by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair
Universal Service Fund – Latest Update
On January 19th, the 5th Circuit Appellate Court tried to decide if it should toss out a ruling that upholds the Federal Communications Commission’s Universal Service Fund. The judges expressed their objections about the constitutionality of the practice of using an outside company to collect fees for the telecom assistance programs.
The USF was originally designed by having interstate long distance carriers appraised in order to subsidize telephone service to low-income households and high-cost areas. In 1996, the Telecommunications Act expanded this definition to include among other things rural health care providers and eligible schools and libraries.
But litigants have been challenging this fund in different circuits throughout the country as they have argued that this program is an unlawful authorization to the FCC by Congress’ own taxing power.
Last March, the 5th Court upheld the FCC’s authority totally, though in June they agreed to rehear the litigation.
During the September proceeding, the court seemed concerned by the way the fund was currently set-up. According to the figures in the court documents the USF seems to have grown to around $7 billion in 2020, from just over $1 billion in the mid-1990s.
An attorney for the FCC told the court that the FCC’s universal service definition has been extended over the years to cover new technologies, while accounting for the growth of the program, as directed by regulation.
Though he did not provide thoughts on what it might cover in the future, the attorney went on to say that; ”There are many different ways that people communicate these days”. “But the key point in the case, is that Congress gave the FCC the clear legal authority to set up the universal service system.
Back in March, this was the crucial point that guided the Fifth Circuit court decision to uphold their authority. They held that Congress had properly limited the commission’s revenue-raising activity while adequately providing the FCC with “intelligible principles” to guide the fund’s administration.
Reform discussions are currently being held in a U.S. Senate working group. Their objective is to expand the revenue stream to go further than the interstate telecoms. They are looking to have it include all Broadband Internet Access Services in order to fund the Universal Service Fund programs.
FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Proposes to Restore Net Neutrality Rules and Authority Over Broadband Providers Under Title II
From the Office of Chairwoman Rosenworcel – Sept. 26, 2023:
The internet is too important to our society and economy not to have effective oversight. However, in 2018, the FCC abdicated its authority over broadband and repealed net neutrality. Today, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel shared with her colleagues a proposal that would begin the process of re-establishing the FCC’s oversight over broadband and restoring uniform, nationwide net neutrality rules, which would allow the FCC to protect internet openness and consumers, defend national security, and advance public safety.
The Chairwoman is proposing the FCC take the first procedural steps toward reaffirming rules that would treat broadband internet service as an essential service for American life. As work, healthcare, education, commerce, and so much more have moved online, no American household or business should need to function without reliable internet service. This was especially true during the pandemic. Such rules would affirm—under Title II of the Communications Act—that broadband service is on par with water, power, and phone service; that is essential.
The proposed rules would return fixed and mobile broadband service to its status as an essential “telecommunications” service. The proposal will be made public and will allow for public input. The proposal seeks to largely return to the successful rules the Commission adopted in 2015.
How It Helps Consumers ?
Openness – Establish basic rules for Internet Service Providers that prevent them from blocking legal content, throttling your speeds, and creating fast lanes that favor those who can pay for access.
Security – Reclassify broadband internet access to give the FCC and its national security partners the tools needed to defend our networks from potential security threats.
Safety – Allow the FCC to enhance the resiliency of broadband networks and bolster efforts to require providers to notify the FCC and consumers of internet outages.
Nationwide Standard – Establish a uniform national standard rather than a patchwork of state-by-state approaches, benefiting consumers and Internet Service Providers.
To hear the entirety of FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel’s remarks from the National Press Club on September 26, 2023, please visit the link below.
Chairwoman Rosenworcel Remarks – 9/26/23
Comments on Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet Sought by the FCC
In order to re-establish the FCC’s oversight over broadband and restoring uniform, nationwide net neutrality rules, the FCC has also put forth a notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comments for safeguarding and securing the Open Internet.
Public Notice – WC Docket No. 23-320:
On September 28, 2023, the FCC released a public draft of its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comment on proposed rules for safeguarding and securing the open Internet, which is planned for vote at the FCC’s open meeting on October 19, 2023. The proposed draft would reestablish the Commission’s authority over broadband Internet access service (BIAS) by classifying it as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. There is currently no expert agency ensuring that the Internet is fast, open, and fair.
The draft NPRM proposes that the FCC take the first procedural steps toward reaffirming rules that would treat broadband internet service as an essential service for American life. As work, healthcare, education, commerce, and so much more have moved online, no American household or business should need to function without reliable internet service. This was especially true during the pandemic. Such rules would affirm—under Title II of the Communications Act—that broadband service is on par with water, power, and phone service; that is essential. More facts are listed in the fact sheet linked below.
Regarding accessibility for individuals with disabilities, the draft seeks comment on how the proposed reclassification of BIAS would affect:
- The availability and performance of IP-based telecommunications relay services (TRS);
- The FCC’s authority to ensure that individuals with disabilities can communicate using IP-based services such as video communications and electronic messaging services, IP equipment, and mobile browsers;
- The requirement that Internet service providers (ISPs) comply with certain sections of the Communications Act (Sections 225, 255, and 251(a)(2)), and associated FCC rules, which advance access for persons with disabilities, and the Commission’s proposal to forbear from (that is, refrain from) applying TRS Fund contribution requirements;
- Past analyses and conclusions that the Communications Act, as amended by the 21st Century Video and Communications Accessibility Act (CVAA), provides the FCC with authority to ensure that consumers with disabilities can access broadband networks regardless of whether BIAS is classified as telecommunications service or information service.
- Emergency communications and public safety of persons with disabilities by preventing the degradation of latency-sensitive and data-intensive applications;
- IP-based home health monitoring systems and other connected systems for individuals with disabilities;
- The implementation and enforcement of other laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act, designed to protect individuals with disabilities.
The draft NPRM also asks about the accessibility of ISPs’ website disclosures. Are more requirements needed to ensure accessibility? Should ISPs be encouraged to use the Web Accessibility Initiative guidance?
The comment and reply comment dates are proposed to be December 14, 2023 and January 17, 2024. More information about the filing procedures will be sent out through an AccessInfo after the draft is considered at the October open meeting.
Link to the draft Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:
Link to Fact Sheet:
News & Events
Posted: December 15, 2023 by Doug Seidel
Spotlight: Edison – Rising Above the Crowd in Edison
By Michael D’Amato, Station Manager, Edison TV
It seems these days we need to set our cameras higher and higher just to achieve a clear shot over a sea of raised cell phones – camera operators cannot be afraid of heights! More on that later.
Edison TV, one of the founding stations in the Jersey Access Group, has had a clear mission since I became the station manager in 2006 – to present the officials, organizations and residents of the Township of Edison in the best possible light, both figuratively and literally.
Did the mayor stumble on a word? Fix it! The singer cracked on the national anthem? Edit it out!!
At Edison TV, we face the same challenges as other access stations – keeping up with ever changing technology. We moved from 4:3 to widescreen in 2012. A grant in 2013 resulted in studio LED lighting. We started shooting in high definition in 2014 and launched social media pages that same year. In 2015 we began broadcasting with Cablecast, which included videos on demand on the township website and live streaming of Channel 15. The year 2017 included our one viral social media video, a Toys for Tots PSA featuring the Grinch – 4.1 million views on YouTube and more than 800 subscribers added because of one silly video! A Grinch video produced the next year, which I feel was a superior effort, has garnered a paltry 5,000+ views – go figure!
And then there was the Pandemic. I was at the station throughout the pandemic and had to find programming wherever possible, including every state COVID briefing, religious services and re-airing and re-packaging videos from our past. That first spring and summer no one was allowed in the studio – well, almost no one. I did give Ron MacCloskey permission to record a “Classic Movies with Ron MacCloskey” episode at the station as long as there were no guests. The result was he interviewed himself – strange days indeed.
Eventually meetings returned via zoom, closed captioning was added in September 2020, PTZ cameras were installed in the council chambers in 2021 and meetings were broadcast live on YouTube – all of this leading to a much deeper relationship with our IT Department, as you can imagine.
Social media reigns supreme, which leads me back to my earlier talk of cell phones and high camera placement – I’m pretty sure all of us are dealing with more and more members of the public recording events with their cell phones – they step in front of us and we have to ask them to move. We move from camera to camera afraid we’re interfering with their shots! In the photo, I’m standing atop a picnic table with 10-20,000 people around me – many of them recording with cell phones. How do we stay relevant?
Maybe we stay relevant by offering creative and professional video and sound recordings, we insert graphics and lower thirds that support the stories we are trying to tell (and what official doesn’t like to see his or her name and title flashed on the screen?) and we involve the public: I often like to have what I call an “audience cam” at the front of the room or stage; you’re having a good time dancing and waving your arms? You’re on television! (and the audience cam also keeps people in the audience on their toes – they tend to at least look more attentive if they think they are being recorded). Most importantly, we post content to social media and the township website – I steer viewers away from our SD cable channel to our HD content. In conclusion, Edison TV has been producing hyper-local content since 1991. I’m in my 20th and final year at the station with no idea who the mantle will be passed on to. Hopefully it will be someone with fresh ideas and the same commitment to consistently producing professional content for an ever-evolving Edison community; hopefully someone who will rise to the occasion. Happy Holidays!
Posted: December 15, 2023 by Doug Seidel
Happy “JAGmas” Season!
by George Fairfield, JAG Awards Committee, Chair
Tis the season to begin getting your JAG Award entries ready for submission…even more so than in prior years, because there are several changes that will affect your registration and submission.
First, your registration: The registration will still open on January 1, 2024 but the deadline to have all your entries registered is January 31, 2024.
Second, your submissions: All entry submissions must be uploaded by February 15, 2024 and your video highlights will need to be uploaded by February 29, 2024.
Be sure to mark these dates on your calendar.
And speaking of your entry submissions, there are changes to what you will need to submit. After listening to our judges and members of JAG, it has been decided that each upload is not to be any longer than 10 minutes.
If the entry is 10 minutes or less, you will simply submit the entire video/program.
If the program is over 10 minutes, you will submit a video consisting of the opening of the program, a portion from the middle of the program, and the closing of the program, minus any credits unless they are part of the closing, with the entire run time not to exceed 10 minutes.
Each section of the “Over 10 Minute” entry must be clearly separated as follows:
1. begin with the Opening Section: at a time of your choosing, fade to black
2. followed by 10 seconds of black
3. then fade up into the middle section; at a time of your choosing, fade to black
4. followed by 10 seconds of black
5. then fade up into the ending section: at a time of your choosing, fade to black
6. the entire entry (all three sections) is not to exceed 10 minutes
How long each section will be is up to you but the committee suggests that you show your program in its best light possible.
The goal of this change is to help bridge the gap between the diverse programming produced by the member stations of JAG while leveling the judging plane plus help the judges have a better understanding of your entry.
You still must not re-edit the program sections themselves; the sections must appear as they were originally produced and cablecast. The JAG Awards committee is excited about the coming season and look forward to seeing everyone’s submissions. For a complete list of rules, please visit the JAG Website at If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the JAG Awards Committee Chair at
Posted: December 15, 2023 by Doug Seidel
Legislative Update December 2023: News from Washington DC
by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair
Closed Captioning / ADA Requirements
Where it Currently Stands for PEG
Recently, there has been concern regarding the Closed Captioning of PEG programming, and if the PEG community will be mandated to offer captioning.
Our partners at the Alliance for Community Media have some thoughts to ponder about where things currently stand on this issue.
From Mike Wassenaar, President, ACM:
Your cable channel is probably exempt from the FCC’s Captioning Rules – if revenue for the channel is less than $2M per year per the FCC’s self-implementing exemptions go into effect. We expect the FCC will implement a registry of video channels and distributors to handle captioning complaints in the coming year. We’ll keep our partners posted on when this is likely to happen, and what we’ll be required to provide – which will most likely be a contact address and email for questions about captioning.
As a reminder, all local governments and non-profits are subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires that organizations use the effective communication standard with local residents
( )
1. Are you a local government? You have an ADA requirement separate from the FCC requirement to implement effective communication – or have a publicly responsible official state that it isn’t economically feasible. This means every local government should have a plan to know the cost of implementing and providing captions, even if they don’t implement them.
2. Content that is exempt on cable is exempt online per implementation of the CVAA from 2011.
If video content is online only, there is no exemption (so I suggest online only content have a captioning solution) – This includes VOD delivered via Internet.
The DOJ will state new guidelines regarding accessibility and quality standards for all online content delivered by state and local governments in early 2024. Governments will have to meet WCAG2 standards or This specifies online video needs for captions.
The DOJ proposal is for jurisdictions over 50K people. Jurisdictions would have two years to implement these standards, and those under 50K would have three years. Please note there is no change to the Effective Communication standards suggested.
This is not a final rule – So don’t panic! It would probably take effect 60 days after publication in the Federal Register, so we don’t have target dates at this time.
The key issue here is to plan when a timeline occurs, and work with vendors for best solutions (and budget accordingly in advance).
The ACM is monitoring this situation and will have materials to consider in 2024 – but talks with equipment vendors have already begun to ensure they meet WCAG2 standards in future products and upgrades. So all… don’t worry about it just yet. However, as Mike stated, start budgeting now. We are all doing VOD, it seems like this is something we will have to face head on whether we want to or not.
Posted: December 1, 2023 by Doug Seidel
Spotlight: Newark – Quality Content at Newark 78
by Gary Campbell, Station Manager/Producer, Newark TV
In today’s competitive television, cable and streaming market, government-access television Newark TV-78 is producing high quality content for the largest city in New Jersey–Newark. Newark continues to shine in public safety, affordable housing, the arts, equitable growth and empowering residents. Mayor Ras Baraka says that in 2023 we are finally experiencing the Newark Renaissance that has been in motion for over fifty years, and TV78 has been there to help the city achieve its goals.
We strive to achieve consistently high-quality content with every production. In this context, we are referring to visual, audio or video created and made available through a particular channel(s) as programming that appeals to a large percentage of Newark residents. Behind the renaissance at TV-78 the Newark access channel are the talented people at Cologna Productions. Under contract from the city, Cologna Productions has been running the station for nine years. Initially it was a one-man operation run by Ed Cologna alone; today, the production company now has a staff of 6 employees and covers over 250 events annually. The channel not only covers city council meetings and local emergency announcements, but many other events and programs which have become very important in to the content hungry residents of Newark. This programming is provided 365 days and 24 hours a day.
The diligent work has allowed TV-78 to receive many awards throughout the years and 15 awards in 2022 alone. This trend will hopefully continue in 2023 when we may be considered for an Emmy Award.
Our current programming lineup includes Ras in 60, led by host, Mayor Ras J. Baraka and co-host Desiree Hadley. Ras in 60 provides conversations about Newark’s community, economic development and more. Recently, the show has featured the American rap group The Sugar Hill Gang, best known for its hit single “Rapper’s Delight”, …what a treat!
Overall, TV-78 has been successful because of its focus on quality videography while responding to the particular needs of the Mayor’s initiatives. The Mayor has masterfully gone past just a boring access channel to clearly convey the intentions and progress of the administration. Under his reading initiatives there is programming provided such as “Launch of 1,000 Books before Kindergarten”, “ Literacy Conversation with Dr. Brown,” “Mayor’s Book Club” and “Soar with Reading” held at various schools and libraries throughout Newark. The Arts are also important to the Mayor’s vision for the city. In the past year, we have covered events like Newark mural unveilings and the Newark Arts Festival. In addition, Great Point Studios and NJPAC partner have partnered with LionsGate to present Down in the Ro, a Great Day in Newark and many other events. Annual TV events include 24 Hours of Peace, Latin Festival, Fashion Forward, Lincoln Park Festival, LQBQT events and flag raising, the Senior White Affair and many others. We also cover events that concern the public safety of our citizens, OVPTR events, Newark Peace Week, Woman’s Empowerment, Men’s Meeting, Women’s Meeting, Prayer Walk against Violence and National Night out. In addition, we have documented events that honor the following members of the Newark community: ethnic groups from Nigeria, Italy, Mexico, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Cape Verde, Barbados and others by having their flag raisings recorded for TV. The station is now working on new shows, including “Out Loud”, “Caribbean Commission” and “Scooter Stories” along with others, and this list is growing, so stay tuned!
How is all this accomplished? In a two floor studio located in the Central Ward of Newark that includes seven rooms, two edit bays, four computer work stations, programming room, equipment room and green room. However, I must add that Cologna Productions has a bunch of creative people that love the City of Newark and love creating quality content. We look forward to growing and creating more content to serve the diverse citizens of Newark.
Posted: December 1, 2023 by Doug Seidel
Legislative Update November 2023: News from Washington DC
by Dave Garb, Legislative Committee Chair
Universal Service Fund – Latest Update
On January 19th, the 5th Circuit Appellate Court tried to decide if it should toss out a ruling that upholds the Federal Communications Commission’s Universal Service Fund. The judges expressed their objections about the constitutionality of the practice of using an outside company to collect fees for the telecom assistance programs.
The USF was originally designed by having interstate long distance carriers appraised in order to subsidize telephone service to low-income households and high-cost areas. In 1996, the Telecommunications Act expanded this definition to include among other things rural health care providers and eligible schools and libraries.
But litigants have been challenging this fund in different circuits throughout the country as they have argued that this program is an unlawful authorization to the FCC by Congress’ own taxing power.
Last March, the 5th Court upheld the FCC’s authority totally, though in June they agreed to rehear the litigation.
During the September proceeding, the court seemed concerned by the way the fund was currently set-up. According to the figures in the court documents the USF seems to have grown to around $7 billion in 2020, from just over $1 billion in the mid-1990s.
An attorney for the FCC told the court that the FCC’s universal service definition has been extended over the years to cover new technologies, while accounting for the growth of the program, as directed by regulation.
Though he did not provide thoughts on what it might cover in the future, the attorney went on to say that; ”There are many different ways that people communicate these days”. “But the key point in the case, is that Congress gave the FCC the clear legal authority to set up the universal service system.
Back in March, this was the crucial point that guided the Fifth Circuit court decision to uphold their authority. They held that Congress had properly limited the commission’s revenue-raising activity while adequately providing the FCC with “intelligible principles” to guide the fund’s administration.
Reform discussions are currently being held in a U.S. Senate working group. Their objective is to expand the revenue stream to go further than the interstate telecoms. They are looking to have it include all Broadband Internet Access Services in order to fund the Universal Service Fund programs.
FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Proposes to Restore Net Neutrality Rules and Authority Over Broadband Providers Under Title II
From the Office of Chairwoman Rosenworcel – Sept. 26, 2023:
The internet is too important to our society and economy not to have effective oversight. However, in 2018, the FCC abdicated its authority over broadband and repealed net neutrality. Today, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel shared with her colleagues a proposal that would begin the process of re-establishing the FCC’s oversight over broadband and restoring uniform, nationwide net neutrality rules, which would allow the FCC to protect internet openness and consumers, defend national security, and advance public safety.
The Chairwoman is proposing the FCC take the first procedural steps toward reaffirming rules that would treat broadband internet service as an essential service for American life. As work, healthcare, education, commerce, and so much more have moved online, no American household or business should need to function without reliable internet service. This was especially true during the pandemic. Such rules would affirm—under Title II of the Communications Act—that broadband service is on par with water, power, and phone service; that is essential.
The proposed rules would return fixed and mobile broadband service to its status as an essential “telecommunications” service. The proposal will be made public and will allow for public input. The proposal seeks to largely return to the successful rules the Commission adopted in 2015.
How It Helps Consumers ?
Openness – Establish basic rules for Internet Service Providers that prevent them from blocking legal content, throttling your speeds, and creating fast lanes that favor those who can pay for access.
Security – Reclassify broadband internet access to give the FCC and its national security partners the tools needed to defend our networks from potential security threats.
Safety – Allow the FCC to enhance the resiliency of broadband networks and bolster efforts to require providers to notify the FCC and consumers of internet outages.
Nationwide Standard – Establish a uniform national standard rather than a patchwork of state-by-state approaches, benefiting consumers and Internet Service Providers.
To hear the entirety of FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel’s remarks from the National Press Club on September 26, 2023, please visit the link below.
Chairwoman Rosenworcel Remarks – 9/26/23
Comments on Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet Sought by the FCC
In order to re-establish the FCC’s oversight over broadband and restoring uniform, nationwide net neutrality rules, the FCC has also put forth a notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comments for safeguarding and securing the Open Internet.
Public Notice – WC Docket No. 23-320:
On September 28, 2023, the FCC released a public draft of its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comment on proposed rules for safeguarding and securing the open Internet, which is planned for vote at the FCC’s open meeting on October 19, 2023. The proposed draft would reestablish the Commission’s authority over broadband Internet access service (BIAS) by classifying it as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. There is currently no expert agency ensuring that the Internet is fast, open, and fair.
The draft NPRM proposes that the FCC take the first procedural steps toward reaffirming rules that would treat broadband internet service as an essential service for American life. As work, healthcare, education, commerce, and so much more have moved online, no American household or business should need to function without reliable internet service. This was especially true during the pandemic. Such rules would affirm—under Title II of the Communications Act—that broadband service is on par with water, power, and phone service; that is essential. More facts are listed in the fact sheet linked below.
Regarding accessibility for individuals with disabilities, the draft seeks comment on how the proposed reclassification of BIAS would affect:
The draft NPRM also asks about the accessibility of ISPs’ website disclosures. Are more requirements needed to ensure accessibility? Should ISPs be encouraged to use the Web Accessibility Initiative guidance?
The comment and reply comment dates are proposed to be December 14, 2023 and January 17, 2024. More information about the filing procedures will be sent out through an AccessInfo after the draft is considered at the October open meeting.
Link to the draft Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:
Link to Fact Sheet:
Posted: December 1, 2023 by Doug Seidel
ENCO Systems- Continuous Access Realtime Translation
by Bill Bennett, Media Solutions & Accounts Manager
Your municipality’s broadcasts are key to informing your residents about what matters in their community, and ENCO has products that make your content more accessible to a broader audience with economical, automated Closed Captions and in-room CART displays. We can also help make your productions and playout more reliable via our acquisition of RUSHWORKS, a world-class computer-based video production and playout maker. All this is available via a single, consolidated package with unified US-based support.
You probably know Closed Captions bring meeting accessibility for people with hearing loss, helping them to access and understand video content. This includes people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have auditory processing challenges. They also improve comprehension for everyone, as many people like to watch captions even though they can clearly hear the words as captions help confirm what they think they heard. And with as many technical and legal matters as your meetings often have, viewers may learn better how to spell the words too.
These days captions are for more than just inserting into a broadcast signal, they can also be viewed on large video screens inside your meeting room (often called CART: Continuous Access Realtime Translation), and can be viewed live on websites too. Plus, ENCO’s enCaption platform also saves everything it captions to plain-text transcripts and sidecar files (used for video editing or subsequent playout).
Transcripts are essential in any meeting environment, they are helpful to back up whatever minutes your secretary may be drafting, and can help them review and confirm what was said later on, to help ensure their own accuracy. Further, since the transcripts are time-coded, you can easily find exactly where in a captioned, recorded video certain words were mentioned, which helps everyone find what they need more quickly.
ENCO’s enCaption system is entirely on-prem, meaning no Internet is needed for operation. And it supports customizable word libraries where you can add presenter names, jargon, and other uniquely spelled words. Plus, once you use ENCO enCaption, you have the base for ENCO enTranslate – it’s live, real-time translation system. Just imagine – your viewers can see English captions on one CC channel, and another language on another. Talk about access for all!
We also have our new RUSHWORKS computer-based video production and playout software applications, designed to enable simple, live multi-camera meetings with an intuitive user interface (capable of both automatic and manual camera switching), as well as software made for multi-channel cable and stream channel programming, where you can build automated and live playlists for weeks in advance, with fail-safes to always make sure something is on the air. Media technology keeps evolving, so when you can find a single vendor to support all your meeting production, broadcast and accessibility needs, the sooner you’ll be on your way to a reliable, accessible broadcast network.
ENCO will do a presentation at the next JAG General (ZOOM) Meeting, Dec. 13, 2023 at 12 Noon.
Posted: November 8, 2023 by Doug Seidel
JAG at the League of Municipalities Next Week
Special Sessions on:
*Broadband* – Available Federal Funding,
Using Your Existing Infrastructure,
and *H.R. 3557*
The American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023
New Ways You Can Communicate With Your Citizens Beyond the Traditional Cable Television Channels!
The New Jersey League of Municipalities will be holding their 2023 Annual Conference in Atlantic City, November 14th through the 16th.
JAG will be joining forces with the League to present two timely sessions on broadband that will not only be of interest but a must for you to know about to help you steer you through its deployment.
*Follow the Money – The Sequel*, will guide you through the federal funding that is available to ensure broadband access. Billions of dollars have begun to flow to the states for distribution. This panel will explore the status of NJ’s broadband deployment program, how municipalities can access the money, and what to do with it once it arrives at the local level.
Our panelist will be:
Robert Boyle – CEO, Planet Networks
Valarry Bullard – Transparency Officer & Broadband Advisor,
Governor’s Office of Disaster Recovery
Bob Duthaler – President, JAG & Station Manager, Bloomfield Township
Joseph Rivera – Manager, Broadband Access, NJ Board of Public Utilities
Brian C. Wahler – Mayor, Piscataway Township – Past President, NJLM
Nancy Werner, Esq., Partner, Bradley Werner, LLC
This session will occur on Wednesday, November 15th at the Atlantic City Convention Center-Room 413 at 10:45AM.
*Using Existing Infrastructure to Enhance Broadband Deployment*. Here you will learn how utilities and municipalities can work together to accelerate broadband deployment for their communities. Discover strategies, options, and real-world success stories, and learn about the legislative efforts that could assist or hinder these goals. (HR 3557)
Our panelists for this session will be:
Robert Boyle – CEO, Planet Networks
Edward Purcell, Esq., Attorney, Price Meese Shulman and D’Arminio
Brian C. Wahler – Mayor, Piscataway Township – Past President, NJLM
Nancy Werner, Esq., Partner, Bradley Werner, LLC
This session will take place on Thursday, November 16th in Room 315 at 9AM
*Municipal Television: It’s Not Just Cable Anymore* In addition to these broadband sessions, JAG will also be hosting a special discussion for those interested in Local Access Television. In this lively forum you will explore the various ways a municipality can communicate with their citizens beyond the traditional cable television channels.
Our panelists for this informative session will be:
Geoff Belinfante – TV Commissioner, WM-77 West Milford Township
Bob Duthaler – President, JAG & Station Manager, Bloomfield Township
Gina Forbes – Station Manager, Woodbridge Television
Joe Fernandes – Assistant Manager, Woodbridge Television
This session will take place on Thursday, November 16th in Room 409 at 10:45AM
JAG is proud to present these forums to you because as the league has stated, strong municipalities are built on a foundation of cooperation, creativity, and community outreach.
JAG is that an organization that believes in these simple concepts. JAG constantly advocates, analyzes and addresses emerging issues in areas such as: Local Government Communications and Internet Policy, New Technology Initiatives and Advancements, Cable Franchising and, the Operation of Public, Education and Government Media Facilities.
Please join us and see how we can prepare you for the broadband transformation and also help you to communicate better with your specific audience.