting and we hope you will take the time to visit and thank them.

Last but certainly not least the conference wraps up with the JAG Awards.  Please stay and cheer on colleagues from local access stations across the state!  There are many new categories this year to win, and many stations will go home with some nice trophies!

So, to get in on all this fun you need to go to our new website  There you will be able to see our schedule, list of exhibitors and hotel directions and accommodations.  Thinking of spending the night then make sure you use our special discount code JAA when you are booking your room.

This year the cost of the Conference and the JAG Banquet is $160 per person for JAG members.  Your admission includes breakfast, keynote lunch, networking beverage breaks, the Cocktail Party, the Buffet Dinner and the JAG Awards. JAG is a vital resource for your local access station, has been since 2000, and will continue to be for many years to come!

FCC Nominee Withdraws from Confirmation Proceedings

by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair

Sad news came out recently, when Gigi Sohn, a longtime public interest advocate and former Democratic FCC official, withdrew her nomination to the FCC.  She said her decision to pull out follows “unrelenting, dishonest and cruel attacks” made by cable and media industry lobbyists.  This announcement is seen as a huge defeat for consumer advocates, who had rallied behind her.

The Biden administration has a very ambitious broadband agenda that has been up in the air for more than two years, amid a 2-2 stalemate at the FCC.  Sohn was first nominated by the White House in October 2021, and had the support of many consumer advocate groups.

Sohn’s withdrawal statement was direct and to the point:

“Last night after discussions with my family and careful consideration, I made the decision to ask President Biden to withdraw my nomination to the Federal Communications Commission.   When I accepted his nomination over sixteen months ago, I could not have imagined that legions of cable and media industry lobbyists, their  bought-and-paid-for surrogates, and dark money political groups with bottomless pockets would distort my over 30-year history as a consumer advocate into an absurd caricature of blatant lies. The unrelenting, dishonest and cruel attacks on my character and my career as an advocate for the public interest have taken an enormous toll on me and my family.

Unfortunately, the American people are the real losers here. The FCC deadlock, now over two years long, will remain so for a long time. As someone who has advocated for my entire career for affordable, accessible broadband for every American, it is ironic that the 2-2 FCC will remain sidelined at the most consequential opportunity for broadband in our lifetimes. This means that your broadband will be more expensive for lack of competition, minority and underrepresented voices will be marginalized, and your private information will continue to be used and sold at the whim of your broadband provider. It means that the FCC will not have a majority to adopt strong rules which ensure that everyone has nondiscriminatory access to broadband, regardless of who they are or where they live, and that low income students will continue to be forced to do their school work sitting outside of Taco Bell because universal service funds can’t be used for broadband in their homes. And it means that many rural Americans will continue the long wait for broadband because the FCC can’t fix its Universal Service programs.

It is a sad day for our country and our democracy when dominant industries, with assistance from unlimited dark money, get to choose their regulators. And with the help of their friends in the Senate, the powerful cable and media companies have done just that.

I want to thank President Biden for his faith in me and for my champions in the Senate who defended me at every turn. I especially want to thank the dozens of people who volunteered their time and energy to help me through this process, as well as the over 400 organizations, companies and trade associations, and hundreds of thousands of individuals who registered their support with the Senate. I will forever be grateful for their efforts on my behalf.

I hope the President swiftly nominates an individual who puts the American people first over all other interests. The country deserves nothing less.”

So, after a 16-month ordeal and 3 intense Senate confirmation hearings, what happens next?  A new nominee will have to be found with another lengthy and grueling confirmation period to follow.  And any policy changes at the FCC will continue to be delayed.

Protecting Community Television Act Reintroduced in Both Sides of Congress

The Identical “Protecting Community Television Act” bills, S.340, sponsored by Senator Edward Markey, & H.R.907, sponsored by Representative Anna Eshoo, have been reintroduced in Congress.

These bills would reverse the regulations made by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and ensure that public, educational, and government (PEG) channels have the assets they need to keep producing content for their viewers.

There are already many members of Congress who have already co-sponsored both bills.  We ask that all of you to reach out and ask our Federal Legislators to support the Protecting Community Television Acts.  It falls on all of us in New Jersey to do our part to see that our Senators and Representatives are ready to re-support them, and lead the way in making sure that every municipality’s voices can continue to be heard by their specific audiences.

Cost-saving Integrations & Time-saving Automation from TelVue

By Jesse Lerman, President and CEO, TelVue Corporation

It’s about time: one of the most precious commodities you as station managers and volunteers offer to your organizations. We know how difficult it can be to achieve efficiency in your operations: the performance of work in the right way and getting to the desired result, but with minimal effort, time, and cost.

TelVue Corporation has always been focused on the latest innovations to help you, the valued JAG member stations, save not only time and money, but to develop and improve system features that will help expand your viewership and increase accessibility. Cost savings can be achieved by integrating and doing more “all-in-one”. Time savings through enhanced, modern automation. Time to work smarter, not harder; time for ready, set, integrated & automate!

TelVue is excited to share with JAG our latest HyperCaster integrations and automation including:

  • HyperCaster integrated streaming, saving cost on external streaming & cable encoders.
  • HyperCaster integrated multistreaming to social media, saving cost on expensive restreaming services.
  • HyperCaster integrated trim & cut editing, saving time cutting out executive sessions from a meeting, and other quick edits.
  • New ultra-affordable entry level HyperCaster AIO-B100-2+ all-in-one supporting these integrations, saving cost for single channel operations.
  • New ultra-scalable top-of-the-line HyperCaster AIO-B2000-12X+ all-in-one supporting these integrations, saving cost for multiple channels with up to 20 total playout & encodes!
  • Integrated live captioning with translation for dual language live captioning such as English and Spanish simultaneously, for affordably making your programming more accessible.
  • HyperCaster automatic social media streaming rules, saving time delivering specific programming to multiple live social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch.

The new streaming rules feature expands on the existing time-saving, rules-based automation in HyperCaster that also includes:

  • Scheduling Rules – fully automate scheduling episodic programs, live events, records, and replays to save a ton of time scheduling.
  •  Overlay Rules – fully automate graphic overlays for channel branding, program announcements, clocks, info tickers, sponsorship, and more.
  • Content Workflow Rules – fully automate publishing for VOD to your website and your very own mobile and OTT apps (iOS, Android, Roku, Apple TV, and Fire TV), sharing to the JAG server & Media Exchange, and archiving to networked storage and Reaching more viewers on new platforms opens up opportunities for revenue generation, including sponsorship, membership, pay-per-view, pay-per-download, and subscription models.
  • Captioning Rules – fully automate which live events and pre-recorded programs are automatically captioned with TelVue SmartCaption™, with no additional hardware required, and now with optional translation to a second language. Captioning your programming delivers even more value to your diverse communities, and also makes your government meetings fully searchable.

Our upcoming HyperCaster & CloudCast releases will additionally include:

  • Integrated Community Bulletin Board option to easily fill program gaps with images, videos, program guides, and background audio right from the HyperCaster.
  • Redesigned, mobile-friendly scheduling pages to save time scheduling from mobile devices.
  • Enhanced user access control and roles to distribute workloads more easily and securely. 
  • Full-view agenda/documents and channel schedules in the CloudCast video player alongside the playing video.
  • Integrated, enhanced CloudCast viewer analytics dashboards & reports so you can measure your viewership and gain more insight into your audience.

The broadcast future is already here, so ready, set, integrate & automate! We hope to see you at the March JAG meeting. We’ll review all the newest and upcoming features across our products and share our roadmap. We look forward to hearing from you how we can continue to make modern broadcasting even easier, and help you save time, expand your audience, increase accessibility, and generate new sources of revenue.

President’s Message: March 2023 – STOP NOW… REGISTER…DON’T WAIT!!

by Bob Duthaler

Time and time again you hear me preach the importance of JAG, our meetings, webinars, manager’s round tables and much more.  All these have an importance to the membership and the growth of the organization.  There is one item however, that stands out as perhaps the single most important event that JAG does, and that is our annual conference.  This year’s event is no exception. 

(Register Now:  – not convinced yet, read on)

JAG’s annual conference is designed to be of tremendous benefit to all our members.  Whether you are an independent producer, educational station, municipal station, non-profit organization or even an organizational member, this conference is for you.  This is truly an event in which the needs of all our members are taken care of in one day. 

(Register Now:  – not convinced yet, read on)

So, what makes this event a must attend?  Content, Content, Content….and so much more.  Content is King and our conference has it.  Start your day with select user groups sessions and a breakfast as well.  Get up to speed on the equipment you use or just want to learn more about.  Vendors are on hand to teach you about the latest updates, shortcuts, tricks and answer your questions.  Give your input and help shape future releases! 

(Register Now:  – not convinced yet, read on)

Spend the day attending the multiple sessions throughout the day designed to give you both information and hands on training.  We designed a series of specific topics of interest for our members, bringing updated versions of some of your favorites along with new sessions created to help keep you up to date on our industry.  Plus special legislative sessions that include updates on the national scene, a Keynote Lunch and your opportunity to network with other JAG members. 

(Register Now:  – not convinced yet, read on)

Meet with the Vendors who support JAG and see what they have to offer.  You will have a chance throughout the day to watch special presentations, one on one conversations and special vendor networking sessions carved out during the schedule.  This is your chance to see the latest equipment, get hands on time with it, see it in action and so much more.  It is also our chance as an organization to stop by the vendors who are there to support JAG and its members and just say Thank You!  Finish your vendor time with our special Vendor Cocktail Party.

(Register Now:  – not convinced yet, read on)

Make sure you come hungry because we have food throughout the day.  From morning breakfast during training sessions, Keynote Lunch, special snack breaks, and a cocktail hour followed by our annual banquet.  We are designing a variety of food to satisfy all your food desires.  Along with food you can enjoy drinks during our cocktail hour and banquet, along with coffee, tea, soda and much more throughout the day.  Plus, you never know what special treats will be offered as well. 

(Register Now:  – not convinced yet, read on)

There is no better way to end the day than to enjoy our annual banquet.  This is our chance to honor our group with a special gathering, highlight some members, eat and enjoy each other’s company.  It is also designed for our member stations to bring in special guests, staff and crew.  Even if your entire staff or crew can’t attend during the day, they can join you in the evening – special tickets are available just for the evenings event.  The JAG Awards is our time to honor all the great work our members do throughout the year.  You have done your best work throughout the year, now compare it to other stations.  Even if you don’t win, you can always pick up great ideas by watching what other stations do and emulate them in the upcoming years.

(Register Now:  – not convinced yet, read on)

I hope you stop what you are doing, click the link in this article if you haven’t already and join us for the must attend event of the year.  JAG’s Annual Conference, Thursday, May 18th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Edison, NJ.  I look forward to seeing each and every one of our members there and catching up with you in person. 

Register Now:  – DO NOT WAIT!!!


Thanks to Our Sponsors

TelVue Corporation

Varto Technologies

Cologna Production

DeSisti Lighting

Special Guests

Mike Lynch, Legislative Director, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors Mike Wassenaar, President/CEO, Alliance for Community Media

Spotlight: West Milford – A Thank You Note

By Geoff Belinfante, West Milford TV

I have a ritual.  Every Thursday morning it’s my responsibility to program our channel, WM77 here in West Milford, for the following Saturday.  Why Thursday?—because our council meetings are held on Wednesday nights and I want to make sure that the latest meeting is available for viewing at 11:00 Saturday morning for those who can’t catch it during the week at its regular times—7:00am and 7:00pm.  

By PEG standards, we have a very small station run by a handful of intrepid volunteers, and as I was doing my programming this week, I had this thought–without JAG, the other PEG channels around the country, and independent producers that support our efforts, there would be no West Milford channel. Why? 

Since we don’t have enough volunteers to shoot all the local activities that could fill the channel, we rely on the JAG cloud–based server to help us create a program schedule that has broad appeal to everyone in town.  It is in that context that we present our School Board and Town Council meetings.  Thanks to the server, they are included on a channel that someone might actually want to watch!  What better way to provide transparency in government to those who wish to watch their elected officials in action and keep track of how their tax money is spent.

Thanks to the JAG server, we are able to program a channel 24 hours a day, and my Saturday schedule is a good example of how we use the programs available to us.  The overnight hours are full of old movies, paranormal shows—(thanks to Woodbridge) and/or South Amboy’s Spooky Thriller Mystery Theatre.  Then we grab a very nice version of the national anthem at 5:00am to begin our broadcast day.  Don’t worry, I’m not going to give you an hour by hour breakdown of the rest of the day, but I am going to detail the kind of shows that we use on any given Saturday to create a general interest channel. 

In the morning there are exercise shows for seniors (Seniorcize, thanks to Woodbridge); kids shows (Sing a Long with Miss Mirium from HTTV), drawing and painting—Saturday Morning Cartooning (again Woodbridge).  In the afternoon and evening, after some local sporting events when available, we have programs for adults like Democracy Now, Empowering Women, Ted Talks, shows related to the environment like Peak Moment, and science shows from the National Science foundation and NASA.  But as they say in all those awful infomercials—There’s More. 

TV isn’t just about information; you have to have some entertainment, and we have lots of music shows to choose from including one that we produced locally before the Pandemic called “Music from the Vreeland Store”—a local restaurant and watering hole.  Then there’s “Sidewalk Entertainment from the West Coast” with a peek into the world of entertainment. There are also many cooking shows to choose from just in case someone out there is interested in finding something to cook for dinner on Sunday.  I also am able to program Book Review shows, interview shows, shows on aging and specials on many different topics that are available for occasional use.  There are also excellent shows that are produced by Montclair State and other University Radio and TV programs.  And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention all the short segments like “Riverwatch” thanks to the Delaware River Keepers that help fill the time between shows.

So this is a thank you note—Thank you to JAG, all the PEG channels around the country and the independent producers who contribute to our server for providing us with programs that keep our little channel up here in the highlands going.  No article about the JAG server would be complete without a big THANK YOU to TelVue, who hosts all the content and makes it available to those of us who depend on it.  Without the server, there wouldn’t be much to WM77.  The moral of the story…  If you need to fill out a program schedule and you want to provide your residents with some great programming, but you don’t have the staff or money to shoot everything in your town, then use JAG’s cloud-based server as a resource.  There’s lots of great stuff available.

Announcing The 2023 JAG Conference

By Geoff Belinfante, Conference Committee

JAG held its first conference in 2004 and this year we will celebrate our 18th conference.  The JAG Conference Committee is pleased to announce that the JAG Conference for 2023 will be held at the newly renovated Crowne Plaza in Edison on Thursday May 18th., so mark your calendar now.  The website where you can follow all the developments as the date approaches is simply

Although it’s only February, rest assured that the conference committee has been busy working on the plans for this year’s event, but there will be some very notable changes from past conferences.

We have consulted with many of our Organizational Members to provide insight in the develop of this year’s program.  The committee’s focus is to rework the conference from trying to bring people to a trade show to having an event that addresses the needs of our membership and strengthen the relationships of all levels of membership.

This year the conference will be a one day event combining sessions, user groups and vendors.  The workshops will not be streamed.  You have to be present to participate.  Many of the events will be held in the main room where there will be a stage for speakers and sessions.  There will be only one session presented at a time so participants don’t have to make any hard choices as to which workshop to attend.  The meals will also all be served in the main room which will give attendees a chance to network and get to know the vendors all at the same time. 

The committee has been hard at work planning interesting sessions that will include a legislative update on those matters of interest to our members; the ever-popular Social Media session that will provide tips on how to get the most out of your social media platforms; a look at new technology that can improve production and station operations, and a tips on lighting interviews at remote locations.  Details and guest panelists will be announced soon.

As we have for the past few years, the conference will be followed by the JAG Banquet and Award Celebration that will include a cocktail party, buffet dinner and of course the award ceremony itself celebrating the best in a variety of categories.  If you haven’t entered yet, please check out all the categories (and yes there are some new ones this year) in the JAG Award section of our website, and enter soon, the deadline for entries is February 28.

Once again this year we have to thank our organizational members for their continued support.  TelVue is our Diamond Level Sponsor, which means they are the general sponsor for the entire conference.  Varto Technologies will be the sponsor of the JAG banquet, and both TelVue and Varto Technologies will sponsor user group breakfasts.  Already committed to attending are LiveU, De Wolfe Music, DeSisti Lighting and Cologna Productions, with other vendors to be announced as the date approaches.

This year’s JAG Conference will offer ample time to network with your fellow JAG members and to discuss your equipment needs with the vendors.  We will also present our Legislator of the Year and Municipal Excellence Awards during lunch and the JAG Recognition Award at the banquet.

This year the cost of the Conference and the JAG Banquet is $160 per person for JAG members.  Your admission includes breakfast, keynote lunch, networking beverage breaks, and admission to the Cocktail Party, the Buffet Dinner and the JAG Awards.   Cocktails, three square meals, informative panels, the opportunity to meet with vendors, and a chance to network with your colleagues—The JAG Conference—an event that can’t be missed. For more information and the latest additions to our program, check out  and circle May 18th on your calendars.   Registration is now open.

Protecting Community Television Act To Be Reintroduced

by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair

We have all been waiting for a long time to see the Protecting Community Television Act be moved on by our federal lawmakers.  During the 117th Congress, these bills had many co-sponsors, 2 of which included New Jersey’s own Representatives Donald Payne, Jr. and Bonnie Watson Coleman.  Unfortunately, it was never voted on and was left to be hopefully brought up in the new Congress.

Well, that day has “literally” just arrived.  The bills are going to be reintroduced by Senators Edward Markey and Tammy Baldwin, and Representative Anna Eshoo.

To remind you of what these Identical bills would accomplish for community television, they would reverse the regulations made by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and ensure that public, educational, and government (PEG) channels have the assets they need to keep producing content for their viewers.

The following is from a press release from Senator Edward Markey on the importance of this legislation.  It included comments from not only its main sponsors, but from our national partners – the ACM and NATOA as well.

“In 2019, the FCC allowed cable companies to put a price tag on in-kind contributions they provide to communities, including PEG channels.  Under the rule, cable companies can then subtract the ascribed value from the franchising fees that they pay in order to operate.  The FCC’s decision has forced local governments across the country to decide between supporting PEG programming and supporting other public services for schools, public safety buildings, and libraries in cable franchise agreements.”

“I am proud to reintroduce my Protecting Community Television Act, which will undo Trump-era rulemaking undermining community television, a service which millions of Americans rely on to keep up with the news that matters most to them, stay plugged into enriching, educational programming, and hold their local governments to account,” said Senator Markey.“  At a time when news and media have become more consolidated than ever before, we must work to uphold local access to public, education, and government channels for every household in our country.”

“Community television is a critical part of our society, giving a voice to nonprofits, artists, local governments, and other community members who otherwise struggle to be heard,” said Representative Eshoo.  “The Trump FCC’s actions on cable franchise fees have hurt public, educational, and governmental television, and this harms communities.  I’m proud to reintroduce the Protecting Community Television Act with Senators Markey and Baldwin, legislation that reverse these harmful agency actions and protect community television by ensuring local voices have the platform they deserve.”

“Countless households across Wisconsin rely on community television to provide them with their local news and to lift up the voices of local businesses, organizations, and people,” said Senator Baldwin.  “I am proud to once again support the Protecting Community Television Act to ensure folks across the country can continue to access the news sources they know and trust.”

The Protecting Community Television Act is endorsed by Alliance for Community Media, National Association of Counties, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, National League of Cities, and MassAccess.

“Local communities need the vital civic information that community television provides – to support local culture, education, business growth, government transparency and access to local democracy.  We welcome reintroduction of the Act which reinforces the idea that communities deserve community channels, and the Federal government shouldn’t set up disincentives for meeting local information needs,” said Mike Wassenaar, President and CEO of The Alliance for Community Media.

“The PCTA is elegant legislation that seeks to protect benefits consistent with the Cable Act and cable franchising principles since 1984.  In 2019, the Federal Communications Commission issued an order that undermines this ability by redefining the term “franchise fees” as used in the Cable Act, and substituting its definition for that written by Congress in 1984.  The Protecting Community Television Act remedies that altered meaning by protecting local public, educational and community access television so folks in communities across the country can continue to access relevant and timely local news that they rely on. The PCTA reaffirms Congress’ original intent to protect the long-standing ability of local governments to manage public property and provide for local media through public, educational and governmental access channels (PEG Access) in cable franchise agreements,” said Mike Lynch, Legislative Director for National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors.

“Local PEG channels help cities, towns and villages to provide critical information and services to residents.  The National League of Cities applauds the introduction of the Protecting Community Television Act, which would ensure that resources traditionally negotiated in cable franchises are preserved for the future,” said Clarence Anthony, CEO and Executive Director of the National League of Cities.

“It’s reaffirming to witness the efforts legislators who recognize community media as both relevant and worthy of protection,” said David Gauthier, President of Massachusetts Community Media, Inc.  “Too often in a world of rapidly-evolving technology, community media is viewed as a relic of the past, whereas the truth is that our services are more in demand than ever.  The continuing loss of local print media has left a void that community television makes every attempt to fill.  The challenge, however, is that that funding for our efforts continues to head in the wrong direction.  Funding for community media is directly tied to cable subscriptions, which decrease year after year.  Subscriptions to cable services in Massachusetts have gone down over 20% since 2015 and that translates to less funding for community media operations.  The Protecting Community Television Act would help to clarify financial responsibilities that cable companies must adhere to and undo industry-friendly measures taken by the FCC in the past.” Once these bills are reintroduced, it will fall on all of us in New Jersey to do our part to see that all of our Congressional members are ready again to support them and lead the way in making sure that every municipality’s voice can continue to be heard by their specific audiences.  No matter how big, or how small. 

What are the Benefits of an Asset Manager?

By   Dana Healy, VP Sales | Cablecast Community Media

At Cablecast, it is our mission to help our customers quickly and efficiently get their video content across platforms. We will be highlighting the benefits of Asset Management, and introducing Cablecast’s new Smart Asset Manager.

We’ll also talk about security best practices of a CDN, and introduce REFLECT+, Cablecast’s cloud-based content delivery network.

What is an Asset Manager?

An asset manager is a system that helps organize, store, find, and retrieve digital assets like video files.

What are the Benefits of an Asset Manager?

Quick and Easy File Access

By having all assets centralized in one location, people can find what they need faster and focus on more important tasks.

Cut Operational Costs

Time is the only non-renewable resource! Every minute not spent on searching for a file is time saved for your team to work on more valuable projects, like creating important video content for the community. I remember the days where I would pull the DVDs stored in a three ring binder, ingest the file, and drop it into the system for playback. All that time is saved when you have a centralized asset manager.

Maintain Important Assets

We’ve all had those important community videos like the 100th anniversary of a city. An asset manager keeps those files safe, so you can easily call them up when needed.

Seamless Integration with your Playback

For community media centers, your video playback is the nervous system of your station. Content enters the system, it is programmed, and then distributed out to viewers. With an asset manager, media can easily be pulled up and played without any additional work.

Smart Asset Manager

SAM is Cablecast’s new personal assistant for video automation workflows. SAM becomes a member of your team when you have the Cablecast 7.5 software.

SAM handles the busy work. He can’t bring you coffee, but SAM can automate those predictable parts of your file management workflows. Not only does SAM eliminate human error when moving content, but he frees you up from those time-consuming tasks.

SAM is obedient and reliable. You set the rules and SAM follows them. He doesn’t change the process, and he doesn’t take weekends off.

SAM is multi-talented. So, what exactly can SAM do? He can move video files between your network and the cloud automatically.

Here are some examples of the rules you can set for SAM:

  • ‍Copy and move assets from one location to another, such as from your playback server to a NAS or SAN.
  • Automate file backups off premise or in the cloud.
  • Archive shows, such as city commission meetings, after a specified period of time.
  • Restores files from the archives when they return to the program schedule.

What’s a CDN?

A CDN is a content distribution network. Think of it as a group of servers geographically placed around the country, or world, to accelerate delivery of content.

There is a lot of traffic coming to a CDN, what are the ways in which can you make sure your content delivery network is safe?

SSL Certificate

The first thing to look for is a SSL certificate. This is a digital certificate that authenticates a website’s identity and enables an encrypted connection. Make sure your CDN has one of those!

Password Protection

Use complex pass-phrases to ensure the back end of your CDN is secure. Always update your passwords!


REFLECT+ is the Cablecast cloud-based CDN where live streams and VOD content are pushed to the cloud. This service has an added security feature by pushing content to the cloud, eliminating the needed to port through firewalls.

REFLECT+ is ideal for cities and media centers closely tied to their municipalities.

An additional benefit of REFLECT+ is the Adaptive bitrate and live streams are pushed 24/7. If viewers are calling up different VOD files, there will be no impact in performance because the files are already in the cloud. Cablecast is very excited to support community media by saving time with playback scheduling. The more time we can save you, the more content and programming you can make for the community.