President’s Message: October 2022 – You + 1 Committee = JAG Member

by Bob Duthaler

math problem? It’s not a math problem, but rather an organizational
problem. But just like a math problem, it has a solution. So, let’s break
down the problem and together we will reach the solution.

An insight to what the problem is for JAG is not unlike any other organization’s
problems. JAG does many great things. This organization provides many avenues of
information for its membership. Everything from monthly meetings, managers round
table discussions, webinars, conferences, and awards shows. These are the things
that we do well and which separate us from other organizations.

President’s Message: September 2022 – Finish or Start The Year Strong. It’s All In The Way You Look At It

by Bob Duthaler

September is upon us, and it invokes many different emotions.  There have been several songs about September as well: “Wake Me Up When September Ends” – Greenday,  “September” – Earth, Wind and Fire, just to to name a couple.  For parents and teachers, it starts the beginning of a new school year.  For some businesses it’s the end of the first quarter and for those using a calendar year, you are in the final third of the year.

President’s Message: August 2022 – Short and Sweet … Just Like Summer

by Bob Duthaler

I think the title of my article tells my feelings about summer, it is a great time of the year, but way too short. In summer, you find ways to cram a whole bunch of things to be done in a short time both on the personal and business side. From a production standpoint at the stations I am involved with, summer is a very busy time. There are events throughout the summer we are covering, along with meetings and concerts. I find myself covering three concerts a week at times! Then there are the graduation parties, summer BBQs and most importantly …. VACATION!

President’s Message: July 2022 – How Municipal Channels Helped Fight the Pandemic

by Bob Duthaler

Local municipal television channels have come a long way since their portrayal in Wayne’s World.  Plastic potted plants and silly content have given way to serious programs that inform, educate, and entertain the citizens they serve.  In addition to the importance of open government through meeting coverage, Public, Educational and Government (PEG) channels carry various general interest programing for everyone from kids to seniors, with subjects that range from high school sports to cooking shows. 

President’s Message June, 2022

by Bob Duthaler

JAG Honors One of Its Own and Another Who Promotes JAG

One of my favorite times during the year is our annual JAG/Eastern Video Expo and Conference.  This year was no exception.  In fact, there was something even a little more special about this year, as it was the first time we have gathered in person since 2019.  This year we gathered for our Trade Show, Banquet and JAG Awards on Wednesday, May 25th at the Crowne Plaza in Edison, NJ.

President’s Message May, 2022

by Bob Duthaler

You Don’t Want to Miss This One, and JAG Can’t Afford You To!

Have you even driven down a block, come to the street you were looking for, only to find out it is a one-way and the place you were looking for is in the other direction?  This caused you to have to circle back to find another route.  Other times you might have been using a GPS system only to find out it has taken you down a street with no outlet, and the place you want is just on the other side of the dead end.  So, what does this have to do with JAG?  Ultimately nothing, other than to say that the JAG Membership and Organization relationship is like a two-way street.  Sometimes to get the most out of something you need to give something back.

President’s Message April, 2022

by Bob Duthaler

Keeping It Social (Media)

*Note: I originally wrote this article a few years back, but thought it was worth revisiting and sharing (Social Media Pun Intended).  I have made a few updates along the way as well.

There is a feature on most smartphones that lets you know how much time you are spending viewing a particular app, or category of apps (i.e.: social media).  On the iPhone it’s called “Screentime”.  I would like to direct your attention to Social Media.  Social Networking is a big part of our lives.  There are many different platforms:  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and others.  Most people can’t get through our day without checking social media at least once, although I’m betting it’s a lot more for most.  We are hungry to learn about what our “Friends” are doing and eager to share our notable accomplishments or get lost in the rabbit hole of endless videos or reels.

President’s Message: March 2022

by Bob Duthaler

Working to Improve Our Communications

We are a few months into 2022 and we will continue to provide the best for our membership.  I, along with your board, feel that communication (the business we are all in) with our membership is key to the success of the organization.  With that thought in mind, we are continually updating and developing new ways to communicate effectively with all of our members.  This newsletter continues to be a good example of one of those ways.  In fact, we are currently working on reformatting this document starting next month.  I urge you to print it out monthly (it could become a collector’s item), read through it and mark your calendar with the important dates detailed in the newsletter.  In addition, I urge you to share the electronic version with members of your staff, volunteers, and board members, along with members of your government. I believe information found in this newsletter is worth reading and sharing with others as well.  There are so many facets of our organization and issues that are touched upon, you would be surprised how many people you know would be interested in reading about them.

President’s Message: February 2022

by Bob Duthaler

A Look Back At 2021 and Looking Forward To 2022

The best way to get a feel for what the future of an organization holds is to look at its past. With that thought in mind, I though it important to share with you the year end reports from some of our committees. I hope by reading these you will realize all the effort and hard work these committees have done all for the betterment of our members.

President’s Message – January 2022

by Bob Duthaler

Hail and Farewell

We began 2022 with the Annual Board of Trustees Reorganization Meeting and the election of officers with the following results:

Bob Duthaler- President, Doug Seidel- Vice President, Stephanie Gibbons- Corresponding Secretary, Anthony Pagliuco- Recording Secretary, and Linda Besink- Treasurer.

Standing Committees and Chairs are: Bob Duthaler- Executive, Linda Besink- Finance, Geoffrey Belinfante -External Relations, and Lee Beckerman- Production.

We have re-established the following Ad Hoc Committees and Chairs: Membership- Stephanie Gibbons, Legislative- Dave Garb, Leadership Development – Doug Seidel, Conference- Bob Duthaler & Geoffrey Belinfante, and JAG Awards- George Fairfield.