Tech Talk – Setting Up Social Media Platforms

by Cyd Seidel, Founder/CEO, New Jersey Isn’t Boring

Starting a new social media page like Instagram can be overwhelming, so I’m here to provide you with a few tips to make your new account successful.

1.  Register your new account as a Business Account rather than a personal account.

By having your account as a business account, you are able to post links in your Instagram stories, check analytics, and understand where your traffic is coming from.

2. Pick an account name that would make it easier for people to find you.

For example: If you are a public access station in Juno, Alaska you would want your account to be something like @JunoAlaskaPublicAccess or @JunoAlaskaTV, something that makes a direct connection to your account

Tip: Avoid using underscores, numbers, and symbols in your account if possible

3. Create your own hashtag to go along with your post and use hashtags in your post to boost traffic.

Using the example from above, if @JunoAlaskaPublicAccess is posting about an event involving icebergs you should use your own hashtag first ie #JunoAlaskaPublicAccess and use other hashtags that would help people find you like #Juno #Alaska #JunoAlaska #Icebergs #AlaskaIcebergs etc

4. Make sure your Instagram profile tells the public what you’re all about.

Example: Juno Alaska Public Access is Juno’s #1 resource for all things Juno. Use our hashtag #JunoAlaskaPublicAccess to be a part of our Instagram community

Include a link to your website (or Facebook page if you don’t have a website) or Linktree, a photo or logo as your profile picture, and utilize the email link.

5. Your posts should be a mix of pictures, videos, memes, or anything that encourages interactions.

Too much wording in your pictures may discourage interaction.

6. Interact! Respond to comments, DMs etc.

7. Keep on top of Instagram trends such as Instagram Live, Reels, Instagram Stories etc.

8. Do not over post or under post. Keep your posts to 1-3 posts per day max, and every other day to stay relevant on the Instagram Algorithm.

9. Post at times that make sense to your audience. This is a trial and error process. Look at the times of your most popular likes and comments and check your analytics in your business profile.

10. Everything Else!

•       Make sure your profile is PUBLIC

•       Make sure you are aware of your brand/message

•       Create a page that is clear, concise and has its own voice.

•       If you can be found at a location, list your address!

•       Hashtags to Avoid: Desperate Hashtags like #LikeforLike, #FollowforFollow and off brand hashtags

•          Do things organically. Using and paying for apps to “get you more followers” will actually get you bots and fake accounts.