President’s Message – December 2021

by Bob Duthaler

Annual Holiday Wish List

It is now officially the start of the Holiday Season, with Thanksgiving just past us and the New Year just a few weeks away.  Every year at my house, we get ready to celebrate Christmas as my wife starts working on the kids Christmas List!  They are getting older, and it becomes more of a challenge, plus the gifts become more expensive.  The same can be said for running your station.

What would be on your list this year for your station?  There is no wrong answer in this situation.  Each of our stations operates differently from others across the state and they vary greatly.  But each has the same core principle, to inform the community in which they serve.  When you make your wish list, keep in mind your community, their needs and how as a station you can serve them.  You should think of your station as both a marketing arm of your township and a main source for information.

President’s Message November 2021

by Bob Duthaler

Faces for Board of Trustees: Thank You To The Past and Hello To The New

To quote a Billy Joel song (with some slight “JAGish” changes) “So many faces in and out of our lives, some will last, some will just be now and then…” so goes some of the people on our board.  Happily, these “faces” that are leaving our board currently have played an important role in the growth and development of the organization and more importantly they lasted!  I would like to take the opportunity to thank them for their time and efforts for their years of service.  Additionally, I would ask that you reach out to them personally and thank them for their service.  Although they may be stepping away from the board, I know that they will continue to be a part of JAG and help in any way possible.  Join me in thanking:  Dave Ambrosy (EBTV), Jeff Arban (RUTV) and Darryl Love (Scotch Plains).  I would also like to point out that current JAG VP, Dave Garb has committed to running for another term.

President’s Message – October 2021

President’s Message – October 2021

by Bob Duthaler


Leaders Wanted:   Each year JAG holds an annual vote for board members.  It is the opportunity for members of our organization to step up, be proactive and participate in the leadership of the Jersey Access Group.  This may seem like a daunting task to members, but it should not be perceived as such.  Rather, this should be viewed as an opportunity for you to share your unique talents and perspective.  JAG benefits from a diverse board with a wide array of valuable insights all sharing the desire to enhance both PEG and JAG.  All are welcome to nominate themselves and participate in our upcoming board elections.

President’s Message – September 2021

by Bob Duthaler

Executive Board Retreat
Your Board … Working Hard For You!

There are two components that help to make a great organization, its members and its board. I am happy to report that JAG has both. This organization is made up of people who really care about our industry, its future, and its impact on our community. JAG members take an active role in participating in monthly meetings, engaging in our webinars, and attending our conference. Members understand the value of JAG. In turn, the JAG Board recognizes this, and is dedicated to give members the best value for their dues, and then some.

President’s Message – August, 2021

Bob Duthaler

It Doesn’t Take A Magic 8-Ball

I am sure you all might have memories of this during some point in your life when you asked the Magic 8-Ball, “What Does The Future Hold?”. Did you get the answer? Did it leave you with “Ask Again Later”? Well, I am here to tell you it doesn’t take the Magic 8-Ball to get a glimpse into the future of access television, it just takes JAG along with some of our guest panelists from our conference sessions. In this article I am going to explore briefly with you some of the topics we discussed at our conference, allow you to watch these again (or for the first time) and see what valuable information you can gather from it

President’s Message June 2021

by Bob Duthaler

In any year, pulling off a successful conference is no easy feat, but
during so during a pandemic while doing something that we never did before is just outstanding! I am so happy to announce to our membership what a great event we were able to pull off virtually for three days, but I think they already know that since they attended. So let me break this down with a quick recap and some thank you mentions along the way.